A collection of color schemes for some famous websites in China

A collection of color schemes for some famous websites in China

Each website has a color scheme which identifies itself. By looking at one color, we can know which website it is for. These color schemes can be identified from their logos, nav-bars, background etc. We collect some color schemes for some famous Chinese websites.

Alibaba (#f90)


Baidu (#0000cc)


Huawei (#e30a12)


HTC (#69b40f)


JD (#c91623)


Renren (#105ba3)


Sina (#e4351e)


Sohu (#fdd000)


Taobao (#ff4400)


Tencent (#0397de)


Tmall (#b10000)


WeChat (#5ba607)


Xiami (#f39200)


Zhihu (#0078d8)


163 (#333)


36Kr (#146fb9)


360 (#48b701)


We will upgrade more in the future.......

你可能感兴趣的:(A collection of color schemes for some famous websites in China)