The Trouble with most UML/sysML modelling tools

The trouble with most if not every UML related tools is that they are implemented in a piece-wise fasion in a sense that the user has to figure out how to use their user interface which is not in a top-down object-oriented approach itself. For example, if a user want to design a system package from a top-down view, where is the best starting point ? Package ? Subsystem? Use Cases ? or more out of line Class ?

Let's evaluate each one:

Start from Package: Put a Package on, then what ? you add Subsystem, Classes .... all in a separate GUI panel, but how about show you the hierarchy tree starts from the Package ? You are still in a cloud then struggle to put them together by yourself in your mind.

Start from Subsystem: it's the same as start from Package.

Start from Use Cases: They all force you to do use cases in a straight restricted fashion, but if you start from here, most the time, you only has some idea about business logic, you really need something to help you to organize your thoughts not to wast time to do the drawing.

The good approach is to have a UML/sysML supported program that will let user start from anywhere and be able to see the overall design or system view from top-down all the time, even just from random thoughts. I am not saying the program need to support cognitive process or cybernitics or any AI, but instead,  providing a free mind design suite with UML/sysML support that will generate of maps with user's design thoughts into UML/sysML hierarchy, then the user can start using UML/sysML techniques to modify, regroup, edit, add, ....etc.

Most programs now on the market is so piece-wise that they give an impression it's complicated and takes a long learning curve just to learn one program, if that program is good enough and able to stay and survive on the market for a long time. Otherwise, you are out of luck, switch to another one and start over again. Further more, without a free mind design support, I feel like dealing with socialism when I am using one of them. Good thing about this is we all think in the same way, bad thing about it is that, the worse one, I feel like a Borg (if you ever watched Star Trek - The Next Generation).

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