wayne@wayne-laptop:~/.ssh$ ssh -X
[email protected]
[email protected]′s password:
Linux ubuntu108 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:44:47 UTC 2008 x86_64
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit:
Last login: Mon Jul 20 09:34:34 2009 from
holly@ubuntu108:~$ sudo su -
root@ubuntu108:~# hostname
root@ubuntu108:~# apt-get update
root@ubuntu108:~# apt-get install build-essential libaio1 gawk ksh libmotif3 alien libtool lsb-rpm
root@ubuntu108:~# cd /bin
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 17 22:33 /bin/sh -> dash
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ln -sf bash /bin/sh
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 20 09:45 /bin/sh -> bash
root@ubuntu108:/bin# addgroup oinstall
Adding group `oinstall’ (GID 1001) …
root@ubuntu108:/bin# addgroup dba
Adding group `dba’ (GID 1002) …
root@ubuntu108:/bin# addgroup nobody
Adding group `nobody’ (GID 1003) …
root@ubuntu108:/bin# usermod -g nobody nobody
root@ubuntu108:/bin# useradd -g oinstall -G dba -p oracle -d /home/oracle -s /bin/bash oracle
root@ubuntu108:/bin# passwd -l oracle
Password changed.
root@ubuntu108:/bin# mkdir /home/oracle
root@ubuntu108:/bin# chown -R oracle:dba /home/oracle
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ln -s /usr/bin/rpm /bin/rpm
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ln -s /usr/bin/basename /bin/basename
root@ubuntu108:/bin# ln -s /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /lib/libgcc_s.so
root@ubuntu108:/bin# mkdir /etc/rc.d
root@ubuntu108:/bin# for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 S ; do ln -s /etc/rc$i.d /etc/rc.d/rc$i.d ; done
root@ubuntu108:/bin# mkdir -p /oracle
root@ubuntu108:/bin# chown -R oracle:dba /oracle
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “fs.file-max = 65536″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “kernel.shmall = 2097152″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “kernel.shmmax = 2147483648″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “kernel.shmmni = 4096″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “net.core.rmem_default = 262144″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “net.core.rmem_max = 262144″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “net.core.wmem_max = 262144″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “net.core.wmem_default = 262144″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “oracle soft nproc 2047″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “oracle hard nproc 16384″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “oracle soft nfile 1024″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# echo “oracle hard nofile 65530″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
root@ubuntu108:/bin# sysctl -p
kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7
kernel.maps_protect = 1
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
vm.mmap_min_addr = 65536
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
fs.file-max = 65536
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
root@ubuntu108:/bin# su – oracle
Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator
su: User account has expired
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ pwd
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ wget ftp://usr:
[email protected]/Oracle/10g/10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio.gz–10:06:07– ftp://hollycrm:*password*@
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ ls
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ gunzip 10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio.gz
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ ls
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ cpio -idmv < 10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ ls
10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio database
oracle@ubuntu108:~$ cd database/
oracle@ubuntu108:~/database$ ./runInstaller -help
./runInstaller: line 52: /home/oracle/database/install/.oui: No such file or directory
oracle@ubuntu108:~/database$ cd install
oracle@ubuntu108:~/database/install$ ls -al
total 364
drwxr-xr-x 5 oracle oinstall 4096 2009-07-20 10:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 oracle oinstall 4096 2009-07-20 10:11 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 28 2005-10-23 15:49 addLangs.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 76 2005-10-23 15:49 addNode.sh
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2009-07-20 10:11 images
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 46448 2005-10-23 15:49 lsnodes
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 2268 2005-10-23 15:49 oneclick.properties
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 2387 2005-10-23 15:49 oraparam.ini
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 6428 2005-10-23 15:49 oraparamsilent.ini
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 163185 2005-10-23 15:49 .oui
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2009-07-20 10:11 resource
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2009-07-20 10:11 response
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 102612 2005-10-23 15:49 unzip
root@ubuntu108:/usr/X11R6# apt-get install ia32-libs
Reading package lists… Done
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/database$ export DISPLAY=
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/database$ export LANG=us_EN.UTF-8
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/database$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -record -destinationFile /oracle/orainstall.rsp
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/database$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -silent -responseFile /oracle/orainstall.rsp
WARNING:A new inventory has been created in this session. However, it has not yet been registered as the central inventory of this system.
To register the new inventory please run the script ‘/home/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh’ with root privileges.
If you do not register the inventory, you may not be able to update or patch the products you installed.
The following configuration scripts
need to be executed as root for configuring the system. If you skip the execution of the configuration tools, the configuration will not be complete and the product wont function properly. In order to get the product to function properly, you will be required to execute the scripts and the configuration tools after exiting the OUI.
The installation of Oracle Database 10g was successful.
Please check ‘/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2009-07-20_02-41-14PM.log‘ for more details.
root@ubuntu108:~# /home/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh
Changing permissions of /home/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /home/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete
root@ubuntu108:~# /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/root.sh
Running Oracle10 root.sh script…
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin …
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Creating /etc/oratab file…
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
INFO: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.2.4/../../../libpthread.so when searching for -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.2.4/../../../libpthread.a when searching for -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libpthread.so when searching for -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libpthread.a when searching for -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libpthread.so when searching for -lp
INFO: thread
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libpthread.a when searching for -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
INFO: make[1]: *** [/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib/libnmemso.so] Error 1
INFO: make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib’
INFO: make: *** [libnmemso] Error 2
INFO: End output from spawned process.
INFO: ———————————-
INFO: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target ‘agent’ of makefile ‘/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib/ins_sysman.mk’. See ‘/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2009-07-20_02-54-28PM.log’ for details.
Exception Severity: 1
root@ubuntu108:/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs# sudo apt-get install gcc libaio1 lesstif2 lesstif2-dev make libc6 libc6-i386 libc6-dev-i386 libstdc++5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 ia32-libs
INFO: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.2.4/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.2.4/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
INFO: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib/libnmemso.so] Error 1
INFO: make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib’
INFO: make: *** [libnmemso] Error 2
INFO: End output from spawned process.
INFO: ———————————-
INFO: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target ‘agent’ of makefile ‘/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sysman/lib/ins_sysman.mk’. See ‘/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2009-07-20_03-10-03PM.log’ for details.
Exception Severity: 1
root@ubuntu108:/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs# apt-get install gcc-multilib
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/Disk1$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -record -destinationFile /oracle/oraupdate.rsp
oracle@ubuntu108:/oracle/Disk1$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -silent -responseFile /oracle/oraupdate.rsp
The following configuration scripts need to be executed as the “root” user.
#Root script to run
To execute the configuration scripts:
1. Open a terminal window
2. Log in as “root”
3. Run the scripts
The installation of Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 3 was successful.
Please check ‘/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2009-07-20_03-19-54PM.log’ for more details.
root@ubuntu108:/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs# /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/root.sh
Running Oracle10 root.sh script…
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The file “dbhome” already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
[n]: y
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin …
The file “oraenv” already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
[n]: y
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin …
The file “coraenv” already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
[n]: y
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
vi .bash_profile
umask 022
export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
export ORACLE_SID=hollyc5
export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle
export LANG=us_EN.UTF-8
sudo apt-get install gcc libaio1 lesstif2 lesstif2-dev make libc6 libc6-i386 libc6-dev-i386 libstdc++5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 ia32-libs gcc-multilib