FreeRTOS 移植要点(1)

FreeRTOS 的移植主要需要改写如下三个文件。

1.        portmacro.h

2.        port.c

3.        port.asm


如果采用的C编译器允许在C 代码中插入汇编,并且支持用C语言写中断处理函数。则port.asm 文件的内容是可以合并到port.c 中的。

下面以将 FreeRTOS 移植到FreeScale 68HCS12 内核的单片机为例,开发环境采用:CodeWarriorDevelopment Studio V5.9.0

之所以采用FreeScale 68HCS12 作为示例 CPU,是因为我以前写过一篇将uC/OS-II移植到FreeScale 68HCS12 核单片机的笔记。采用同样的CPU,同样的开发环境,可以方便我们比较两种不同实时操作系统的移植代码的异同。另外,FreeScale 68HCS12 相对ARM、MIPS 等构架要简单的多。移植代码量相对来说也要小一些,因此也更容易入门。


portmacro.h 主要包括两部分内容,第一部分定义了一系列内核代码中用到的数据类型。FreeRTOS 与 uC/OS-II 一样,并不直接使用char、int 等这些原生类型,而是将其重新定义为一系列以port开头的新类型。在uC/OS-II的移植代码中,通常采用 typedef 来定义新的类型,而FreeRTOS的作者似乎更喜欢用宏定义。下面是相应的代码片段。

/* Type definitions. */
#define portCHAR		char
#define portFLOAT		float
#define portDOUBLE		double
#define portLONG		long
#define portSHORT		short
#define portSTACK_TYPE	unsigned portCHAR
#define portBASE_TYPE	char

#if( configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1 )
	typedef unsigned portSHORT portTickType;
	#define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffff
	typedef unsigned portLONG portTickType;
	#define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffffffff

portTickType 既可以定义为16位的无符号整数,也可以定义为32位的无符号整数。具体用那种定义,要看 FreeRTOSConfig.h 文件中如何设置configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS。

然后是一些硬件相关的定义。包括数据对其方式,堆栈增长方向,Tick Rate,还有任务切换的宏。

/* Hardware specifics. */
#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT			1
#define portSTACK_GROWTH			( -1 )
#define portTICK_RATE_MS			( ( portTickType ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )		
#define portYIELD()					__asm( "swi" );
#define portNOP()					__asm( "nop" );

portBYTE_ALIGNMENT 在uC/OS-II 是不需要的,FreeRTOS的代码中在分配任务堆栈空间时好像用到这个宏定义。(记不清了,有空再看一下源代码)

portSTACK_GROWTH 定义为1 表示堆栈是正向生长的,-1为逆向生长的。一般来说堆栈都是倒生的,68HCS12 也不例外,因此这里定义为 (-1)。

多说一句在 uC/OS-II 中,对应的宏是OS_STK_GROWTH, 1 表示逆向生长,0表示正向生长。

portTICK_RATE_MS 只在应用代码中可能会用到,表示的是Tick 间间隔多少 ms。

portYIELD() 实现的是任务切换,相当于 uC/OS-II中的 OS_TASK_SW()。

portNOP() 顾名思义就是对空操作定义了个宏。具体在FreeRTOS 代码中哪里用到了这个宏没注意过,但是想必是有地方用到了。


/* Critical section handling. */
#define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()				__asm( "cli" )	
#define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()			__asm( "sei" )

 * Disable interrupts before incrementing the count of critical section nesting.
 * The nesting count is maintained so we know when interrupts should be
 * re-enabled.  Once interrupts are disabled the nesting count can be accessed
 * directly.  Each task maintains its own nesting count.
#define portENTER_CRITICAL()  									\
{																\
	extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
	portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();									\
	uxCriticalNesting++;										\

 * Interrupts are disabled so we can access the nesting count directly.  If the
 * nesting is found to be 0 (no nesting) then we are leaving the critical 
 * section and interrupts can be re-enabled.
#define  portEXIT_CRITICAL()									\
{																\
	extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
	uxCriticalNesting--;										\
	if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 )								\
	{															\
		portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();								\
	}															\

上面的代码是FreeRTOS 给出的官方移植代码,这段代码中进出临界区是通过关中断和开中断操作来实现的,相当与 uC/OS-II 中OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 1 的情况。不过,通过全局变量 uxCriticalNesting来记录临界区的嵌套层数以此来实现临界区的嵌套操作。uxCriticalNesting虽然是全局变量,但是后面可以看到在任务切换时会将uxCriticalNesting的值存到当期任务的堆栈中,完成任务切换后从新的任务的堆栈中取出uxCriticalNesting的值。通过这种操作,每个任务就都维护这自己的uxCriticalNesting 了。实际上,FreeRTOS和uC/OS-II中临界区的概念是相同的,因此在uC/OS-II 中可用的临界区保护的方法都可以拿到FreeRTOS中来。



/* Task utilities. */

 * These macros are very simple as the processor automatically saves and 
 * restores its registers as interrupts are entered and exited.  In
 * addition to the (automatically stacked) registers we also stack the 
 * critical nesting count.  Each task maintains its own critical nesting
 * count as it is legitimate for a task to yield from within a critical
 * section.  If the banked memory model is being used then the PPAGE
 * register is also stored as part of the tasks context.

	 * Load the stack pointer for the task, then pull the critical nesting
	 * count and PPAGE register from the stack.  The remains of the 
	 * context are restored by the RTI instruction.
	#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()									\
	{																\
		extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;						\
		extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
		__asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );								\
		__asm( "lds 0, x" );										\
		__asm( "pula" );											\
		__asm( "staa uxCriticalNesting" );							\
		__asm( "pula" );											\
		__asm( "staa 0x30" ); /* 0x30 = PPAGE */					\

	 * By the time this macro is called the processor has already stacked the
	 * registers.  Simply stack the nesting count and PPAGE value, then save 
	 * the task stack pointer.
	#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()										\
	{																\
		extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;						\
		extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
		__asm( "ldaa 0x30" );  /* 0x30 = PPAGE */					\
		__asm( "psha" );											\
		__asm( "ldaa uxCriticalNesting" );							\
		__asm( "psha" );											\
		__asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );								\
		__asm( "sts 0, x" );										\

	 * These macros are as per the BANKED versions above, but without saving
	 * and restoring the PPAGE register.

	#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()									\
	{																\
		extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;						\
		extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
		__asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );								\
		__asm( "lds 0, x" );										\
		__asm( "pula" );											\
		__asm( "staa uxCriticalNesting" );							\

	#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()										\
	{																\
		extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;						\
		extern volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;	\
		__asm( "ldaa uxCriticalNesting" );							\
		__asm( "psha" );											\
		__asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );								\
		__asm( "sts 0, x" );										\

这部分的代码挺长的,不过其实是对 Small Memery Model 和Banked Memery Model 分别提供了如下两个宏定义:





使用哪一套宏定义是通过BANKED_MODEL 这个宏是否被定义来确定的。其实,CodeWarrior Development Studio V5.9.0 中提供的官方代码中给出了一种更正规的判断方法:

#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__PPAGE__)
 //这里表示采用的 Banked Model
 //这里表示没有采用 Banked Model

FreeRTOS中保存和恢复任务上下文环境的代码与uC/OS-II中的大同小异,唯一有点区别的就是要保存uxCriticalNesting 的值。原因上面已经介绍过了。


 * Utility macro to call macros above in correct order in order to perform a
 * task switch from within a standard ISR.  This macro can only be used if
 * the ISR does not use any local (stack) variables.  If the ISR uses stack
 * variables portYIELD() should be used in it's place.
#define portTASK_SWITCH_FROM_ISR()								\
	portSAVE_CONTEXT();											\
	vTaskSwitchContext();										\



/* Task function macros as described on the WEB site. */
#define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )
#define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )

之所以要搞这两个宏,是为了利用某些C编译器的扩展功能对任务函数进行更好的优化。CodeWarrior 并不提供相关的功能,所以在这里任务就是普通的函数。

