If you've visited the Flickr photo-sharing website, then you may have noticed their paging interface which displays a range of page numbers with your current page in the middle. It then omits page numbers, displaying an ellipsis instead, followed by the last page number. This ASP.NET 1.1 control provides a similar paging interface, but with the added feature of making the ellipses clickable and displaying a layer allowing you to type in the exact page you want to navigate to.
or Repeater
etc. #define CLR_v1
. SmartPager
controls on a page. DataGrid
is simply a matter of enabling paging and specifying the page size). DataSet
s (e.g. > 100 pages). DataGrid
's inbuilt paging mechanism. IClonable
interface, so you can easily display a second identical SmartPager
control (e.g. one above and one underneath your databound control). SmartPager.js
file, and would affect all SmartPager
s calling that script file). PageNumberBoxPadding
property should be set to 1 or 2 for Opera).
control to the Toolbox, or add the SmartPager
assembly to your project's assembly references. Alternatively you can copy the SmartPager.cs
file (from the source download) to your project (N.B. if you are compiling with .NET 2.0 or later, you should comment out the define
-line near the top of SmartPager.cs
file to your project. If you keep Javascript files in a separate folder to your ASPX files, be sure to set the control's ScriptPath
property. This step is not necessary if you are using the .NET 2.0 version of this control because the JavaScript file is embedded in the DLL.<%@ Register TagPrefix=avg Namespace=Avg.Controls Assembly=SmartPager %>
<form runat=server> <avg:SmartPager ID=PgrOrders runat=server OnPageChanged=PgrOrders_PageChanged /> </form>
event to update your databound control's page index and re-populate it. For example:
protected void PgrOrders_PageChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { GrdOrders.CurrentPageIndex = PgrOrders.CurrentPage - 1; PopulateGrid(); }
property. E.g. for a DataGrid
with paging enabled, add this line after your DataBind()
PgrOrders.PageCount = GrdOrders.PageCount;
HTML tag or change it from XHTML 1.0 to HTML 4.0:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
affects the rendering in IE 6, and causes an issue with the go-to-page layer in Firefox. The HTML 4.0 DOCTYPE
is the default in VS.NET 2003, in which case it should be correct.DataGrid
's built-in pager, you can disable it.
<asp:DataGrid ... PagerStyle-Visible=False>
When clicking either of the ellipses, the go-to-page layer is displayed, allowing the user to specify the page number to navigate to. The textbox is automatically given the focus, and apart from numeric keys, the following keys may be used:
Clicking the page numbers submits a postback. This was necessary to support multiple SmartPager
controls on the same page and maintain the state of all webcontrols. However, you can modify the SmartPagerPostBack
JavaScript function to perform another action rather than posting the form (which will change the behaviour of all SmartPager
controls referencing that JS file.
Flickr-style pager control with a go-to-page feature.
public class SmartPager : Control, ICloneable, IPostBackDataHandler
Public Properties
ClientPageChanged |
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function to handle the page-change (overriding the default Postback behavior)
CurrentPage |
Gets or sets the current page number
DisabledNextPrevStyle |
Gets or sets the style for non-clickable Next & Previous links
Display |
Gets or sets the number of page numbers to display in the list
EllipsisText |
Gets or sets the text to indicate page numbers that are omitted
EnableGoToPage |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking the ellipses should display the Go-to-page layer
FontSize |
Gets or sets the font size for page links
GoButtonText |
Gets or sets the text for the GO button on the Go-to-page layer
MainTableStyle |
Gets or sets the style attribute for the main table
NavigateNextText |
Gets or sets the text for the 'Next' link
NavigatePreviousText |
Gets or sets the text for the 'Previous' link
OutputFirstAndLastLinks |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output the first and last page links
OutputNextPrevLinks |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output the Next & Previous links
PageCount |
Gets or sets the number of pages available in the data source
PageLabelText |
Gets or sets the text for the textbox-label on the Go-to-page layer
PageLinkBackColor |
Gets or sets the background color for page links
PageLinkForeColor |
Gets or sets the color for page links
PageLinkHoverBackColor |
Gets or sets the hover background color for page links
PageLinkHoverForeColor |
Gets or sets the hover color for page links
PageLinkSelectedBackColor |
Gets or sets the background color for selected page links
PageLinkSelectedForeColor |
Gets or sets the color for selected page links
PageNumberBoxBorderColor |
Gets or sets the border color of page number boxes
PageNumberBoxBorderWidth |
Gets or sets the border width in pixels of page number boxes
PageNumberBoxPadding |
Gets or sets the amount of padding in pixels of page number boxes
ScriptPath |
Gets or sets the location of
Public Methods
SetTooltips |
Specify the tooltips for the page numbers
Clone |
Clones the urrent instance of the control
Public Events
PageChanged |
Occurs when the user navigates to a page on this control
Your custom JavaScript function (if ClientPageChanged
is set) will be passed two parameters: (1) the control's ClientID, (2) the selected page number.
The DisabledNextPrevStyle
allows you to specify how the browser should display the next or previous link when they are disabled using CSS. For example on page 1 there is no previous page, so the Previous link cannot be clicked. You can change the colour etc., however, the default behaviour is to just hide the link.
You can also remove the Next & Previous links altogether by setting OutputNextPrevLinks
to false
If SmartPager.js
file is not located in the same directory as your .aspx
file, you should specify the path containing the script file. For example:
pager.ScriptPath = "/scripts/";
If you wish to display all page numbers (i.e. no pages omitted and replaced with ellipsis), set the Display
property to -1
1. No Previous & Next links, specify colours, thick border, large padding, larger font:
<avg:SmartPager runat=server Display=9 PageCount=25 OutputNextPrevLinks=False PageLinkBackColor=Yellow PageLinkHoverBackColor=Silver PageLinkSelectedBackColor=Silver PageNumberBoxPadding=7 PageNumberBoxBorderColor=#c00 PageNumberBoxBorderWidth=2 FontSize=14px />
2. No ellipses, no first & last page numbers, small PageNumberBoxPadding
value (recommended for Opera browser, which doesn't render larger boxes as expected).
<avg:SmartPager runat=server PageNumberBoxPadding=2 OutputFirstAndLastLinks=False EllipsisText="" Display=10 PageCount=15 PageLinkHoverBackColor=Yellow />
3. Set tooltips / page labels. This allows you to provide a hint of which records can be found on each page. For example if your DataGrid
is displaying customer orders, newest first, you could set the tooltip for each page number to indicate the first Order Number on that page. This also works for the go-to-page layer which displays the label as the user specifies a page number (up and down keys also supported).
pagerMain.SetTooltips(new string[] { "Order 600", "Order 512", "Order 423", "Order 356", "Order 298", "Order 245", "Order 202", "Order 159", "Order 112", "Order 67", "Order 32" });
The following code creates the array representing the central range of page numbers, and determines which page numbers will be displayed in that range. The current page should be in the middle and numbers either side of that. However, near the first and last pages, you can't display the current page in the middle, and the numbers have to be shifted and filled up again.
links = new int[Display]; // current page in the middle of our range int middle = (int)Math.Ceiling(Display / 2.0) - 1; links[middle] = currentPage; // pages preceding current page for (int i = middle - 1; i >= 0; i--) links[i] = links[i + 1] - 1; // pages following current page for (int i = middle + 1; i < links.Length; i++) links[i] = links[i - 1] + 1; // Get rid of page numbers exceeding PageCount ("shift" page numbers to the right) while (links[links.Length - 1] > PageCount) { for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) links[i]--; } // Get rid of 0 or negative pages ("shift" page numbers to the left) while (links[0] <= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) links[i]++; } // assign -1 to pages over PageCount for (int i = links.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (links[i] > PageCount) links[i] = -1; else break; }
Then it's just a matter of outputting the HTML/CSS/JavaScript for those pages, which is trivial.
However developing the JavaScript was a bit of an exercise - especially trying to support multiple browsers. Here is the JavaScript event handler for KeyDown
event handler of the go-to-page textbox:
function pagerTbKd(e) { var tb = document.getElementById('pgrLayer').getElementsByTagName("INPUT")[0] var pagerPageCount = eval(SmartPagerID + "$pagerPageCount") tb.style.backgroundColor = "" tb.style.color = "" if (e.keyCode == 27) // escape key: hide layer { tb.blur() document.getElementById('pgrLayer').style.visibility='hidden' } else if (e.keyCode == 13) // Enter key { goToPage() if (window.event) // IE e.returnValue = false else e.preventDefault() } else if (e.keyCode == 38) // up key { var current = (isNaN(parseInt(tb.value))) ? 0 : parseInt(tb.value) if (current < 1) tb.value = 1 else if (current < pagerPageCount) tb.value = current + 1 else tb.value = pagerPageCount updateLabel(parseInt(tb.value)) } else if (e.keyCode == 40) // down key { var current = (isNaN(parseInt(tb.value))) ? 2 : parseInt(tb.value) if (current 1) tb.value = current - 1 else if (current pagerPageCount) tb.value = pagerPageCount else tb.value = 1 updateLabel(parseInt(tb.value)) } else setTimeout("updateLabel()", 50) }
The WebResource method for accessing files included in the assembly as embedded resources does not work if you copy the C# source file to your standard web project. Because the aspnet process dynamically compiles the website you can't specify the compile action for Javascript files in your standard web project. And putting the file in Global_Resources
or Local_Resources
doesn't solve this. However there is a simple way to check if the assembly contains the resource, and reference the Javascript file accordingly (i.e. embedded or external):
bool foundRsrc = false; foreach (string rsrcName in this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()) { if (rsrcName.EndsWith(".SmartPager.js")) { foundRsrc = true; break; } } string scriptUrl = (foundRsrc) ? Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "Avg.Controls.SmartPager.js") : scriptPath + "SmartPager.js"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("SmartPager_js", scriptUrl);
I may implement the following features at some stage:
browser rendering restrictions/behavior. ClientPageChanged
). GoButtonText
, PageLabelText
to allow for localization of the Go-to-page popup layer. Although a search or filter function is also worthwhile, a good pager can make your application much easier to use. This pager takes up less space than standard pagers, has a better UI, and provides an easy way to get to any page. If you find this control useful, you may like to rate it and/or leave feedback below.
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