UVa Problem 10191 Longest Nap (最长打盹时间)

// Longest Nap (最长打盹时间)
// PC/UVa IDs: 110404/10191, Popularity: B, Success rate: average Level: 1
// Verdict: Accepted
// Submission Date: 2014-07-28
// UVa Run Time: 0.018s
// 版权所有(C)2014,邱秋。metaphysis # yeah dot net
// 前一次的算法有漏洞,经网友指出后,现在使用填充查找法来获取最长打盹时间,即将10:00
// 到18:00按分钟间隔用一个数组来表示,占用的时间标志为1,未占用的时间标志为0,将事件
// 的开始时间和结束时间之间的分钟对应的数组元素置为1,查找连续0的最大长度即为最长打
// 盹时间。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

#define MAX_MINUTES 481
int minutes[MAX_MINUTES];   // 10:00到18:00共480分钟

struct longestNapTime
	int startAt;	// 打盹的开始时间,以从00:00开始的分钟数计算
	int duration;	// 打盹的持续时间,以分钟数计算

void reset()
    memset(minutes, 0, sizeof(minutes));
    minutes[0] = 0; minutes[480] = 1;

int getStartTime(string line)
	int startTime = atoi(line.substr(0, 2).data()) * 60;
	startTime += atoi(line.substr(3, 2).data());
	return (startTime - 600);

int getEndTime(string line)
    int endTime = atoi(line.substr(6, 2).data()) * 60;
	endTime += atoi(line.substr(9, 2).data());
	return (endTime - 600);

void fill(int counterEvents)
	while (counterEvents > 0)
		string line;
		getline(cin, line);
		for (int i = getStartTime(line); i < getEndTime(line); i++)
		   minutes[i] = 1;

longestNapTime find()
    int startAt = 0, napTime = 0;
    bool startTimeSetted = false;
    longestNapTime theLongest = { startAt, 0 };
    for (int index = 0; index < MAX_MINUTES; index++)
        if (minutes[index] == 0)
            if (startTimeSetted == false)
                startAt = index;
                startTimeSetted = true;     
            if (napTime > theLongest.duration)
                theLongest.startAt = startAt + 600;
                theLongest.duration = napTime;
            napTime = 0;
            startTimeSetted = false;
    return theLongest;

void print(int counterCases, longestNapTime aNapTime)
	cout << "Day #" << counterCases << ": the longest nap starts at ";
	cout << (aNapTime.startAt / 60) << ":";
	cout << (aNapTime.startAt % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") << (aNapTime.startAt % 60);
	cout << " and will last for ";
	if (aNapTime.duration < 60)
		cout << aNapTime.duration;
		cout << (aNapTime.duration / 60) << " hours and " << (aNapTime.duration % 60);
	cout << " minutes.\n";

int main(int ac, char *av[])
	int counterCases = 0, counterEvents;
	while (counterCases++, cin >> counterEvents)
        print(counterCases, find());
	return 0;

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