1. 华为:
void stringZip(const char *pInputStr, long lInputLen, char *pOutputStr);
输入pInputStr: 输入字符串lInputLen: 输入字符串长度
输出 pOutputStr: 输出字符串,空间已经开辟好,与输入字符串等长;
输入:“cccddecc” 输出:“3c2de2c”
输入:“adef” 输出:“adef”
输入:“pppppppp” 输出:“8p”
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* * HuaWei: A string compressed example * */ void stringZip(const char *pInputStr, char *pOutputStr) { int len = strlen(pInputStr); char *tmp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(len * sizeof(char))); int start = 0; int end = start + 1; int cnt = 0; int i = 0; while(pInputStr[start]) { if(pInputStr[start] == pInputStr[end]) { cnt++; end++; } else { if(cnt == 0) tmp[i++] = pInputStr[start]; else if(cnt > 0) { tmp[i++] = cnt + 1 + '0'; tmp[i++] = pInputStr[start]; cnt = 0; } start = end; end = start + 1; } } tmp[i] = '\0'; strncpy(pOutputStr, tmp, strlen(tmp)); free(tmp); } void main() { char str[1024]; char compress_str[1024]; printf("Input a string:"); gets(str); stringZip(str, compress_str); printf("The compressed string is:"); puts(compress_str); }
2. 迅雷:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * XunLei: difference of linked list * */ typedef struct node { int elem; struct node *next; }node; void create(node **head, int n) { int elem; int i; node *p; node *r; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(scanf("%d", &elem) != 1) { perror("input error!\n"); exit(1); } p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node *)); if(!p) { perror("memory error!\n"); exit(2); } p->elem = elem; p->next = 0; if(!*head) *head = p; else { r->next = p; } r = p; } } void show(node *head) { node *p = head; while(p) { printf("%d\n", p->elem); p = p->next; } } void difference(node **LA, node *LB) { node *p, *q, *pre; node *head; p = *LA; pre = *LA; head = p; while(p) { q = LB; while(q) { if(p->elem == q->elem) break; q = q->next; } if(q) { if(pre == p) { p = p->next; pre->next = 0; free(pre); pre = p; head = p; } else { pre->next = p->next; p->next = 0; free(p); p = pre->next; } } else { pre = p; p = p->next; } } *LA = head; } void main() { node *head1 = NULL, *head2 = NULL; create(&head1, 5); printf("----------\n"); create(&head2, 3); difference(&head1, head2); printf("----------\n"); show(head1); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * XunLei: difference of linked list * */ typedef struct node { int elem; struct node *next; }node; void create(node **head, int n) { int elem; int i; node *p; node *r; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(scanf("%d", &elem) != 1) { perror("input error!\n"); exit(1); } p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node *)); if(!p) { perror("memory error!\n"); exit(2); } p->elem = elem; p->next = 0; if(!*head) *head = p; else { r->next = p; } r = p; } } void show(node *head) { node *p = head; while(p) { printf("%d\n", p->elem); p = p->next; } } /* * reverse the sub link list the length of which is k * */ void reverse_node(node **LA, int k) { node *head; // the temporary head node node *start; // the start node of every sub link list node *end; // the end node of every sub link list node *p; // the current node of orignal link list node *r; // the removed node head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node *)); if(!head) { perror("memory error!\n"); exit(1); } head->next = NULL; start = head; int cnt = 0; p = *LA; while(p) { if(cnt < k) { r = p; p = p->next; r->next = start->next; start->next = r; if(cnt == 0) end = r; cnt++; } else if(cnt == k) { cnt = 0; start = end; } else break; } *LA = head->next; head->next = NULL; free(head); } void main() { node *head = NULL; create(&head, 6); printf("----------\n"); int k; printf("k = "); if(scanf("%d", &k) == 1 && k > 0) reverse_node(&head, k); show(head); }