ExtJS4 actioncolumn动态显示图标


  • getClass : Function

    A function which returns the CSS class to apply to the icon image.


    • v : Object

      The value of the column's configured field (if any).

    • metadata : Object

      An object in which you may set the following attributes:

      • css : String

        A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element.

      • attr : String

        An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the datacontainer element within the table cell (e.g. 'style="color:red;"').

    • r : Ext.data.Model

      The Record providing the data.

    • rowIndex : Number

      The row index..

    • colIndex : Number

      The column index.

    • store : Ext.data.Store

      The Store which is providing the data Model.

那么,就可以在这个函数里做判断了,先是用record来判断状态,如果在当前这条记录不要显示该column的话,就返回'x-hidden',否则就什么都不返回,还有,如果不想隐藏它,而是设为禁用,则可以这样写: return this.disabledCls; 这是它自己禁用的CSS样式。

备注: 我的Ext版本是4.0.7 大笑
