mkdir rspec_tutorial cd rspec_tutorial mate .
touch user_spec.rb
describe User do end
这段测试代码的意思是,描述用户行为 在终端运行
spec user_spec.rb
./user_spec.rb:1: uninitialized constant User (NameError)
这个错误提示的意思是说没有初始化user对象,原因是我们还没有User类,所以现在要创建一个User类: 新建一个user.rb文件,内容:
class User end
require 'user' describe User do end
$ spec user_spec.rb . Finished in 0.010015 seconds 0 examples, 0 failures
describe User do it "should be in any roles assigned to it" do end end
it方法会返回一个example实例,因此it可以理解成“用户行为的一个样例” 这次我们在执行spec命令的时候加-f 参数,让结果按照某种格式来输出:
spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc User - should be in any roles assigned to it Finished in 0.022585 seconds 1 example, 0 failures
require 'user' describe User do it "should be in any roles assigned to it" do user.should be_in_role("assigned role") end end
加入的这行代码的意思是user应该能够胜任所有分配给他的角色。运行测试: $ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc
User - should be in any roles assigned to it (FAILED - 1) 1) NameError in 'User should be in any roles assigned to it' undefined local variable or method `user' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0x101547c28> ./user_spec.rb:4: Finished in 0.008971 seconds 1 example, 1 failure
require 'user' describe User do it "should be in any roles assigned to it" do user = User.new user.should be_in_role("assigned role") end end
再次执行测试: $ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc
User - should be in any roles assigned to it (FAILED - 1) 1) NoMethodError in 'User should be in any roles assigned to it' undefined method `in_role?' for #<User:0x101547778> ./user_spec.rb:5: Finished in 0.008906 seconds 1 example, 1 failure
class User def in_role?(role) end end
再次执行测试: $ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc
User - should be in any roles assigned to it (FAILED - 1) 1) 'User should be in any roles assigned to it' FAILED expected in_role?("assigned role") to return true, got nil ./user_spec.rb:5: Finished in 0.008822 seconds 1 example, 1 failure
class User def in_role?(role) true end end
$ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc User - should be in any roles assigned to it Finished in 0.008493 seconds 1 example, 0 failures
require 'user' describe User do it "should be in any roles assigned to it" do user = User.new user.assign_role("assigned role") user.should be_in_role("assigned role") end end
1) NoMethodError in 'User should be in any roles assigned to it' undefined method `assign_role' for #<User:0x101547408> ./user_spec.rb:5:
class User def assign_role(role) end def in_role?(role) true end end
这次再执行测试,就可以通过了。 但是,现在,我们只是解决了“用户必须接受所有分配给他的角色”,但是还有一个问题就是”用户不应该接受没有分配给他的角色“。所以我们需要为用户行为再增加一个样例:
require 'user' describe User do it "should be in any roles assigned to it" do user = User.new user.assign_role("assigned role") user.should be_in_role("assigned role") end it "不该属于没有分配给他的角色" do user = User.new user.should_not be_in_role("unassigned role") end end
$ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc User - should be in any roles assigned to it - 不该属于没有分配给他的角色 (FAILED - 1) 1) 'User 不该属于没有分配给他的角色' FAILED expected in_role?("unassigned role") to return false, got true ./user_spec.rb:11: Finished in 0.009124 seconds 2 examples, 1 failure
class User def assign_role(role) end def in_role?(role) role == "assigned role" end end
再次执行代码,没错了。 但是user.rb中有些重复,都是用了assigned role,因此要对user.rb的代码进行重构:
class User def assign_role(role) @role = role end def in_role?(role) role == @role end end
$ spec user_spec.rb -f specdoc User - should be in any roles assigned to it - 不该属于没有分配给他的角色 Finished in 0.008864 seconds 2 examples, 0 failures