本文来自DoubleH的BlogJava博客,原文标题为《JDK7 NIO2 实践: 增加 TransmitFile支持》。对于Java 7 NIO2特性的更多描述,可参考以前Google的一次技术演讲。
- Apache HTTP Server与Tomcat的三种连接方
- JDK6.0的新特性:轻量级Http Server
- Java 7决定包含闭包 发布日期推迟至2010
- Java 7已经完成的七大新功能预览
- Java 7新功能代码范例
本人基于目前最新的JDK7 b76开发了一个HTTP Server性能确实不错。
但是要注意,IOCP工作线程的线程池必须是 Fix的,因为你发出的读写请求都关联到相应的线程上,如果线程死了,那读写完成情况是不知道的。
作为一个Http Server,传送文件是必不可少的功能,那一般文件的传送都是要把程序里的buffer拷贝到内核的buffer,由内核发送出去的。windows平台上为这种情况提供了很好的解决方案,使用TransmitFile接口
- BOOL TransmitFile(
- SOCKET hSocket,
- HANDLE hFile,
- DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
- DWORD nNumberOfBytesPerSend,
- LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
- DWORD dwFlags
- );
但是很不幸,NIO2里AsynchronousSocketChannel没有提供这样的支持。而为HTTP Server的性能考量,本人只好自己增加这个支持。
要无缝支持,这个必须得表现的跟 Read /Write一样,有完成的通知,通知传送多少数据,等等。
- package sun.nio.ch;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException;
- import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel;
- import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
- import java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler;
- import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException;
- import java.nio.channels.WritePendingException;
- import java.util.concurrent.Future;
- /**
- * @author Yvon
- *
- */
- public class WindowsTransmitFileSupport {
- //Sun's NIO2 channel implementation class
- private WindowsAsynchronousSocketChannelImpl channel;
- //nio2 framework core data structure
- PendingIoCache ioCache;
- //some field retrieve from sun channel implementation class
- private Object writeLock;
- private Field writingF;
- private Field writeShutdownF;
- private Field writeKilledF; // f
- WindowsTransmitFileSupport()
- {
- //dummy one for JNI code
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- public WindowsTransmitFileSupport(
- AsynchronousSocketChannel
- channel) {
- this.channel = (WindowsAsynchronousSocketChannelImpl)channel;
- try {
- // Initialize the fields
- Field f = WindowsAsynchronousSocketChannelImpl.class
- .getDeclaredField("ioCache");
- f.setAccessible(true);
- ioCache = (PendingIoCache) f.get(channel);
- f = AsynchronousSocketChannelImpl.class
- .getDeclaredField("writeLock");
- f.setAccessible(true);
- writeLock = f.get(channel);
- writingF = AsynchronousSocketChannelImpl.class
- .getDeclaredField("writing");
- writingF.setAccessible(true);
- writeShutdownF = AsynchronousSocketChannelImpl.class
- .getDeclaredField("writeShutdown");
- writeShutdownF.setAccessible(true);
- writeKilledF = AsynchronousSocketChannelImpl.class
- .getDeclaredField("writeKilled");
- writeKilledF.setAccessible(true);
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (SecurityException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Implements the task to initiate a write and the handler to consume the
- * result when the send file completes.
- */
- private class SendFileTask implements Runnable, Iocp.ResultHandler {
- private final PendingFuture result;
- private final long file;//file is windows file HANDLE
- SendFileTask(long file, PendingFuture result) {
- this.result = result;
- this.file = file;
- }
- @Override
- // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public void run() {
- long overlapped = 0L;
- boolean pending = false;
- boolean shutdown = false;
- try {
- channel.begin();
- // get an OVERLAPPED structure (from the cache or allocate)
- overlapped = ioCache.add(result);
- int n = transmitFile0(channel.handle, file, overlapped);
- if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) {
- // I/O is pending
- pending = true;
- return;
- }
- if (n == IOStatus.EOF) {
- // special case for shutdown output
- shutdown = true;
- throw new ClosedChannelException();
- }
- // write completed immediately
- throw new InternalError("Write completed immediately");
- } catch (Throwable x) {
- // write failed. Enable writing before releasing waiters.
- channel.enableWriting();
- if (!shutdown && (x instanceof ClosedChannelException))
- x = new AsynchronousCloseException();
- if (!(x instanceof IOException))
- x = new IOException(x);
- result.setFailure(x);
- } finally {
- // release resources if I/O not pending
- if (!pending) {
- if (overlapped != 0L)
- ioCache.remove(overlapped);
- }
- channel.end();
- }
- // invoke completion handler
- Invoker.invoke(result);
- }
- /**
- * Executed when the I/O has completed
- */
- @Override
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public void completed(int bytesTransferred, boolean canInvokeDirect) {
- // release waiters if not already released by timeout
- synchronized (result) {
- if (result.isDone())
- return;
- channel.enableWriting();
- result.setResult((V) Integer.valueOf(bytesTransferred));
- }
- if (canInvokeDirect) {
- Invoker.invokeUnchecked(result);
- } else {
- Invoker.invoke(result);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void failed(int error, IOException x) {
- // return direct buffer to cache if substituted
- // release waiters if not already released by timeout
- if (!channel.isOpen())
- x = new AsynchronousCloseException();
- synchronized (result) {
- if (result.isDone())
- return;
- channel.enableWriting();
- result.setFailure(x);
- }
- Invoker.invoke(result);
- }
- }
- public <V&NBSP;< SPAN>extends Number, A> Future sendFile(long file, A att,
- CompletionHandler<V,&NBSP;?&NBSP;< SPAN>super A> handler) {
- boolean closed = false;
- if (channel.isOpen()) {
- if (channel.remoteAddress == null)
- throw new NotYetConnectedException();
- // check and update state
- synchronized (writeLock) {
- try{
- if (writeKilledF.getBoolean(channel))
- throw new IllegalStateException(
- "Writing not allowed due to timeout or cancellation");
- if (writingF.getBoolean(channel))
- throw new WritePendingException();
- if (writeShutdownF.getBoolean(channel)) {
- closed = true;
- } else {
- writingF.setBoolean(channel, true);
- }
- }catch(Exception e)
- {
- IllegalStateException ise=new IllegalStateException(" catch exception when write");
- ise.initCause(e);
- throw ise;
- }
- }
- } else {
- closed = true;
- }
- // channel is closed or shutdown for write
- if (closed) {
- Throwable e = new ClosedChannelException();
- if (handler == null)
- return CompletedFuture.withFailure(e);
- Invoker.invoke(channel, handler, att, null, e);
- return null;
- }
- return implSendFile(file,att,handler);
- }
- <V&NBSP;< SPAN>extends Number, A> Future implSendFile(long file, A attachment,
- CompletionHandler<V,&NBSP;?&NBSP;< SPAN>super A> handler) {
- // setup task
- PendingFuture result = new PendingFuture(channel, handler,
- attachment);
- SendFileTask sendTask=new SendFileTask(file,result);
- result.setContext(sendTask);
- // initiate I/O (can only be done from thread in thread pool)
- // initiate I/O
- if (Iocp.supportsThreadAgnosticIo()) {
- sendTask.run();
- } else {
- Invoker.invokeOnThreadInThreadPool(channel, sendTask);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private native int transmitFile0(long handle, long file,
- long overlapped);
- }
解决办法一个是通过启动参数-Xbootclasspath,让我们的包被初始加载器加载。我个人不喜欢这种办法,所以就采用JNI来定义我们的windows TransmitFile支持类。
有兴趣的同学可以看看我的HTTP server项目:
目前基本功能实现得差不多,做了些简单的测试,性能比较满意。这个服务器不打算支持servlet api,基本是专门给做基于长连接模式通信的定做的。