Paper About OS && Hardware


8259A 芯片编程及中断处理探究




更形象地说明:按下键盘,主机集成电路中某些位置的电路中的电流(强度)发生了变化,该电流的变化经过了复杂的集成电路系统后逐步得到一个脉冲电 流信号,此电流又传递到CRT的电路系统,CRT又将电流的变化转变成显像管中电子轰击荧光屏的位置变化产生了图像。同时,另一部分脉冲电流经过了一个电 磁线圈时产生磁场,推动另一个与磁体相连的纸盆振动发出了声音。

如此看来,我们输入那么多字母,最终只是为了改变显像管中电子偏移的角度,使它打到正确的位置产生正确的图像。另外的成果就是产生某种电流最终使 喇叭中的纸盆振动发出了声音。这种通过敲键盘(所谓编程)改变电流来制作图像和声音的过程,我们为此起了个很玄的名字——生活数字化。

Key Board---How it Works

How it works

The following briefly describes a "dome-switch" keyboard (sometimes incorrectly referred to as a membrane keyboard), the most common type in use today:

  1. When a key is pressed, it pushes down on a rubber dome sitting beneath the key. A conductive contact on the underside of the dome touches (and hence connects) a pair of conductive lines on the circuit below.
  2. This bridges the gap between them and allows electric current to flow (the open circuit is closed).
  3. A scanning signal is emitted by the chip along the pairs of lines to all the keys. When the signal in one pair becomes different, the chip generates a "make code" corresponding to the key connected to that pair of lines.
  4. The code generated is sent to the computer either via a keyboard cable (using on-off electrical pulses to represent bits) or over a wireless connection. It may be repeated.
  5. A chip inside the computer receives the signal bits and decodes them into the appropriate keypress. The computer then decides what to do on the basis of the key pressed (e.g. display a character on the screen, or perform some action).
  6. When the key is released, a break code (different than the make code) is sent to indicate the key is no longer pressed. If the break code is missed (e.g. due to a keyboard switch) it is possible for the keyboard controller to believe the key is pressed down when it is not, which is why pressing then releasing the key again will release the key (since another break code is sent).
