
Weka and LibSVM are two efficient software tools for building SVM classifiers. Each one of these two tools has its points of strength and weakness. Weka has a GUI and produces many useful statistics (e.g. confusion matrix, precision, recall, F-measure, and ROC scores). LibSVM runs much faster than Weka SMO and supports several SVM methods (e.g. One-class SVM, nu-SVM, and R-SVM). Weka LibSVM (WLSVM) combines the merits of the two tools. WLSVM can be viewed as an implementation of the LibSVM running under Weka environment.



1.下载 wlsvm(weka libsvm) 地址:http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~yasser/wlsvm/
2.解压wlsvm.zip在lib目录下得到 libsvm.jar和wlsvm.jar两个文件,将其拷贝到weka安装目录下
修改cmd_default=javaw -Dfile.encoding=#fileEncoding# -Xmx#maxheap# -classpath "#wekajar#;#cp#" #mainclass#
为cmd_default=javaw -Dfile.encoding=#fileEncoding# -Xmx#maxheap# -classpath "#wekajar#;#cp#;libsvm.jar" #mainclass#
