Google Maps API licensing


Compare your Google Map API options

Google Maps API

The Google Maps API is a free service that lets you embed Google          Maps in your                      freely accessible web pages or mobile apps.

Your service must be                      freely and publicly accessible to end users.

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Google Maps API for Business

Google Maps API for Business provides enhanced features and added          support to organizations who are adding maps to their fee-based          websites or mobile apps, or to their internal websites.

Contact          a Google Maps API for Business representative

Features Maps API Maps API for Business
Street View
Geocoding Web Service 2500 requests per day 100 000 requests per day
Directions Web Service 2500 requests per day with
          10 waypoints per request
100 000 requests per day with
          23 waypoints per request
Distance Matrix Web Service 100 elements per query
          100 elements per 10 seconds
          2500 elements per day
625 elements per query
          1000 elements per 10 seconds
          100 000 elements per day
Elevation Web Service 2500 requests per day with
          25 000 samples per day
100 000 requests per day with
          1 000 000 samples per day
Static Maps API maximum resolution 640 x 640 2048 x 2048
Static Map API maximum scale 2X 4X
Street View Image API maximum resolution 640 x 640 2048 x 2048
Support Maps API Maps API for Business
Google Maps API Developer resources
Service Level Agreement  
Technical Support  
Support portal & usage reporting  
Use cases Maps API Maps API for Business
Free & publicly available
Internal deployments  
Embedding in software and applications for fee  
Reselling services with Google Maps  
Control of advertising  
Private asset tracking  

OEM Licensing

        You can license Google Maps as an embedded feature of your stand-alone        software or device, such as the        iFit line of Google Maps-enabled        treadmills. For more information about OEM licensing, contact a                Google Enterprise Sales Manager.     
