HDU 3883 CS and Sugar [DP 以序消除后效性 树状数组快速统计]

HDU 3883 CS and Sugar [DP 以序消除后效性 树状数组快速统计]

CS and Sugar

Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 190    Accepted Submission(s): 89

Problem Description
CS and Sugar find a new continent at the same time. Rare plants are all over this miraculous land, so they decided to take them home and sell it. But obviously, not all plants can be sold at a good price. Some plants are just usual weed. After some time of observation, they became self-taught botanists. CS and Sugar divided a rectangle area into n*m grids, and marked them with different values (maybe negative). They dig in turns to be fare, when all the plants in a grid are taken by the last person, and next person start to move on. The next person always chooses the one of the grids which are above and left to the last person, including the straight above or straight left. And even that, CS and Sugar still tried to compete with each other, and they always choose the available part with higher absolute value  than last one no matter positive or negative. The first person can choose any grid to begin. Until someone is not able to make any move, they left. They are now debating who should dig first because they have already calculated how many advantages the first person can get.

Multiple test cases (no more than 100), for each case:
The first line contains two integers n and m (0<n, m<=100), representing the rectangle area was divided into n*m parts.
Following n lines, each line contains m integers whose absolute value is no more than 100, representing the value in each part.

For each case, output one integer, representing the maximum advantage the first person can get in total value.

Sample Input
1 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 2 2 -7 -6 -6 5 3 2 -6 -5 -4 -4 2 4

Sample Output
1 4 3


2011 Multi-University Training Contest 5 - Host by BNU

链接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3883

状态转移就是dp[x][y] = (max(1..x,1..y)dp[i][j] == -inf)?map[x][y]:map[x][y] - max;

本题的两个特点,将读入的点全部排序,按照abs(val)降序>x降序>y降序排列。第一序保证了无后效性的关键,即先更新掉绝对值大的点,每次更新的时候就不用去判断当前点与查询出来的点绝对值大小关系了。后两个序其实没必要,只是保证了 绝对值相同的点同时更新而已:这样就可以使得xy坐标大的点先更新,从而不会让绝对值相同的点互相更新,这样会导致错误的结果。感谢james0zan大神给本菜讲解了这个序的关键作用。YMYMYMYM!

由于这题矩阵是100*100的。。所以如果每步naive的查询最大值,会让复杂度退化到O(100*4)的复杂度。所以果断上数据结构--树状数组。二维树状数组使得查询最大值的复杂度降为(logn)^2。。所以该题的总复杂度为O(NM*log(N*M) + NM*log(N*M))=O(N^2*log^2(N))的。
二维树状数组查询最大值是第一次写,中间遇到不少困难。说几个要点:lowbit啥用不解释,更新结点最大值的时候是从小往大更新,因为当前结点会被x + lowbit(x) (<=n)的这些点们所管辖(if val > treearray[x][y] then update)。。而查询的时候则是从大往小查询,因为x - lowbit(x)管辖这些子矩阵中的最大值。

for (;x  >   0 ; x  -=  lowbit(x))
for (;y  >   0 ; y  -=  lowbit(y))

#include  < algorithm >
< iostream >
< cstdio >
< cstring >
using   namespace  std;
#define  maxn 102
const   int  inf  =   ~ 0u   >>   1 ;
int  n,m,tr[maxn][maxn],dp[maxn][maxn],map[maxn][maxn];
int  bit( int  x){ return  x  &   - x;}
struct  node
int  x,y,val;
int  _x, int  _y, int  _val):x(_x),y(_y),val(_val){}
*  maxn];
int  ab( int  x)
return  (x  >   0 ) ? x: - x;}
bool   operator   <  ( const  node  & a, const  node  & b)
return  a.val  >  b.val  ||  (a.val  ==  b.val  &&  a.x  >  b.x)  ||  (a.val  ==  b.val  &&  a.x  ==  b.x  &&  a.y  >  b.y);
void  init()
for ( int  i  =   1 ;i  <=  n;i ++ )
for ( int  j  =   1 ;j  <=  m;j ++ )
=   - inf;
void  mod( int  x, int  y, int  val)
for ( int  i  =  x;i  <=  n;i  +=  bit(i))
for ( int  j  =  y;j  <=  m;j  +=  bit(j))
if (tr[i][j]  <  val)
=  val;
int  find( int  x, int  y)
int  ans  =   - inf;
for ( int  i  =  x;i  >   0 ; i  -=  bit(i))
for ( int  j  =  y;j  >   0 ;j  -=  bit(j))
if (ans  <  tr[i][j])
=  tr[i][j];
return  ans;
int  main()
while (scanf( " %d %d " , & n, & m)  ==   2 )
int  cnt  =   0 ;
for ( int  i  =   1 ;i  <=  n;i ++ )
for ( int  j  =   1 ;j  <=  m;j ++ )
" %d " , & map[i][j]);
++ =  node(i,j,ab(map[i][j]));
+  cnt);
for ( int  i  =   0 ;i  <  cnt;i ++ )
int  x  =  no[i].x,y  =  no[i].y;
int  temp  =  find(x,y);
if (temp  ==   - inf)
=  map[x][y];
=  map[x][y]  -  temp;
int  ans  =   - inf;
for ( int  i  =   1 ;i  <=  n;i ++ )
for ( int  j  =   1 ;j  <=  m;j ++ )
if (ans  <  dp[i][j])
=  dp[i][j];
" %d\n " ,ans);
backward paragraph

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