build.c 只要吧文件末尾稍微改成这样
if ((id=open(argv[3],O_RDONLY,0)) >= 0) //就是打开文件的一个函数,失败的话会返回-1哦~ {for (i=0 ; (c=read(id,buf,sizeof buf))>0 ; i+=c ) if (write(1,buf,c)!=c) die("Write call failed"); close(id); fprintf(stderr,"System is %d bytes.\n",i); if (i > SYS_SIZE*16) die("System is too big");} return(0);
build.c 原来是这样的
if ((id=open(argv[3],O_RDONLY,0))<0) die("Unable to open 'system'"); // if (read(id,buf,GCC_HEADER) != GCC_HEADER) // die("Unable to read header of 'system'"); // if (((long *) buf)[5] != 0) // die("Non-GCC header of 'system'"); for (i=0 ; (c=read(id,buf,sizeof buf))>0 ; i+=c ) if (write(1,buf,c)!=c) die("Write call failed"); close(id); fprintf(stderr,"System is %d bytes.\n",i); if (i > SYS_SIZE*16) die("System is too big"); return(0);bootsect.s 基本不用过动,如果觉得无聊可以改一改输出的那个字符串。
msg1: .byte 13,10 !这个好像是伪指令 byte和ascii是两种数据的表示方法 .ascii "fuck..." .byte 13,10,13,10
!print the message MOV AX,#SETUPSEG MOV ES,AX !赋值给ES不能直接赋值,需要用AX做中转 MOV AH,#0X03 !下三行为读入光标位置 XOR BH,BH INT 0X10 MOV CX,#25 !字符串长度,设大一点没关系~ MOV BX,#0X0007 MOV BP,#MSG2 MOV AX,#0X1301 INT 0X10ES 和 BP 分别是段寄存器和,偏移地址,把ES设#SETUPSEG是内存中存放setup.s开始的地方,BP表示存放#MSG2的偏移地
一般的ES BP 作为附加数据段寄存器,程序中有多个数据段时,经常用到,处理字符串时,也经常会用的哦~
INT 0x10 是BOIS 的视频中断,所有与显示有管的调用都需要通过该中断实现。
AL -- 需要显示的ASCII字符
BH -- 页号(本次实验中一直设为0x00就可以啦)
BL -- 文本属性(设成0x07就好啦)通修改它可以选择不同的字体颜色偶~
! NOTE! These had better be the same as in bootsect.s! !宏的设置 INITSEG = 0X9000 ! WE MOVE BOOT HERE - OUT OF THE WAY SYSSEG = 0X1000 ! SYSTEM LOADED AT 0X10000 (65536). SETUPSEG = 0X9020 ! THIS IS THE CURRENT SEGMENT !伪指令globl的意思为后面的标识符都是全局的,即使不使用也会强制引入。 .globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss .text !文本段 begtext: .DATA !数据段 begdata: .bss !未初始化的数据段 begbss: .text entry start start: !print the message MOV AX,#SETUPSEG MOV ES,AX MOV AH,#0X03 XOR BH,BH INT 0X10 MOV CX,#25 MOV BX,#0X0007 MOV BP,#MSG_HELLOW MOV AX,#0X1301 INT 0X10当然不要忘了在最后加上叫做MSG2的数据段,关于为啥要这样写,我也不知道,反正课件就是这样写的,可以去问问老师。。。。。
MSG_HELLOW: .byte 13,10 .ascii "Now we are in SETUP" .byte 13,10,13,10获取系统数据的代码,老师已经写好了,突然觉得老师好牛逼啊~留下获取数据的代码,把下面没用的删掉就好啦~
! print the cursor position mov ah,#0x03 ! read cursor pos xor bh,bh int 0x10 MOV CX,#25 mov bx,#0x0007 ! page 0, attribute 7 (normal) MOV BP,#MSG3 MOV AX,#0X1301 ! WRITE STRING, MOVE CURSOR INT 0X10 MOV AX,#INITSEG MOV DS,AX !SET THE DATA SEG ADDRESS, EVEN IT HAS BEEN SET. ! get data MOV CX,#4 MOV DX,[0] PRINT_DIGIT1: !print the data ROL DX,#4 MOV AX,#0XE0F AND AL,DL ADD AL,#0X30 CMP AL,#0X3A JL OUTP1 ADD AL, #0X07 OUTP1: INT 0X10 LOOP PRINT_DIGIT1 ! MOV AX,#SETUPSEG ! MOV DS,AX ! MOV ES,AX一开始是输出描述性的字符串,PRINT_DIGITL是输出内存中的数据
ROL DX,#4 是把DX的低四位移到高四位上。
CMP 是比较指令 类似于if
jl是一个条件转移指令,jump less 小于转跳,用于有符号转跳
类似还有 jg , jump large
ja jump above , jb jump below 这两个是用于无符号数比较的。
MSG_CURSOR: .byte 13,10 .ascii "the cursor position is:" MSG_MEMORY: .byte 13,10 .ascii "the size of the extended memory is:"
! ! setup.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds ! ! setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS, ! AND PUTTING THEM INTO THE APPROPRIATE PLACES IN SYSTEM MEMORY. ! both setup.s and system has been loaded by the bootblock. ! ! This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters, and ! puts them in a "safe" place: 0x90000-0x901FF, ie where the ! boot-block used to be. It is then up to the protected mode ! system to read them from there before the area is overwritten ! FOR BUFFER-BLOCKS. ! ! NOTE! These had better be the same as in bootsect.s! INITSEG = 0X9000 ! WE MOVE BOOT HERE - OUT OF THE WAY SYSSEG = 0X1000 ! SYSTEM LOADED AT 0X10000 (65536). SETUPSEG = 0X9020 ! THIS IS THE CURRENT SEGMENT .globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss .text begtext: .DATA begdata: .bss begbss: .text entry start start: !print the message which wing edit MOV AX,#SETUPSEG MOV ES,AX MOV AH,#0X03 XOR BH,BH INT 0X10 MOV CX,#25 MOV BX,#0X0007 MOV BP,#MSG_HELLOW MOV AX,#0X1301 INT 0X10 ! ok, the read went well so we get current cursor position and save it for ! posterity. MOV AX,#INITSEG ! THIS IS DONE IN BOOTSECT ALREADY, BUT... MOV DS,AX MOV AH,#0X03 ! READ CURSOR POS XOR BH,BH INT 0X10 ! SAVE IT IN KNOWN PLACE, CON_INIT FETCHES MOV [0],DX ! IT FROM 0X90000. ! Get memory size (extended mem, kB) MOV AH,#0X88 INT 0X15 MOV [2],AX ! Get video-card data: MOV AH,#0X0F INT 0X10 MOV [4],BX ! BH = DISPLAY PAGE MOV [6],AX ! AL = VIDEO MODE, AH = WINDOW WIDTH ! check for EGA/VGA and some config parameters MOV AH,#0X12 MOV BL,#0X10 INT 0X10 MOV [8],AX MOV [10],BX MOV [12],CX ! Get hd0 data MOV AX,#0X0000 MOV DS,AX LDS SI,[4*0X41] MOV AX,#INITSEG MOV ES,AX MOV DI,#0X0080 MOV CX,#0X10 REP MOVSB ! Get hd1 data MOV AX,#0X0000 MOV DS,AX LDS SI,[4*0X46] MOV AX,#INITSEG MOV ES,AX MOV DI,#0X0090 MOV CX,#0X10 REP MOVSB MOV AX,#SETUPSEG MOV DS,AX MOV ES,AX ! print some datas about the hardware: ! print the cursor position mov ah,#0x03 ! read cursor pos xor bh,bh int 0x10 MOV CX,#25 mov bx,#0x0007 ! page 0, attribute 7 (normal) MOV BP,#MSG_CURSOR MOV AX,#0X1301 ! WRITE STRING, MOVE CURSOR INT 0X10 MOV AX,#INITSEG MOV DS,AX !SET THE DATA SEG ADDRESS, EVEN IT HAS BEEN SET. MOV CX,#4 MOV DX,[0] PRINT_DIGIT1: !print the data ROL DX,#4 MOV AX,#0XE0F AND AL,DL ADD AL,#0X30 CMP AL,#0X3A JL OUTP1 ADD AL, #0X07 OUTP1: INT 0X10 LOOP PRINT_DIGIT1 ! MOV AX,#SETUPSEG ! MOV DS,AX ! MOV ES,AX !print size of the extended memory: mov ah,#0x03 ! read cursor pos xor bh,bh int 0x10 MOV CX,#37 mov bx,#0x0007 ! page 0, attribute 7 (normal) MOV BP,#MSG_MEMORY MOV AX,#0X1301 ! WRITE STRING, MOVE CURSOR INT 0X10 MOV AX,#INITSEG MOV DS,AX !SET THE DATA SEG ADDRESS, EVEN IT HAS BEEN SET. MOV CX,#4 MOV DX,[2] PRINT_DIGIT2: ROL DX,#4 MOV AX,#0XE0F AND AL,DL ADD AL,#0X30 CMP AL,#0X3A JL OUTP2 ADD AL, #0X07 OUTP2: INT 0X10 LOOP PRINT_DIGIT2 ! change the line: print_nl: mov ax,#0xe0d int 0x10 mov al,#0xa int 0x10 MSG_HELLOW: .byte 13,10 .ascii "We are in setup ou Qin~" .byte 13,10,13,10 MSG_CURSOR: .byte 13,10 .ascii "the cursor position is:" MSG_MEMORY: .byte 13,10 .ascii "the size of the extended memory is:" .text endtext: .DATA enddata: .bss endbss: