Smack 3.2.0 Beta has been released

大约2个星期前, Smack发布3.2.0 Beta版. 距离上次版本发布, 已经有2年的时间了.  很高兴看到这个项目还活着.


Smack  3.2.0 Beta has been released on February 3, 2011.  It has been well  over 2 years since the last release, but much work has been done to fix bugs and add new features .  There are still other issues to be worked on, as there will always be, but it is time to start a new roadmap for Smack.


The  starting point will be this release with the intent to produce a more  regular release cycle.  I will try to outline a roadmap for future  releases in the near future based on the current set of issues, feedback  within the forums and of course developer contributions.
