二十 Django 1.6.0 好用APP

1. south

database migrations.
    Change your models, automatically update your DB.
    You don’t need this… If you promise you’ll never ever need to change your models.
    Hint: you’ll need to change your models!
Coming soon to django.contrib thanks to a $20k fund raising round on Kickstarter!

2. django-debug-toolbar

How the heck did I get to this page?
    What view is running?
    What templates did it use?
    What variables are available?
    What sql queries were run?

    logging? messages

二十 Django 1.6.0 好用APP_第1张图片

3. django-extras

Developer Goodies:
    management commands… that make management commands!
    Graph all the things!
    shell_plus to autoload models.

4. crispy-forms & floppy-forms

    HTML5 form components. Client side validation
    Bootstrap compatible output
    Programmatically layout forms
    (Yes, I cheated. That’s two apps in one bullet point.)

5. Haystack

API to multiple backend search engines.
    Want a search box?
    "More like this?" links automatically?
    Suggest misspelled words?
    Highlight the searched term in the results?
    Haystack will set you up

6. Tastypie

Easily create RESTful api for your Django models.
    Automatic urls and views
    create a tree of JSON data
    provided views to handle PUT, POST, DELETE.
    You want this to interact with Javascript (esp. new frameworks like Ember, Angular, etc).
    Or: Give others an API for your site.

7. Celery

This is a big one.
Spin off tasks to separate worker processes.
Can I just punt on explaining this?

8. easy-thumbnails

Resize images from template tags

<img src="{% thumbnail profile.photo 50x50 %}" alt="" />

9. django-reversion

Edit history and undo for your models with admin support.

10. django-grapelli

A prettier admin skin. Plus cool stuff like:
    create custom dashboards
    drag-n-drop ordering of records in the admin
    autocomplete lookups for ForeignKeys

11.Tons of high quality apps to handle

    and so on…







