设计模式之 Delegation 授权

Delegation is a way of making composition as powerful for reuse as inheritance[Lie86, JZ91]. In delegation, two objects are involved in handling a request: a receiving object delegates operations toits delegate. This is analogous tosubclasses deferring requests to parentclasses. But with inheritance, an inherited operation can always refer to thereceiving object through the this

member variable in C++ and self in Smalltalk. To achieve the same effect with delegation, the receiver passes itself to the delegate to let the delegated operation refer to the receiver.


For example, instead of making class Window a subclass of Rectangle (because windows happen to be rectangular), the Window class might reuse the behavior of Rectangle by keeping a Rectangle instance variable and delegating Rectangle-specific behavior to it. In otherwords, instead of a Window being a Rectangle, it would have a Rectangle.Window must now forward requests to its Rectangle instance explicitly, where as before it would have inherited those operations.


The following diagram depicts the Window class delegating its Area operation to a Rectangle instance. A plain arrowhead line indicates that aclass keeps a reference to an instance of another class. The reference has anoptional name, "rectangle" in this case.

设计模式之 Delegation 授权_第1张图片


The main advantage of delegation is that it makes it easy to compose behaviors at run-time and to change the way they'recomposed. Our window can become circular at run-time simply by replacing its Rectangle instance with a Circle instance,

assuming Rectangle and Circle have the same type.


Delegation has a disadvantage it shares with other techniques that make software more flexible through object composition:Dynamic, highly parameterized software is harder to understand than more static software. There are also run-time inefficiencies, but the human inefficiencies are more important in the long run. Delegation is a good design choice only when it simplifies more than it complicates.

It isn't easy to give rules that tell youexactly when to use delegation, because how effective it will be depends on thecontext and on how much experience you have with it. Delegation works best whenit's used in highly stylized ways—that

is, in standard patterns.


Several design patterns use delegation. TheState (338), Strategy (349), and Visitor (366) patterns depend on it. In theState pattern, an object delegates requests to a State object that representsits current state. In the Strategy pattern, an object delegates a specificrequest to an object that represents a strategy for carrying out the request. Anobject will only have one state, but it can have many strategies for differentrequests. The purpose of both patterns is to change the behavior of an object bychanging the objects to which it delegates requests. In Visitor, the operation thatgets performed on each element of an

object structure is always delegated to theVisitor object.


Other patterns use delegation less heavily.Mediator (305) introduces an object to mediate communication between other objects. Sometimes the Mediator object implements operations simply by forwarding them to the other objects; other times it passes along a reference to itself and thus uses true delegation. Chain of Responsibility (251) handles requests by forwarding them from one object to another along a chain of objects. Sometimes this request carries with it a reference to the original object receiving the request,in which case the pattern is using delegation. Bridge (171) decouples an abstraction from its implementation. If the abstraction and a particular implementation are closely matched, then the abstraction may simply delegate operations to that implementation. Delegation is an extreme example of object composition. It shows that you can always replace inheritance with object composition as a mechanism for code reuse.


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