Depot Tools
1. You'll need to have the depot tools installed:
2. You need git installed (needed for getting WebMsource):
Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
This, and more, is described on the Chromium site:
A script is provided for Ubuntu, which is availableafter your first gclient sync:
$ ./build/
Pulse Audio is missing from the script. On Ubuntu,this is provided by the libpulse-dev package.
Although the script is the recommended method, it will installmuch more than you need. Here is a (hopefully complete) minimal list ofpackages to install (sudo apt-get install...):
g++ (>= 4.2)
python (>= 2.4)
For 32-bit builds on a 64-bit system:
Tips for other distributions are available on theChromium page.
· Visual Studio 2008 or newer, with all service packs installed.
o Using the free version Visual C++ Express does not work out of the box,but we think it should be possible by installing WDK, seeChromium's instructions for this (Additional Software, step 6). If you make it work,please let us know at the mailing list discuss-webrtc, and we will update thisdocumentation.
· Microsoft SDK 7.1 Older versions might work as well, as long as they support Vista specificfeatures (building on XP should be fine).
o Ensure the library and include directories for the SDK are set inMSVC|Tools|Options|Projects and Solutions|VC++ Directories (e.g. C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib).
· Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) (others might work as well). Please check that this SDK getsinstalled like this:
o Verify MSVC|Tools|Options|Projects and Solutions|VC++ Directories hasInclude: $(DXSDK_DIR)include and Lib: $(DXSDK_DIR)lib\x86.
o Make sure the DirectX include directories appear first in the search path, otherwise you may get build errors.
· Python
· For Visual 2010 some extra steps areneeded:
o Install VS2010 SP1.
o In case VS2010 is not detectedautomatically by GYP or in case you have multiple versions of Visual Studio inyour build machine, then to generate the .sln/.vcxproj, you need to set anenvironment variable: GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2010
o For test programs that use MFC, makesure that the solution links to the MFC libraries statically. This getsautomatically set in VS2005, but there is a bug in solution file generator forVS2010.
XCode 3.0 or higher
Build environment
Prerequisite software
· Windows XP SP3 or later.
o A 64 bit OS is highly recommended as building on 32 bit OS is constantly becoming harder, is alot slower and is not actively maintained.
· Visual Studio Express, Standard, or Pro 2008 or 2010.
o If you don't own a copy of Visual Studio, you can (freely) downloadVisual Studio 2008 Expressw/SP1
o For non-Express versions:
§ Make sure that "X64 Compilers and Tools" are installed as partof Visual Studio -Important! If you don't install this now, you won't be able tocorrect your installation later without uninstalling due to a bug in VS2008SP1.
§ For VS 20088, if you're using the Standard Edition, make sure to alsoinstall C# development. Otherwise cl.exe won't be copied. SeeKB969866.
o For Express versions, keep in mind that debugging is extremely limited.
Additional (free) downloads
1. Visual Studio 2008
1. Install VS2008 SP1 (unless you already have SP1, e.g. because youdownloaded VS2008 Express w/SP1 via the link above).
2. Install KB967631, KB960075, and KB957912.
3. Install the Windows 7.1 SDK
1. Read the instructions on the SDK download page! Readit again!
2. You might need to reboot. You can save space by notinstalling the documentation and code samples.
4. Integrate the SDK with VisualStudio
1. Start > All Programs > Microsoft Windows SDK> Visual Studio Registration > Windows SDK Configuration Tool.
If this program crashes, try running it from the command line with: windowssdkver -version:v7 -legacy
2. If build still fails, try registering the SDK manually.
3. If you had a previous version of the SDK installedbefore installing v7.0, verify that your VC++ directories are set to use v7.0and not an earlier SDK. Seeregistering the SDK manually for details.
5. If you are not using Visual Studio 2008 Express,install KB971092. Yes, that's a 365 MB update. :/
6. If you are using Visual Studio 2008 Team System andplan to use the profiler, installKB958842.
2. Visual Studio 2010 / Visual C++ 2010 Express
1. Install VS2010 SP1.
2. Install the Windows 7.1 SDK.
3. You may need this repair to restore the libraries if the SDK was already installed when you installedSP1.
4. As of 2011-04-01, VS2010 is not detected automaticallyby GYP, so to generate the .sln/.vcxproj, you need to
1. set/export GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2010(or create new Windows environment variable)
§ Note: 2010e for expressversions.
gclient runhooks
Note: As of 2011-07-12 you may see some warnings fromGYP about missing files from JavaScriptCore.gyp. You can ignore these.
You may want to double-check that VisualStudio 2010 isusing the right SDK by renaming Include and Lib in C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A when trying to build. If your compile failsafter this (likely complaining of missing includes), see the Troubleshootingsection on manually installing the SDK.
Install the DirectX SDK
o Visual Studio 2008:
§ Open Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories.
§ Under "Include files" add $(DXSDK_DIR)include to the start of the list.
§ Under "Library files" add $(DXSDK_DIR)lib\x86 to the start of the list.
o Visual Studio 2010:
0. Go to View > Property Manager (can take a while toload).
1. Expand any projects' property sheet (i.e. chrome) andexpand either Debug or Release.
2. Right click on "Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user" (thisis your user configuration) and go to "Properties"
3. Under "VC++ Directories", "IncludeDirectories" insert $(DXSDK_DIR)\include; to the beginning of the include list
4. Under "VC++Directories", "Library Directories" insert$(DXSDK_DIR)\lib\x86; to thebeginning of the library list.
o Make sure the DirectX include and lib directories appear first in the search path, otherwise you may get build errors.
If you use Visual Studio 2008 Express:
0. Install the WDK for the ATL headers and libs.
0. Verify MSVC|Tools|Options|Projects and Solutions|VC++Directories has Include: [WDK]include\atl71 and Lib: [WDK]lib\Atl\i386 where [WDK] is the WDK install directory.
1. To build x64 targets (e.g. x64 Native Client) onVisual Studio 2008 Express:
0. Download, unzip, and follow the README instructions.
1. For further information on that and x64 targetbuilding with Visual Studio 2008 Express (if you care), see and
If you're using Visual C++ 2010 Express:
o Install the WDK for the ATL/MFC headers and libs (else you will get"Missing library atlthunk.lib" and "Missing headeraltbase.h" errors).
0. After you've done this, create a system-wideenvironment variable named WDK_DIR viaRun...->SystemPropertiesAdvanced->Environment Variables...->New...(inSystem variables), with the name of WDK_DIR and the location youinstalled the WDK (e.g. C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1).
1. Restart Visual C++ 2010 Express or the command lineenvironment (if they're open, otherwise they won't have this environmentvariable set).
2. Open chrome.sln, go to View->Property Manager fromtop menu, wait for this pane to load.
3. Expand chrome->Debug and right click"Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user" and click "Properties".
4. Under "VC++ Directories" add
§ $(WDK_DIR)\inc\atl71;$(WDK_DIR)\inc\mfc42; to the include list and
§ $(WDK_DIR)\lib\ATL\i386; to the library list.
5. If you want to build nacl, do the same for 64-bit.Expand chrome_nacl_win64->Debug | x64, right click"Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user" and click "Properties".
6. Under "VC++ Directories" add
§ $(WDK_DIR)\inc\atl71;$(WDK_DIR)\inc\mfc42; to the include list and
§ $(WDK_DIR)\lib\ATL\amd64; to the library list.
(Optional) Install cygwin.
Install the depot_tools
Chromium and Chromium OS use a package of scripts called depot_tools to manage checkouts and code reviews. If you want more details about depot_tools, you can check thedepot_tools information page. The depot_tools package includes gclient, gcl, git-cl, repo, and others. Steps for installing Linux and Mac 1. Grab the checkout with one of:1. non-committers (to depot_tools): svn co 2. committers (again, to depot_tools): svn co svn:// Add depot_tools to your PATH: 1. $ export PATH="$PATH":`pwd`/depot_tools2. You may want to add this to your .bash_aliases file or your shell's equivalent so that you don’t need to reset your $PATH manually each time you open a new shell. Windows (Cygwin and non-Cygwin)If using Cygwin, you should have already installed cygwin by this point. 1. Get a copy of depot_tools:o Cygwin: Check out the tools using the command in step (1) for Linux and Mac above. o Non-cygwin: Download and decompress it.2. Run gclient once from the cmd shell, which causes it to install its own copy of svn and other tools. If you see strange errors with the file system on the first run of gclient, you may want todisable Windows Indexing. 3. Add depot_tools to the end (not start!) of your PATH:o System Properties, Advanced properties, Environment Variables, modify the "Path" system variable. 4. Cygwin only: Close your shells, reopen a Cygwin shell, and ensure that which svn reports /usr/bin/svn. If not, you either didn't install the svn package properly when installing Cygwin, or you put depot_tools on the front of your PATH instead of the back. Fix this before checking out any code, as once you check out, you want to always use the same svn (Cygwin or depot_tools) to work with that checkout -- otherwise strange things can happen that are most easily fixed by completely wiping the checkout.See also Howto: depot tools |
然后运行 config
Getting the code and building
Create a working directory, enter it, and run:
$ gclient config
$ gclient sync --force
以上应该是cgwin下运行,如果是windows命令行应该增加后缀如下所示 config sync--force
必须如此运行,通过gyp会自动生成 vs的sln等工程文件。
If you're a committer, substitute https for http. On Windows,use gclient.bat instead (or prefix the commands by invoking python).
On Linux, ensure your dependencies are up to date, asdescribed on theprerequisites page.
The sync will generate native build files for yourenvironment usinggyp (Linux: make, OS X: XCode, Windows: Visual Studio).This generation can also be forced manually:
$ gclient runhooks --force
On Windows, gyp will use the latest Visual Studio onyour system by default. In order to specify a particular Visual Studio version,there are a few options. You can set an environment variable GYP_MSVS_VERSION=<version> before runhooks, or manually run the gyp command triggered by runhooks.From the trunk/ directory:
$ build/gyp_chromium --depth=. -G msvs_version=<version> webrtc.gyp
where <version> is, for example, 2008.
You should now be able to build the sample programspeerconnection_client (Windows only) and peerconnection_server (Windows, Linux,Mac).
Sample Application
The sample application creates a simple video chatclient and server, using thePeerConnection C++ API.
How to Build
On Linux:
$ cd trunk
$ makepeerconnection_server
On Windows:
Use Visual Studio to open and build the trunk/webrtc.sln solution file. Thiswill build both peerconnection_server.exe and peerconnection_client.exe.
On Mac:
$ cd trunk
$ openwebrtc.xcodeproj/
This will open XCode. Build the peerconnection_server target using XCode.
It is also possible to use regular Make to build. To do this, set theenvironment variable GYP_GENERATORS to make (in bash, typeGYP_GENERATORS=make) and then run gclient sync. With this, you can for instance import the project into Eclipse as amakefile project and use that instead of XCode.
How toRun
The resulting binaries appear in xcodebuild/Debug/ on Mac, out/Debug/ on Linux and build/Debug/ on Windows.
Once built, start the peerconnection_server application. This is a simple web server that's builtto exchange signaling messages between instances of peerconnection_client (Note: the client is Windows only).
You can also use the test HTML page (trunk/peerconnection/samples/server/server_test.html) to connect to the server and enable loopback whenyou've only got one instance of peerconnection_client running. Enabling loopback causes the client to set up a video/voicesession with itself.
When the server is running, you'll see a messageindicating that it is running:
Server listening on port 8888
Next, start peerconnection_client.exe. This is a Windows application that uses thePeerConnection C++ API for setting up a video+voice session with a remote peer.The application uses the server to send signaling messages (messages generatedby the API) between the peers.
The UI of the application consists of these threeparts:
1. Connect to server. Here you specify the machine thatis currently running the server. Hit "Connect" or press return.
2. Select peer. When you've connected with the server,you'll see a list of other peerconnection_client instances (or server_test.html) that are currently connected. To connect with apeer, double click or select+press return. This will start the local capturecomponents (mic+webcam) as well as exchange signaling messages with the peervia the server. You can verify this via the server console.
3. Video chat. When the signalling messages have beenexchanged, the PeerConnection API creates channels for the voice and videostreams and you will see the remote video in full window and the local videocapture in the lower right corner.
To end a chat session and go back to selecting a peer,press Esc. To disconnect from the server and go back to the initial UI, pressEsc again.
On Mac, Linux
Open trunk/peerconnection/samples/server/server_test.html. Click connect. Observe that thepeerconnection_server announces your connection. Now you can open one more tabwith the page, connect that too (with a different name) and send messagesbetween the peers.
This test client is a simple functional test for a WebRTC enabled browser. It
has only been tested with Chrome, and is most likely only working with Chrome at
the moment. The following instructions are in part Chrome specific
The following is necessary to run the test:- A WebRTC enabled Chrome binary. (Available in dev or canary channel, 18.0.1008or newer.)- A peerconnection_server binary (make peerconnection_server).It can be used in two scenarios:1. Single client calling itself with the server test page(peerconnection/samples/server/server_test.html) in loopback mode as a fakeclient.2. Call between two clients.
To start the test for scenario (1):
1. Start peerconnection_server.
2. Start the WebRTC Chrome build:$ <path_to_chrome_binary>/chrome --enable-media-streamThe --enable-media-stream flag is required for the time being.
3. Open the server test page, ensure loopback is enabled, choose a name (forexample "loopback") and connect to the server.
4. Open the test page, connect to the server, select the loopback peer, clickcall.
To start the test for scenario (2):
1. Start peerconnection_server.
2. Start the WebRTC Chrome build, see scenario (1).
3. Open the test page, connect to the server.
4. On another machine, start the WebRTC Chrome build.5. Open the test page, connect to the server, select the other peer, click call.
Note 1: There is currently a limitation so that the camera device can only beaccessed once, even if in the same browser instance. Hence the need to use twomachines for scenario (2).
Note 2: The web page must normally be on a web server to be able to access thecamera for security reasons.See more details on this topic. This can be overridden with the flag--allow-file-access-from-files, in which case running it over the file://URI scheme works.Note 3: It's possible to specify the server and name in the url:.../webrtc.html?server=my_server&name=my_name
目录 1. 1 Introduction2. 2 Installing 3. 3 Disable auto update1. 3.1 Caveat 4. 4 Help! 5. 5 gclient 1. 5.1 .gclient file 2. 5.2 .gclient example 3. 5.3 DEPS file 4. 5.4 Pinned deps 5. 5.5 DEPS examples 6. 6 Sending patches IntroductionChromium uses a package of scripts, the depot_tools, to manage interaction with the Chromium source code repository and the Chromium development process. It contains the following utilities:
It is highly encouraged to look around and open the files in a text editor as this page can quickly become outdated. Please keep this page updated! InstallingSee Howto: install the depot tools. Disable auto updateThe
Note: If you aren't using either of these helper scripts (e.g. you're developing Chromium OS), then you will need to manually update depot_tools yourself from time to time with a simple: svn up CaveatChromium engineers expect the auto-updating behavior of depot_tools, checkout or presubmit breakage may ensue. Help!These tools don't have man pages but have integrated help! Try all of these commands! If the doc is not adequate, send patches to fix them.
Otherwise, there are many great text editors that can help you out to read what the tools are actually doing. gclientgclient is a python script to manage a workspace of modular dependencies that are each checked out independently from different subversion or git repositories. Features are:
.gclient fileIt's the master file. It is, in fact, a python script. It specifies the following variables:
Additional variables are ignored. Each project described in the solutions array can contain an optional DEPS file that will be processed. The .gclient file is generated with
.gclient example explains how to hack your own .gclient file to modify the checkout to fetch from webkit's trunk instead of the version specified by chromium. DEPS fileA DEPS file specifies dependencies of a project. It is in fact a python script. It specifies the following variables:
Additional variables are ignored. Specical keywords are:
Pinned depsEach dependency checkout URL can (and usually does) contain a revision number or git hash, which means you're going to check out and build from that specific revision of the module in question. We call thatpinned deps. The advantage is that you can build from a known working revision, even if it comes from a completely different SCM repository or going back in time. The drawback is you have to update the revision number(s) constantly, what we calldeps rolls. DEPS examplesWebkit's WebKit/chromium/DEPS and Chromium's src/DEPS are fairly complex examples that will show all the possibilities of a DEPS file. Sending patchesSomething in depot_tools or git-cl-repo is broken? You want to add a YAT, a yet another tool? You donot need to be a committer! Yay! Send a patch to maruel@ or whoever shows up in svn log/git log to have it fixed. If you are a committer, it is strongly advised to have a writable checkout first, seeinstalling depot_tools. Then use gcl or git-cl as usual tocontribute code. |