
1. 所有的内容放在:http://download.csdn.net/detail/dijkstar/6890899;

2. 观察PCI配置的最好工具是PCIScope和RW-everything,在这里有备份:

2. 1394b中的GUID部分描述见里面的文档:GUID.pdf ,这是一个TI的台湾工程师写的;

3. 里面用到的一访问EEPROM的工具,DOS下的,使用方法见文档:OHCIROM.PDF;工具也备份在里面;

4. EEPROM的生成内容,要点一是GUID,另一是CRC的计算。下面是一个从可以工作的芯片TSB82AA2B,EEPROM中读出的内容(共24个字节),与下面的算法一致,偏移15处的数据为0x70,请自己验证:

// GenROM.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GenROM.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// The one and only application object

CWinApp theApp;

using namespace std;
unsigned char Formula(unsigned char *buf);

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
	int nRetCode = 0;

	// initialize MFC and print and error on failure
	if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
		// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
		cerr << _T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed") << endl;
		nRetCode = 1;
		// TODO: code your application's behavior here.
		unsigned char  strBuf[] =
			0x42,	//00	;01000010  PCI max_lat (lower 4 bits)/ PCI min gnt (lower 4 bits)
			0x92,   //01	;00000000  * PCI Subsystem Vendor ID (lsbyte) ** Insert your SSVID LSB
			0x15,   //02	;00000000  * PCI Subsystem Vendor ID (msbyte) ** Insert your SSVID MSB
			0x05,   //03	;00000000  * PCI Subsystem ID (lsbyte)        ** Insert your SSID LSB
			0x00,   //04	;00000000  * PCI Subsystem ID (Msbyte)        ** Insert your SSID MSB
			0xC2,   //05	;11000010  Link Enhancement Register Byte 0
			0x00,   //06	;00000000  MiniRom enable

			//GUID Hi 
			0x01,   //07	;00000000  * 1394 GUID Hi (0) 8-bit chip id hi
			0x3B,   //08	;00000000  * 1394 GUID Hi (1) LSB of 24-bit node vendor id
			0x13,   //09	;00000000  * 1394 GUID Hi (2) middle byte of 24-bit node vendor id
			0x00,   //10	;00000000  * 1394 GUID Hi (3) MSB of 24-bit node vendor id

			//GUID Lo 
			0x13,   //11	;########  * 1394 GUID Lo (0) byte 0 (LSB) of 32-bit chip id lo - auto incremented from serial.dat
			0x01,   //12	;########  * 1394 GUID Lo (1) byte 1 of 32-bit chip id lo - auto incremented from serial.dat
			0x01,   //13	;########  * 1394 GUID Lo (2) byte 2 of 32-bit chip id lo - auto incremented from serial.dat
			0x00,   //14	;########  * 1394 GUID Lo (3) byte 3 (MSB) of 32-bit chip id lo - auto incremented from serial.dat

			//ROM CRC
			0x00,   //15	;XXXXXXXX  ROM CRC  (Calculated by EELynx)

			0x40,   //16	;00010000  Link Enhancement Register Byte 1
			0x10,   //17	;00010000  PCI Miscellaneous Control Register Byte 0
			0x02,   //18	;00100100  PCI Miscellaneous Control Register Byte 1
			0xB0,   //19	;00000000  Reserved
			0x00,   //20	;00000000  CIS Offset
			0x00,   //21	;00000000  Reserved
			0x00,   //22	;00000000  Reserved
			0x00,   //23	;00000000  MFunc Select

		strBuf[15] = Formula(strBuf);
		printf("CRC = %02x\n\n", strBuf[15]);

		FILE *fp = fopen("1.dat", "wb");
			fwrite(strBuf, 1, 24, fp);


	return nRetCode;

unsigned char Formula(unsigned char *buf)
	unsigned char crc = 0xaa;
	for (int counter2 = 0; counter2 < 23; counter2++)
		if (counter2 != 15) crc = crc ^ buf[counter2];
		return crc;
