Win32设备上下文(Device Contexts)

Win32设备上下文(Device Contexts)

Device Contexts
A device context is a structure that defines a set of graphic objects and their associated attributes, as well as the graphic modes that affect output. The graphic objects include a pen for line drawing, a brush for painting and filling, a bitmap for copying or scrolling parts of the screen, a palette for defining the set of available colors, a region for clipping and other operations, and a path for painting and drawing operations. The remainder of this section is divided into the following three areas. 

About Device Contexts
Device independence is one of the chief features of Microsoft Windows. Applications can draw and print output on a variety of devices. The software that supports this device independence is contained in two dynamic-link libraries. The first, Gdi.dll, is referred to as the graphics device interface (GDI); the second is referred to as a device driver. The name of the second depends on the device where the application draws output. For example, if the application draws output in the client area of its window on a VGA display, this library is Vga.dll; if the application prints output on an Epson FX-80 printer, this library is Epson9.dll. 

An application must inform GDI to load a particular device driver and, once the driver is loaded, to prepare the device for drawing operations (such as selecting a line color and width, a brush pattern and color, a font typeface, a clipping region, and so on). These tasks are accomplished by creating and maintaining a device context (DC). A DC is a structure that defines a set of graphic objects and their associated attributes, and the graphic modes that affect output. The graphic objects include a pen for line drawing, a brush for painting and filling, a bitmap for copying or scrolling parts of the screen, a palette for defining the set of available colors, a region for clipping and other operations, and a path for painting and drawing operations. Unlike most of the structures, an application never has direct access to the DC; instead, it operates on the structure indirectly by calling various functions. 

This overview provides information on the following topics: 

Graphic Objects 
Graphic Modes 
Device Context Types 
Device Context Operations 
ICM-Enabled Device Context Functions 
An important concept is the layout of a DC or a window, which describes the order in which GDI objects and text are revealed (either left-to-right or right-to-left). For more information, see "Window Layout and Mirroring" in Window Features and the GetLayout and SetLayout functions. 

Device Context Types
There are four types of DCs: display, printer, memory (or compatible), and information. Each type serves a specific purpose, as described in the following table. 

Device context Description 
Display Supports drawing operations on a video display. 
Printer Supports drawing operations on a printer or plotter. 
Memory Supports drawing operations on a bitmap. 
Information Supports the retrieval of device data. 

设备上下文是一种包含有关某个设备(如显示器或打印机)的绘制属性信息的 Windows 数据结构。所有绘制调用都通过设备上下文对象进行,这些对象封装了用于绘制线条、形状和文本的 Windows API。设备上下文允许在 Windows 中进行与设备无关的绘制。设备上下文可用于绘制到屏幕、打印机或者图元文件。

设备上下文(Device Context)DC 
MSDN的解释: 一个DC是一个结构,它定义了一系列图形对象的集合以及它们相关的属性,以及影响输出效果的一些图形模式。这些图形对象包括一个画线的笔,一个填充和painting的画刷,一个用来向屏幕拷贝的位图,一个定义了一系列颜色集合的调色板,一个用来剪裁等操作的区域,一个做painting和drawing操作的路径。



hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
//do something
EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;

hdc = GetDC (hwnd) ;
//do something
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;
hdc = GetWindowDC (hwnd) ;
//do something
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;
hdc = CreateDC (pszDriver, pszDevice, pszOutput, pData) ;
//do something
DeleteDC (hdc) ;



设备上下文属性 属性默认值
背景色(background color)   白色(white)
背景模式(background mode)   不透明(opaque)
位图(bitmap) 无(none)
刷子(brush) 白色刷子(white brush)
刷子起点(brush origin)   0,0
剪切区(clipping region)   整个窗口或设备表面(entire window or device surface)
调色板(color palette)   默认调色板(default palette)
画笔位置(pen position)   0,0
绘图模式(drawing mode)   r2_copypen
字体(font)   系统字体
字间距(intercharater spacing)   0
影射模式(mapping mode)   mm_text
画笔(pen)   黑色(black)
多边形填充模式(mapping mode)   alternate
伸缩模式(stretching mode)   blackonwhite
文本色(text color)   黑色(black)
视口起点(viewport origin)   0,0
视口范围(viewport extents)   1,1
窗口起点(window origin)   0,0
窗口范围(window extents)   1,1

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