ogre 学习笔记系列(二)三大模块及事件处理


1 SceneManager 基础

  SceneManager管理出现在屏幕上的所有物体。当你把一个物体放到场景中,SceneManager就将对这个物体的坐标进行跟踪。当你建立一个摄象机时,SceneManager就将对他们所有东西进行跟踪。当你建立木块,广告牌,灯光...,SceneManager 还是会对他们进行跟踪。


2 Entity 基础


  值得注意的一件事是,OGRE是根据物体的坐标和方向的可渲染性分别进行渲染的。这就意味着你不能直接到场景中的一个网格进行渲染。你必须将要渲染的物体的网格给予SceneNode ,SceneNode 包含诸如坐标和方向等信息。

3 SceneNode 基础

  在上面已经提到,SceneNode 用于保持对所有与它联系的物体的坐标和方向进行跟踪。当你建立一个网格,他并不会在场景中进行渲染,除非你将这个网格赋予SceneNode 。相似的,SceneNode 不是你要在屏幕上显示的物体,只有当你建立一个SceneNode,并将一个网格赋予他,他才会在屏幕上显示一个物体。

  SceneNode 能将许多的物体赋予他。例如,你在屏幕上有一个行走的物体,并且你想产生一个灯光环绕着他。首先,你需要建立一个SceneNode ,然后建立角色的网格,并将他赋予SceneNode 。下一步建立灯光,并将他赋予SceneNode 。SceneNode也允许你将他赋予其他SceneNode,这样就建立了一个有等级的节点系统。在下一篇文章中,我们将更详细的讲解SceneNode的功能。


二、FrameListener, WindowEventListener, OIS::MultiTouchListener, OIS::KeyListener

1、FrameListener  渲染事件:

/** A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive
        notifications of frame events.
            A 'listener' is an interface designed to be called back when
            particular events are called. This class defines the
            interface relating to frame events. In order to receive
            notifications of frame events, you should create a subclass of
            FrameListener and override the methods for which you would like
            to customise the resulting processing. You should then call
            Root::addFrameListener passing an instance of this class.
            There is no limit to the number of frame listeners you can register,
            allowing you to register multiple listeners for different purposes.
            Frame events only occur when Ogre is in continuous rendering mode,
            i.e. after Root::startRendering is called. If the application is
            doing ad-hoc rendering without entering a rendering loop, frame
            events are not generated. Note that a frame event occurs once for
            all rendering targets, not once per target.
    class _OgreExport FrameListener
        Note that this could have been an abstract class, but I made
        the explicit choice not to do this, because I wanted to give
        people the option of only implementing the methods they wanted,
        rather than having to create 'do nothing' implementations for
        those they weren't interested in. As such this class follows
        the 'Adapter' classes in Java rather than pure interfaces.
        /** Called when a frame is about to begin rendering.
            This event happens before any render targets have begun updating.
                True to go ahead, false to abort rendering and drop
                out of the rendering loop.
        virtual bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt)
        { (void)evt; return true; }
        /** Called after all render targets have had their rendering commands
            issued, but before render windows have been asked to flip their
            buffers over.
            The usefulness of this event comes from the fact that rendering
            commands are queued for the GPU to process. These can take a little
            while to finish, and so while that is happening the CPU can be doing
            useful things. Once the request to 'flip buffers' happens, the thread
            requesting it will block until the GPU is ready, which can waste CPU
            cycles. Therefore, it is often a good idea to use this callback to
            perform per-frame processing. Of course because the frame's rendering
            commands have already been issued, any changes you make will only
            take effect from the next frame, but in most cases that's not noticeable.
            True to continue rendering, false to drop out of the rendering loop.
        virtual bool frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent& evt)
                { (void)evt; return true; }

        /** Called just after a frame has been rendered.
            This event happens after all render targets have been fully updated
            and the buffers switched.
                True to continue with the next frame, false to drop
                out of the rendering loop.
        virtual bool frameEnded(const FrameEvent& evt)
        { (void)evt; return true; }

        virtual ~FrameListener() {}
    /** @} */
    /** @} */

2、WindowEventListener 窗口相关事件

/** \addtogroup Core
    *  @{
    /** \addtogroup RenderSystem
    *  @{
        Callback class used to send out window events to client app
    class _OgreExport WindowEventListener
        virtual ~WindowEventListener() {}

            Window has moved position
        @param rw
            The RenderWindow which created this events
        virtual void windowMoved(RenderWindow* rw)
                { (void)rw; }

            Window has resized
        @param rw
            The RenderWindow which created this events
        virtual void windowResized(RenderWindow* rw)
                { (void)rw; }

            Window is closing (Only triggered if user pressed the [X] button)
        @param rw
            The RenderWindow which created this events
        @return True will close the window(default).
        virtual bool windowClosing(RenderWindow* rw)
        { (void)rw; return true; }

            Window has been closed (Only triggered if user pressed the [X] button)
        @param rw
            The RenderWindow which created this events
            The window has not actually close yet when this event triggers. It's only closed after
            all windowClosed events are triggered. This allows apps to deinitialise properly if they
            have services that needs the window to exist when deinitialising.
        virtual void windowClosed(RenderWindow* rw)
                { (void)rw; }

            Window has lost/gained focus
        @param rw
            The RenderWindow which created this events
        virtual void windowFocusChange(RenderWindow* rw)
                { (void)rw; }



        To receive buffered touch input, derive a class from this, and implement the
        methods here. Then set the call back to your MultiTouch instance with MultiTouch::setEventCallback
    class _OISExport MultiTouchListener
        virtual ~MultiTouchListener() {}
        virtual bool touchMoved( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
        virtual bool touchPressed( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
        virtual bool touchReleased( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
        virtual bool touchCancelled( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;



        To recieve buffered keyboard input, derive a class from this, and implement the
        methods here. Then set the call back to your Keyboard instance with Keyboard::setEventCallback
    class _OISExport KeyListener
        virtual ~KeyListener() {}
        virtual bool keyPressed(const KeyEvent &arg) = 0;
        virtual bool keyReleased(const KeyEvent &arg) = 0;        
