JAVA 3D 图书介绍
- Java 3D Programming -- by Daniel Selman -- ISBN: 1930110359
Java3D Programming - Aimed at intermediate to experienced Java developers, previous experience in graphics programming would be useful. Takes you through the data stuctures, nodes and concepts used in Java3D with practical issues based on the authors experience of working on Java3D.
Guiding programmers through the important design and implementation phases of developing a successful Java 3D application, this reference provides guidance on whether to use Java 3D, user interface design, geometry creation, scene manipulation, or final optimizations. Distilling twelve months of using the Java 3D API for commercial projects, as well as discussions on the Java 3D e-mail list, experienced Java 3D developers will find helpful a resource containing the state-of-the-art in techniques and workarounds, while novice Java 3D developers will gain a insight into Java 3D development, and avoid the confusion and frustration of learning Java 3D techniques and terminology
OReilly.Java.3d Programming
2.Java 3D API Jump-Start -- by Aaron E. Walsh, Doug Gehringer -- ISBN: 0130340766
This book is more for newcomers to 3D programming. Assumes a knowlage of Java, Introduces the 3D concepts, such as Scene Graph along with the Java3D classes.
This book encourages the reader to discover how the Java 3D API unleashes a new generation of 3D programs for the desktop and the Web. Aimed at the Web professional this book is an introductory text and not an extensive reference manual, although the Java 3D API documentation itself assists in this area.
After a slightly confusing and protracted beginning the book settles down into a relatively straightforward rambling description of the main components of the Java 3D API. It provides the reader with useful knowledge but perhaps leaves them facing extensive trial and error in order to achieve the 3D scenes that they desire to create. At times some extra detail would have been useful but this would have added to the workload of learning this quite extensive subject area.
With a reasonable sprinkling of code snippets and illustrations the book attempts to show the major capabilities and drawbacks of the API but unfortunately I was sometimes left unconvinced by the examples.
There are some useful embedded Notes and Tips sections within the main text and a link to download the author's very nice Java 3D Explorer demonstration application. For best results the reader would benefit from some further 3D education, perhaps in the form of an OpenGL text, to complete the picture. Recommended with reservations
Interactive 3D for the desktop and Web. It's not the future. It's here today. Java 3D Jump-Startis your concise introduction to the 3D technology that delivers the most power with the least coding. In this hands-on guide, a world-renowned Web3D expert and a member of Sun's Java 3D engineering team unveil the Java 3D API, providing insider's insights and real code.
Discover how Java 3D unleashes a new generation of 3D programs for the desktop and the World Wide Web -- and master all the skills you need to start building spectacular Java 3D applications and applets right now! Using the Java 3D Explorerinteractive application developed exclusively for readers of this book readers, you'll learn:
- Real World Case studies: e-commerce, entertainment,
data visualization, collaborative engineering, and beyond - How the Java 3D API compares with other graphics options
- The Java 3D API's powerful scene graph programming model
- High-level constructs for creating, loading, and manipulating 3D geometry
- Appearances: Describing color, texture, material reflection, and
other characteristics of 3D objects - Java 3D API tools for transformation, viewing, and picking
With Java 3D Jump-Start, Java and Web professionals can harness the full power of 3D computer graphics to create fully interactive and immersive 3D programs for the desktop and the Web. Not "someday." Today.
AARON E. WALSH is Chairman of Mantis Development Corporation, a development firm specializing in advanced multimedia and network technologies. An active member of the Internet standards community, Walsh is Chairman of the Web3D Consortium's Universal Media technical working group, Chairman of the Web3D-MPEG group responsible for the convergence of Web3D and Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) technology, co-chair of the Web3D Intellectual Property Rights group, and Web3D Liaison to MPEG and the World Wide Web Consortium. An international best-selling technology author, he is author of the best-selling Core Web3D, MPEG-4 Jump-Start and XHTML Example by Example (Prentice Hall PTR) and founding Series Editor of the Prentice Hall Web3D Series.
DOUG GEHRINGER is a Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems and a member of the Java 3D Engineering Team. He has spent the past fourteen years at Sun working on graphics software, and has extensive experience programming for all of Sun's graphics APIs, including GKS, PHIGS, PEX, OpenGL and Java 3D. A respected expert on graphics performance tuning for large-scale applications, he has worked on a number of the largest Java 3D projects in existence. One of the first developers in the world to use Java 3D, he co-authored the original Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) that is today maintained by the Web3D Consortium. An active member of the Java 3D community, Gehringer is Java 3D technical editor of the best-selling Core Web3D (Prentice Hall PTR) and author of the Java 3D Explorer companion application created exclusively for Java 3D Jump-Start readers.
3. 3D User Interfaces With Java 3D -- by Jon Barrilleaux -- ISBN: 1884777902
This is about designing the architecture of a 3D program and its interface, it assumes you already know Java and Java3D. So this is not a step-by-step programming book, its about the top level design, ie Patterns, techniques and framework for Java3D (code at
4. Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D -- by Y. Daniel Liang, Hong Zhang -- ISBN: 0130351180
5. Essential Java 3d Fast -- by Ian Palmer -- ISBN: 1852333944
6.The Java 3D(TM) API Specification (2nd Edition) -- by Henry Sowizral, et al -- ISBN: 0201710412
This is the reference book for java3D, it is available online, see link above. However if you are doing a lot of programming you really need to be able to pick up and browse a real book.
7.Pure Java 3D: Advanced Graphics and Animation -- by Charles, Ph.D. Drutman -- ISBN: 067232020
8.eady-to-Run Java 3D -- by Kirk Brown, Daniel Petersen -- ISBN: 0471317020
9.Java 3D Interactive 3D Programming (Chinese) -- by Jie Zhang -- ISBN 7115082316
10.The Java 3D API Specification ( Japanese ) is available from the publisher ASCII Corportation.
11.Programacion En 3D Con Java 3D (Spanish) -- by Joan J. Pratdepadua -- ISBN: 9701508971
12.JAVA 3D交互式三维图形编程
作者 张杰 | |
13 .Java 3D编程实践——网络上的三维动画
【作者】 | 顾雷 刘鹏 房冰 都志辉 Java 3D编程实践——网络上的三维动画 Java 3D是由SUN公司推出的、面向Internet的三维动画程序语言。通过在网页上插入用Java 3D编写的Applet,就能让浏览网页的用户感受到逼真的三维动画效果。 全书共分10章。第1章对Java 3D作了全面的介绍;第2章和第3章讲述如何构建基本的三维形体并用它们组合成复杂物体;第4章讲述怎样在Java 3D中利用AutoCAD、3DS等软件设计的形体;第5章~第7章分别介绍建立真实的三维环境所必需的灯光、材质、纹理、背景、雾效和声音等要素;第8章阐述如何用鼠标、键盘控制三维形体的运动;第9章讲解如何让三维形体按照预定的轨迹运动以及如何优化形体的运动性能;第10章给出了一个综合实例,它将深化读者对Java 3D的认识。本书附带的光盘中提供了书中全部源程序、常用的开发工具和重要的技术资料。 本书由有丰富的Java 3D开发经验的清华大学研究人员编写。它不是一本Java 3D的语法书或使用手册,而是作者对自己实践经验的提炼。本书用大量的实例生动地阐述编程要点,让读者动态地掌握编程方法,而非静态地学习编程规则;本书着重介绍应用编程经常会用到的一些技术,但并不面面俱到,目的是让读者尽可能简洁地掌握编程的要旨。 本书适用于有一定Java基础的网络编程爱好者和开发人员。
《Java 3D编程实践—网络上的三维动画》图书目录:
第1章 全世界都能看到的三维动画
1.1 初识Java 3D
1.1.1 网络时代需要Java 3D
1.1.2 Java 3D是什么?
1.1.3 Java 3D的应用场合举例
1. 2 Java 3D运行及开发环境的安装
1.2.1 最新版Java 3D的安装
1.2.2 老版本的安装步骤
1.3 体验Java 3D编程
1.3.1 第一个Java 3D程序:Hello
1.3.2 Java 3D的编程思想
1.4 在网上发布Java 3D程序
1.5 Java 3D的网络资源和学习资料
1.5.1 主要网站
1.5.2 各种文档
1.5.3 软件资源
第2章 基本形体的生成
2.1 基本立体形体的生成
2.1.1 从一个简单的程序说起
2.1.2 创建场景图
2.1.3 高层Java 3D类
2.1.4 编写Java 3D程序的一般步骤
2.1.5 激活和编译
2.1.6 内容子图的创建
2.1.7 MyCone程序中使用的Java 3D类
2.1.8 几何体工具类
2.1.9 高级主题:基本几何体
2.1.10 能力和性能
2.2 点、线、面的生成
2.2.1 几何体类
2.2.2 点的生成
2.2.3 直线的生成
2.2.4 面的生成
2.3 曲面的可视化
2.4 2D和3D文本的生成
2.4.1 2D文本的生成
2.4.2 3D文本的生成
2.5 Appearance、Shape3D和Bounds对象的使用
2.5.1 Appearance对象
2 5.2 Shape3D对象
2.5.3 Bounds对象
第3章 形体的组合
3.1 形体的分组
3.1.1 Group对象
3.1.2 BranchGroup对象和OrderedGroup对象
3.1.3 DecalGroup对象
3.1.4 Switch对象
3.1.5 SharedGroup对象
3.2 几何变换
3.2.1 TransformGroup对象
3.2.2 Transform3D对象
3.2.3 TransformGroup对象和Transform3D对象的应用
第4章 导入3D图形文件
4.1 准备导入
4.1.1 Loader的概念
4.1.2 Loader接口
4.1.3 常用的Package
4.1.4 常用的Exception
4.1.5 常用的接口方法
4.1.6 使用Loader的一般步骤
4.2 .obj文件导入实例:一艘帆船
4.3 .wrl文件导入实例:一所学校
4.4.3 .3ds文件导入实例:一架飞机
4.5 编写自己的Loader
4.6 使用GeometryInfo类
4.7 其他3D图形文件的导入
第5章 光照和材质
5.1 准备光照
5.1.1 光照模型
5.1.2 颜色模型
5.1.3 明暗模型
5.2 使用灯光
5.2.1 灯光的一般使用方法
5.2.2 使用环境光
5.2.3 使用平行光
5.2.4 使用点光源
5.2.5 使用聚光灯
5.3 使用材质
5.3.1 材质概念
5.3.2 简单材质
5.3.3 材质对象
5.4 使用阴影
第6章 纹理映射
6.1 准备纹理映射
6.1.1 什么是纹理映射?
6.1.2 纹理映射的一般步骤
6.2 简单纹理映射
6.3 使用纹理属性对象
6.3.1 旋转纹理
6.3.2 缩放纹理
6.3.3 平移纹理
6.3.4 改变纹理模式
6.4 使用纹理的边界模式和过滤器
6.4.1 使用纹理的边界模式
6.4.2 使用纹理的过滤器
6.5 纹理的其他应用
6.5.1 使用带有纹理的线
6.5.2 使用带有纹理的文字
第7章 特殊效果
7.1 背景
7.1.1 设置背景的颜色
7.1.2 设置图片背景
7.1.3 设置几何背景
7.2 雾效
7.2.1 ExponentialFog的使用
7.2.2 LinearFog的使用
7.2.3 使用截平面
7.3 声音
7.3.1 使用声音
7.3.2 BackgroundSound的使用
7.3.3 PointSound的使用
7.3.4 ConeSound的使用
第8章 交互式编程
8.1 交互和动画的基础——Behavior类
8.1.1 理解Behavior类
8.1.2 Behavior的应用
8.1.3 编写一个自己的Behavior对象
8.2 Behavior的唤醒条件
8.2.1 WakeupCondition的概述
8.2.2 WakeupCriterion类
8.2.3 唤醒条件的逻辑组合
8.2.4 使用Behavior对象
8.3 响应用户键盘和鼠标操作
8.3.1 响应键盘操作
8 3.2 响应鼠标操作
8.4 在Java 3D中点取物体
8.4.1 关于点取的一些概念
8.4.2 通过鼠标点取控制物体
第9章 制作三维动画
9.1 用行为和插值刻画运动
9.1.1 Alpha对象的使用
9.1.2 Interpolator对象的使用
9.1.3 使用PositionInterpolator对象
9.1.4 使用RotationInterpolator对象
9.1.5 使用ColorInterpolator对象
9.1.6 使用ScaleInterpolator对象
9.1.7 使用SwitchValueInterpolator对象
9.1.8 使用TransparencyInterpolator对象
9.1.9 使用PathInterpolator对象
9.1.10 使用PositionPathInterpolator对象
9.1.11 使用RotPosPathInterpolator对象
9.1.12 使用RotPosScalePathInterpolator对象
9.1.13 使用RotationPathInterpolator对象
9.2 使用Billboard对象
9.2.1 理解Billboard概念
9.2.2 使用Java 3D的Billboard对象
9.3 使用Level-of-Detail(LOD)动画
9.3.1 理解LOD概念
9.3.2 使用DistanceLOD对象
9.4 使用Morph技术
9.4.1 理解Morph概念
9.4.2 使用Morph技术
第10章 综合实例:运动的高分子链
10.1 实例描述
10.2 用数学模型模拟分子链运动
10.2.1 分子链运动的数学模型
10.2.2 复合几何变换
10.2.3 完整的源程序
10.3 用网络数据控制分子链的运动
10.3.1 可视化数据的网络传输
10.3.2 完整的源程序
14.Core Web 3D
This book introduces 3D concepts, VRML, Java3D, MPEG4/BIFS, and X3D. It is a very good introduction to the theory, The writers have an in depth knowledge due to their involvement in the standards making. This is a good book to help you choose which 3D open standards to use and to give you a good insight into these standards. It is probably not for those who want a basic introduction to 3D or for these who want a step-by-step programming in 3D book.