Principle of Computing (Python)学习笔记(8) Fifteenth Puzzle


1 invariants
code example

Software Development 
write small piece of code, test them,make sure it works, then go to next stage
write small piece of code, test them,,make sure it works, then go to next stage

write small piece of code, test them,,make sure it works, then go to next stage
It is an incrementing process.

3 小例子
3.1 把function作为dictionary的参数
def ff1():
    print "f1"
def ff2():
    print “f2"

dict1 = {'f1':ff1, 'f2':ff2}

3.2 list comprehension
for index_j in range(0,4)[::-1]:
    print index_j

4 project

Loyd's Fifteen puzzle - solver and visualizer
Note that solved configuration has the blank (zero) tile in upper left
Use the arrows key to swap this tile with its neighbors

import poc_fifteen_gui

class Puzzle:
    Class representation for the Fifteen puzzle

    def __init__(self, puzzle_height, puzzle_width, initial_grid=None):
        Initialize puzzle with default height and width
        Returns a Puzzle object
        self._height = puzzle_height
        self._width = puzzle_width
        self._grid = [[col + puzzle_width * row
                       for col in range(self._width)]
                      for row in range(self._height)]

        if initial_grid != None:
            for row in range(puzzle_height):
                for col in range(puzzle_width):
                    self._grid[row][col] = initial_grid[row][col]

    def __str__(self):
        Generate string representaion for puzzle
        Returns a string
        ans = ""
        for row in range(self._height):
            ans += str(self._grid[row])
            ans += "\n"
        return ans

    # GUI methods

    def get_height(self):
        Getter for puzzle height
        Returns an integer
        return self._height

    def get_width(self):
        Getter for puzzle width
        Returns an integer
        return self._width

    def get_number(self, row, col):
        Getter for the number at tile position pos
        Returns an integer
        return self._grid[row][col]

    def set_number(self, row, col, value):
        Setter for the number at tile position pos
        self._grid[row][col] = value

    def clone(self):
        Make a copy of the puzzle to update during solving
        Returns a Puzzle object
        new_puzzle = Puzzle(self._height, self._width, self._grid)
        return new_puzzle

    # Core puzzle methods

    def current_position(self, solved_row, solved_col):
        Locate the current position of the tile that will be at
        position (solved_row, solved_col) when the puzzle is solved
        Returns a tuple of two integers        
        solved_value = (solved_col + self._width * solved_row)

        for row in range(self._height):
            for col in range(self._width):
                if self._grid[row][col] == solved_value:
                    return (row, col)
        assert False, "Value " + str(solved_value) + " not found"

    def update_puzzle(self, move_string):
        Updates the puzzle state based on the provided move string
        zero_row, zero_col = self.current_position(0, 0)
        for direction in move_string:
            if direction == "l":
                assert zero_col > 0, "move off grid: " + direction
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col] = self._grid[zero_row][zero_col - 1]
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col - 1] = 0
                zero_col -= 1
            elif direction == "r":
                assert zero_col < self._width - 1, "move off grid: " + direction
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col] = self._grid[zero_row][zero_col + 1]
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col + 1] = 0
                zero_col += 1
            elif direction == "u":
                assert zero_row > 0, "move off grid: " + direction
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col] = self._grid[zero_row - 1][zero_col]
                self._grid[zero_row - 1][zero_col] = 0
                zero_row -= 1
            elif direction == "d":
                assert zero_row < self._height - 1, "move off grid: " + direction
                self._grid[zero_row][zero_col] = self._grid[zero_row + 1][zero_col]
                self._grid[zero_row + 1][zero_col] = 0
                zero_row += 1
                assert False, "invalid direction: " + direction

    # Phase one methods

    def lower_row_invariant(self, target_row, target_col):
        Check whether the puzzle satisfies the specified invariant
        at the given position in the bottom rows of the puzzle (target_row > 1)
        Returns a boolean
        if self.get_number(target_row, target_col) != 0:
            print "assert error 1"
            return False
        for index_k in range(target_col+1,self._width):
            if self.current_position(target_row, index_k) != (target_row, index_k):
                print "assert error 2"                
                return False
        for index_h in range(target_row+1,self._height):
            for index_m in range(0,self._width):
                if self.current_position(index_h, index_m) != (index_h, index_m):             
                    print "assert error 3"                    
                    return False
        return True

    def __position_tile_left_up(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile):        
        a helper function for tile left up
        move_string = ""
#        section_string = ""
#        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)
        print "A1"
#        section_string = ""
        index_i = to_move_tile[0]   
        while index_i != target_row:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "u"
#            section_string += "u"
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)
        print self
        print "A2"  
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i < target_col:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "l"
#            section_string += "l"   
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)
        print self
        print "A3"
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i < target_col-1:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "drrul"
#            section_string += "drrul"
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)                
        print self

        if to_move_tile[1] < target_col:
            print "A4"
            move_string += "dru"    
#            section_string = ""            
#            section_string += "dru"
#            self.update_puzzle(section_string)
            print self
        print "A5"            
#        section_string = ""
        index_i = to_move_tile[0]
        while index_i != target_row-1:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "lddru"
#            section_string += "lddru"
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)
        print self 

        print "A6"
        move_string += "ld"
#        section_string = "ld"
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)            
        print self
        return move_string                    
    def __position_tile_left_down(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile):            
        a helper function for tile left dowm
        move_string = ""
#        section_string = ""
#        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)
#         print "E1"
        move_string += "u"                
#        section_string = ""            
#        section_string += "u"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self
#         print "E2"
#        section_string = ""
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]   
        while index_i != target_col:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "l"
#            section_string += "l"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self            
#        print "E3"
#        section_string = ""
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]   
        while index_i != target_col-1:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "urrdl"
#            section_string += "urrdl"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self    
#         print "E4"
        move_string += "druld"                
#        section_string = ""            
#        section_string += "druld"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self            
        return move_string
    def __position_tile_right_up(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile):                    
        a helper function for tile right up
        move_string = ""
#        section_string = ""
#        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)
#            print "B1"          
        index_i = to_move_tile[0]   
        while index_i != target_row - 1:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "u"
#            section_string += "u"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self

#         print "B2"  
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i != target_col:
            index_i -= 1
            move_string += "r"
#            section_string += "r"         
        move_string += "uldr"    
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)                
#        section_string = ""            
#        section_string += "uldr"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self
#         print "B3"            
#        section_string = ""
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i != target_col+1:
            index_i -= 1
            move_string += "ulldr"
#            section_string += "ulldr"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self 

#         print "B4"
        move_string += "ul"
#         section_string = "ul"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)            
#         print self
#         print "B5"
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[0]
        while index_i != target_row-1:
            index_i +=1
            move_string += "lddru"
#            section_string += "lddru"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self
#         print "B6"
        move_string += "ld"
#        section_string = "ld"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)            
#         print self            
        return move_string

    def __position_tile_right_down(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile):                            
        a helper function for tile right dowm
        move_string = ""
        section_string = ""
#        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)
        section_string += "u"
        move_string += "u"
#        print self
#        print "D2"
        index_i = target_col   
        while index_i != to_move_tile[1]:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "r"
            section_string += "r"         
#        print self
#        print "D3"
        index_i = target_col   
        while index_i != to_move_tile[1]-1:
            index_i += 1
            move_string += "ulldr"
            section_string += "ulldr"         
#        print self
#        print "D4"
#        move_string += "ullddrlruld"
        move_string += "dluld"
        section_string = ""      
#        section_string += "ullddrlruld"
        section_string += "dluld"
#        print self
#        self.update_puzzle(move_string)
        return move_string

    def __position_tile_same_row(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile):                            
        a helper function for tile same row
        move_string = ""
#        section_string = ""
#        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)

#         print "C1"
        move_string += "u"
#        section_string = "u"
#        self.update_puzzle(section_string)                  
#         print "C2"
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i != target_col:
            index_i +=1
            move_string += "l"
#            section_string += "l"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self            

#         print "C3"
#        section_string = ""            
        index_i = to_move_tile[1]
        while index_i != target_col:
            index_i +=1
            move_string += "rdlur"
#            section_string += "rdlur"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)
#         print self         
#         print "C4"
        move_string += "ld"
#        section_string = "ld"
#         self.update_puzzle(section_string)                              
#         print self
        return move_string

    def is_already_solved(self):
        a helper function to check whether the puzzle to be solved is actually a solved puzzle
        width = self.get_width()
        height = self.get_height()
        for index_h in range(height):
            for index_m in range(width):
                if self.current_position(index_h, index_m) != (index_h, index_m):             
                    return False
        return True
    def __find_zero_tile(self):
        find the zeor tile and returns its index of row and index of col
        for row in range(self._height):
            for col in range(self._width):
                if self._grid[row][col] == 0:
                    return (row, col)
        return (-1, -1)
    def position_tile(self, target_row, target_col, to_move_tile=(-1, -1)):
        a helper function to position tile in the target row and col
        if to_move_tile[0]==-1 and to_move_tile[1]==-1:
            to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)            
        print "to_move_tile=",to_move_tile,"target_row, target_col =", target_row, target_col
        if to_move_tile[0] < target_row and to_move_tile[0] +1 == target_row and to_move_tile[1] > target_col and to_move_tile[0] >= 1:
            print "position_tile_right_down"
            return self.__position_tile_right_down(target_row, target_col, to_move_tile)
        elif to_move_tile[0] < target_row and to_move_tile[1] > target_col:
            print "position_tile_right_up"
            return self.__position_tile_right_up(target_row, target_col, to_move_tile)
        elif to_move_tile[0] < target_row and to_move_tile[1] < target_col and to_move_tile[0] +1 == target_row and to_move_tile[0] >= 1:
            print "position_tile_left_down"            
            return self.__position_tile_left_down(target_row, target_col, to_move_tile)
        elif to_move_tile[0] < target_row and to_move_tile[1] <=target_col :
            print "position_tile_left_up"            
            return self.__position_tile_left_up(target_row, target_col, to_move_tile)
            print "position_tile_same_row"            
            return self.__position_tile_same_row(target_row, target_col, to_move_tile)
    def solve_interior_tile(self, target_row, target_col):
        Place correct tile at target position
        Updates puzzle and returns a move string
        # replace with your code
#        assert self.lower_row_invariant(target_row, target_col)
#        assert target_row > 1 and target_col > 0, "target_row or target_col out of range"
        move_string = self.position_tile(target_row, target_col)
#        assert self.lower_row_invariant(target_row, target_col-1)
        return move_string

    def solve_col0_tile(self, target_row):
        Solve tile in column zero on specified row (> 1)
        Updates puzzle and returns a move string
#        assert self.lower_row_invariant(target_row, 0)
        print "solve_col0_tile, (", target_row, ", 0)"
        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,0)
        print to_move_tile
        target_value = self.get_number(to_move_tile[0], to_move_tile[1])
        print target_value
        move_string = "ur"
        second_move_string = ""
        third_move_string = ""
        print "-----line1.1-----"
        print "G1, move_string = ", move_string
        print self
        if self.get_number(target_row,0) == target_value:
            count_temp = self.get_width() - 2
            while count_temp >0:
                second_move_string += "r"
                count_temp -=1
            move_string = move_string + second_move_string                
            print "-----line1.2-----"
            print self
            second_move_string += self.position_tile(target_row-1, 1, to_move_tile) 
            print "-----line1.3-----, second_move_string = ",second_move_string 
            print self
            third_move_string += "ruldrdlurdluurddlur"    
            count_temp = self.get_width()-2
            while count_temp >0:
                third_move_string += "r"
                count_temp -=1
            print "-----line1.4-----, third_move_string=",third_move_string
            print self            
            move_string = move_string + second_move_string + third_move_string
        print "-----line1.5-----"        
        print "G2"
        print self
#        assert self.lower_row_invariant(target_row-1, self.get_width()-1)
        return move_string

    # Phase two methods

    def row0_invariant(self, target_col):
        Check whether the puzzle satisfies the row zero invariant
        at the given column (col > 1)
        Returns a boolean
        if self.get_number(0, target_col) != 0:
            return False
        target_row = 1        
        for index_h in range(0,target_row+1):        
            for index_k in range(target_col+1,self._width):
                if self.current_position(target_row, index_k) != (target_row, index_k):
                    return False
        for index_h in range(target_row+1,self._height):
            for index_m in range(0,self._width):
                if self.current_position(index_h, index_m) != (index_h, index_m):             
                    return False
        if self.current_position(1, target_col) != (1, target_col):
            return False
        return True

    def row1_invariant(self, target_col):
        Check whether the puzzle satisfies the row one invariant
        at the given column (col > 1)
        Returns a boolean
        target_row = 1
        if self.get_number(target_row, target_col) != 0:
            return False
        for index_h in range(0,target_row+1):        
            for index_k in range(target_col+1,self._width):
                if self.current_position(target_row, index_k) != (target_row, index_k):
                    return False
        for index_h in range(target_row+1,self._height):
            for index_m in range(0,self._width):
                if self.current_position(index_h, index_m) != (index_h, index_m):
                    return False
        return True

    def solve_row0_tile(self, target_col):
        Solve the tile in row zero at the specified column
        Updates puzzle and returns a move string
        print "solve_row0_tile(): (0,",target_col, ")"        
        move_string1 = "ld"
        target_row = 0
        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)        
        target_value = self.get_number(to_move_tile[0], to_move_tile[1])        
        if self.get_number(target_row, target_col) == target_value:        
            return move_string1
        move_string2 = ""        
        target_col_new = target_col - 1
        if to_move_tile[0]==1:
            for dummy_j in range(target_col_new- to_move_tile[1]):
                move_string2 += "l"
            for dummy_j in range(target_col_new- to_move_tile[1]-1):
                move_string2 += "urrdl"
            move_string2 += "urldurdlurrdluldrruld"
        elif to_move_tile[0]==0: 
            for dummy_j in range(target_col_new- to_move_tile[1]):
                move_string2 += "l"
            move_string2 += "urdl"                
            for dummy_j in range(target_col_new- to_move_tile[1]-1):
                move_string2 += "urrdl"
            move_string2 += "urldurdlurrdluldrruld"
#        print "-----solve_row0_tile A1-----"
#        print self
#        print self
        return move_string1 + move_string2

    def solve_row1_tile(self, target_col):
        Solve the tile in row one at the specified column
        Updates puzzle and returns a move string
        print "solve_row1_tile(): (1,",target_col, ")"
        target_row = 1
        move_string = ""
        to_move_tile = self.current_position(target_row,target_col)        
        if to_move_tile[0]==1:
            for dummy_j in range(target_col- to_move_tile[1]):
                move_string += "l"
            for dummy_j in range(target_col- to_move_tile[1]-1):
                move_string += "urrdl"
            move_string += "ur"
        elif to_move_tile[0]==0: 
            if to_move_tile[1]==target_col:
                move_string +="u"
                for dummy_j in range(target_col- to_move_tile[1]):
                    move_string += "l"
                move_string += "urdl"                
                for dummy_j in range(target_col- to_move_tile[1]-1):
                    move_string += "urrdl"
                move_string += "ur"
        print "solve_row1_tile(), move_string = ", move_string
        return move_string

    # Phase 3 methods

    def solve_2x2(self):
        Solve the upper left 2x2 part of the puzzle
        Updates the puzzle and returns a move string
        zero_tile = self.current_position(0,0)
        if zero_tile == (0,1):
            move_string1 = "l"
        elif zero_tile == (1,0):
            move_string1 = "u"
        elif zero_tile == (1,1):
            move_string1 = "lu"
#        print "move_string1=", move_string1
        if self.get_number(0, 0) < self.get_number(1, 0) and \
           self.get_number(1, 0) < self.get_number(1, 1) and \
           self.get_number(1, 1) < self.get_number(0, 1):
           move_string2 =  "drul"
        elif self.get_number(0, 0) < self.get_number(1, 1) and \
           self.get_number(1, 1) < self.get_number(0, 1) and \
           self.get_number(0, 1) < self.get_number(1, 0):                
           move_string2 =  "rdlu"        
#        print "move_string2=", move_string2
        print "before solve_2x2()____\n",self
        print "after solve_2x2()____\n",self
        return move_string1+ move_string2

    def  solve_puzzle(self):
        Generate a solution string for a puzzle
        Updates the puzzle and returns a move string
        # replace with your code
        move_string = ""
        width = self.get_width()
        height = self.get_height()
        if self.is_already_solved():
            return move_string
        # pre processing
        start_i = -1
        start_j = -1
        for start_i in range(0,height)[::-1]:            
            for start_j in range(0,width)[::-1]:
                if self.current_position(start_i, start_j) !=  (start_i, start_j):
            if self.current_position(start_i, start_j) !=  (start_i, start_j):
        print "pre-test", start_i, start_j
        zero_tile = self.__find_zero_tile()
        print "pre-test, zero_tile = ", zero_tile
        if zero_tile[1]<= start_j:
            for dummy_step in range(start_j - zero_tile[1]):
                move_string += "r"
            for dummy_step in range(zero_tile[1] - start_j):
                move_string += "l"
        for dummy_step in range(start_i - zero_tile[0]):
            move_string += "d"
        print self
        for index_i in range(2,height)[::-1]:            
            for index_j in range(1,width)[::-1]:
                print "solve() continued the loop:", index_i, index_j
                if self.current_position(index_i, index_j) == (index_i, index_j):
                if index_i > start_i:
                if index_i ==start_i and index_j>start_j:
                print "before solve()___: (", index_i, ", ", index_j,")"
                assert self.lower_row_invariant(index_i, index_j)
                print self
                move_string += self.solve_interior_tile(index_i, index_j)
                print "after solve()___: (", index_i, ", ", index_j,")", move_string,"\n", self
                assert self.lower_row_invariant(index_i, index_j-1)
            if index_i > start_i:
            move_string += self.solve_col0_tile(index_i)
            print self
        for index_j in range(2,width)[::-1]:
            if self.current_position(1, index_j) == (1, index_j):
            assert self.row1_invariant(index_j)
            move_string += self.solve_row1_tile(index_j)
            print "after solve_row1()___:\n", self
            if self.current_position(0, index_j) == (0, index_j):
            assert self.row0_invariant(index_j)
            move_string += self.solve_row0_tile(index_j)
            print "after solve_row0()___:\n", self
            assert self.current_position(1, index_j-1) == (1, index_j-1) or self.row1_invariant(index_j - 1)
        move_string += self.solve_2x2()
        return move_string

# Start interactive simulation

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 5, [[8, 2, 10, 9, 1], [7, 6, 15, 4, 3], [5, 11, 12, 13, 14], [0, 16, 17, 18, 19]]))
#puzzle1 = Puzzle(4, 5, [[8, 2, 10, 9, 1], [7, 6, 15, 4, 3], [5, 11, 12, 13, 14], [0, 16, 17, 18, 19]])
#print puzzle1, puzzle1.solve_col0_tile(3)
#print "------line2------\n", puzzle1

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 5, [[8, 2, 10, 9, 1], [7, 6, 5, 4, 3], [0, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]))
#puzzle1 = Puzzle(4, 5, [[8, 2, 10, 9, 1], [7, 6, 5, 4, 3], [0, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]])#
#print puzzle1, puzzle1.solve_col0_tile(2)
#print "------line2------\n", puzzle1

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(5, 5,[[8,10,13,15,21],[7,9,11,12,14],[2,16,1,19,18],[4,6,3,17,20],[5,0,22,23,24]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(3, 3, [[8, 7, 6], [5, 4, 3], [2, 1, 0]])
#move_string = puzzle.solve_interior_tile(2,2)
#print puzzle
#print move_string

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 4,[[6,2,12,8],[10,4,5,9],[11,1,7,3],[0,13,14,15]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(4, 4,[[6,2,12,8],[10,4,5,9],[11,1,7,3],[0,13,14,15]])
#print puzzle.solve_interior_tile(3,0)

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 4, [[4, 2, 0, 3], [5, 1, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(4, 4, [[4, 2, 0, 3], [5, 1, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.row0_invariant(2) 

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 5, [[7, 2, 0, 3, 4], [5, 6, 1, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(4, 5, [[7, 2, 0, 3, 4], [5, 6, 1, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.row0_invariant(2) 
#print puzzle.solve_row0_tile(3)
#print puzzle

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(2, 2, [[1, 3], [2,0]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(2, 2, [[1, 3], [2,0]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.row0_invariant(1) 
#print puzzle.solve_row0_tile(1)
#print puzzle.solve_2x2()
#print puzzle

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(4, 5, [[15, 16, 0, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [1, 2, 17, 18, 19]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(4, 5, [[15, 16, 0, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [1, 2, 17, 18, 19]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.is_already_solved()
#print puzzle.solve_puzzle()

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(5, 4, [[5, 4, 2, 3], [1, 0, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(5, 4, [[5, 4, 2, 3], [1, 0, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.solve_puzzle()

#poc_fifteen_gui.FifteenGUI(Puzzle(3, 6, [[16, 7, 13, 17, 5, 9], [3, 0, 14, 10, 12, 6], [4, 15, 2, 11, 8, 1]]))
#puzzle = Puzzle(3, 6, [[16, 7, 13, 17, 5, 9], [3, 0, 14, 10, 12, 6], [4, 15, 2, 11, 8, 1]])
#print puzzle
#print puzzle.solve_puzzle()
