Cocos2D-iphone 开发之 音效引擎 CocosDenshion


Cocos2D-iphone 开发之 音效引擎 CocosDenshion_第1张图片

CocosDenshion引擎是一套用于声音控制的类库,支持iOS 和 Mac OS系统。在Cocos2D中已经内置该引擎。









The SimpleAudioEngine doesn’tallow you to control channels, so it’ll just play your sound effects in one ofthe channels it has allocated internally.

 Eventually all channels are playingaudio. In that case, when a new audio file is to be played and all channels arealready playing, SimpleAudioEngine will

 cancel one of the existing audio files.On occasion this will be your background music.




@interface SimpleAudioEngine : NSObject <CDAudioInterruptProtocol> {

	BOOL	mute_;
	BOOL	enabled_;

/** Background music volume. Range is 0.0f to 1.0f. This will only have an effect if willPlayBackgroundMusic returns YES */
@property (readwrite) float backgroundMusicVolume;
/** Effects volume. Range is 0.0f to 1.0f */
@property (readwrite) float effectsVolume;
/** If NO it indicates background music will not be played either because no background music is loaded or the audio session does not permit it.*/
@property (readonly) BOOL willPlayBackgroundMusic;

/** returns the shared instance of the SimpleAudioEngine object */
+ (SimpleAudioEngine*) sharedEngine;

/** Preloads a music file so it will be ready to play as background music */
-(void) preloadBackgroundMusic:(NSString*) filePath;

/** plays background music in a loop*/
-(void) playBackgroundMusic:(NSString*) filePath;
/** plays background music, if loop is true the music will repeat otherwise it will be played once */
-(void) playBackgroundMusic:(NSString*) filePath loop:(BOOL) loop;
/** stops playing background music */
-(void) stopBackgroundMusic;
/** pauses the background music */
-(void) pauseBackgroundMusic;
/** resume background music that has been paused */
-(void) resumeBackgroundMusic;
/** rewind the background music */
-(void) rewindBackgroundMusic;
/** returns whether or not the background music is playing */
-(BOOL) isBackgroundMusicPlaying;

/** plays an audio effect with a file path*/
-(ALuint) playEffect:(NSString*) filePath;
/** stop a sound that is playing, note you must pass in the soundId that is returned when you started playing the sound with playEffect */
-(void) stopEffect:(ALuint) soundId;
/** plays an audio effect with a file path, pitch, pan and gain */
-(ALuint) playEffect:(NSString*) filePath pitch:(Float32) pitch pan:(Float32) pan gain:(Float32) gain;
/** preloads an audio effect */
-(void) preloadEffect:(NSString*) filePath;
/** unloads an audio effect from memory */
-(void) unloadEffect:(NSString*) filePath;
/** Gets a CDSoundSource object set up to play the specified file. */
-(CDSoundSource *) soundSourceForFile:(NSString*) filePath;

/** Shuts down the shared audio engine instance so that it can be reinitialised */
+(void) end;






    [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine]playBackgroundMusic:@"bgmusic.mp3" loop:YES];





/** CDAudioManager supports two long audio source channels called left and right*/
typedef enum {
	kASC_Left = 0,
	kASC_Right = 1
} tAudioSourceChannel;




- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions方法中进行声音文件的预加载。

    //其实这里可以省略的,在后面需要用到soundEngine的时候,直接[CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine就可以了
    CDSoundEngine *sse = [CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine;
     A source group is another name for a channel
     //source group是channel的一个别名
     Here I have 2 channels, the first index allows for only a single effect... my background music
     The second channel I have reserved for my sound effects.  This is set to 31 because you can
     have up to 32 effects at once
     //第一个声道仅支持一个音效播放[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],播放背景音乐
     //第二个声道播放音效,[NSNumber numberWithInt:31] 表示支持31个音效
    //设置声道channel(source group)
    NSArray *sourceGroups = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1], [NSNumber numberWithInt:31], nil];
    [sse defineSourceGroups:sourceGroups];
    //Initialise audio manager asynchronously as it can take a few seconds
    /** Different modes of the engine  音效引擎的模式
     typedef enum {
     kAMM_FxOnly,					//!Other apps will be able to play audio
     kAMM_FxPlusMusic,				//!Only this app will play audio
     kAMM_FxPlusMusicIfNoOtherAudio,	//!If another app is playing audio at start up then allow it to continue and don't play music
     kAMM_MediaPlayback,				//!This app takes over audio e.g music player app
     kAMM_PlayAndRecord				//!App takes over audio and has input and output
     } tAudioManagerMode;
    //Initializes the engine asynchronously with a mode
    [CDAudioManager initAsynchronously:kAMM_FxPlusMusicIfNoOtherAudio];
    //Load sound buffers asynchrounously 异步加载声音缓存
    NSMutableArray *loadRequests = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
     Here we set up an array of sounds to load
     Each CDBufferLoadRequest takes an integer as an identifier (to call later)and the file path.
     每一个CDBufferLoadRequest都使用一个integer去标识一个声音文件的路径(file path)以后可以使用这个整型数去调用声音文件     
    [loadRequests addObject:[[CDBufferLoadRequest alloc] init:SND_BG_LOOP filePath:@"bgmusic.mp3"]];
    [loadRequests addObject:[[CDBufferLoadRequest alloc] init:SND_ROCKET filePath:@"rocket.mp3"]];
    [loadRequests addObject:[[CDBufferLoadRequest alloc] init:SND_CANNON filePath:@"cannon.mp3"]];
    [loadRequests addObject:[[CDBufferLoadRequest alloc] init:SND_BLAST filePath:@"explosion.mp3"]];
//    [sse loadBuffersAsynchronously:loadRequests];
    [[CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine loadBuffersAsynchronously:loadRequests];


#define CGROUP_BG       kASC_Left    // Channel for background music
#define CGROUP_EFFECTS  kASC_Right   // Channel for sound effects
#define SND_BG_LOOP 1     // Identifier for background music audio
#define SND_ROCKET   2     // Identifier for click sound effect
#define SND_CANNON  3
#define SND_BLAST   4
// Helper macro for playing sound effects
#define playEffect(__ID__)      [[CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine playSound:__ID__ sourceGroupId:CGROUP_EFFECTS pitch:1.0f pan:0.0f gain:1.0f loop:NO]


[[CDAudioManager sharedManager] playBackgroundMusic:@"bgmusic.mp3" loop:YES];
//    [[CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine playSound:SND_BG_LOOP sourceGroupId:CGROUP_BG pitch:1.0 pan:0.0 gain:1.0 loop:NO];


/** Plays music in background. The music can be looped or not
 It is recommended to use .aac files as background music since they are decoded by the device (hardware).
-(void) playBackgroundMusic:(NSString*) filePath loop:(BOOL) loop;
/** Preloads a background music */
-(void) preloadBackgroundMusic:(NSString*) filePath;
/** Stops playing the background music */
-(void) stopBackgroundMusic;
/** Pauses the background music */
-(void) pauseBackgroundMusic;
/** Rewinds the background music */
-(void) rewindBackgroundMusic;
/** Resumes playing the background music */
-(void) resumeBackgroundMusic;
/** Returns whether or not the background music is playing */
-(BOOL) isBackgroundMusicPlaying;

-(void) setBackgroundMusicCompletionListener:(id) listener selector:(SEL) selector;


//   playEffect(SND_BLAST);
    [[CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine playSound:SND_BLAST sourceGroupId:CGROUP_EFFECTS pitch:1.0f pan:0.0f gain:1.0f loop:NO];







