开源XSL C++开发包

开源XSL C++开发包

    可能因为微软、IBM这样的商业公式和开源社区在数据表达方面的不谋而合,以及再加上W3C推波助澜XML的相关技术总是和应用结合得非常紧密。XML从产生就不乏优秀的工具。在最近一个项目中,我们就使用了原生的XML存储数据库Berkely DBXML(BDB)。
其实,DBXML使用了大量优秀的开源工具来实现,其中数据存储使用Berkely DB,XML解析使用XercesC,XPath的实现使用Pathan(2.3以前),XQilla(2.3以后)。关于这几个库,我将官方网站的介绍摘录如下:
  1. Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces-C++ makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write XML data. A shared library is provided for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents.
  2. Pathan is a open source library which allows developers using Xerces-C to parse and evaluate XPath expressions for XML node selection.
  3. XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2 library and command line utility written in C++ , implemented on top of the Xerces-C. XQilla is originally based on an open source project called Pathan, that was hosted by Decisionsoft and implemented XPath 2. However, XQilla has been developed and improved considerably from the Pathan code base.
  4. Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types
把DBXML与XSL联系起来。我们找到了一个DBXML API中函数,他可以将XML Node 以Xerces DOMDocument 方式返回:
xercesc_2_6::DOMDocument  * XmlDocument::getContentAsDOM()  const ;

    我们要还要引入一个库Xalan C++。Xalan C++可以将生成的结果存储在一个Xerces DOMDocument中;可以使用 TransformToXercesDOM将XercesDOM作为转换的源。


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