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物体之间的作用力,把 shape 链接到 body

//物体之间的作用力,把 shape 链接到 body

#include "CCPhysicsSetting.h"

#ifndef __CCPHYSICS_BODY_H__
#define __CCPHYSICS_BODY_H__

#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"
#include "cocoa/CCGeometry.h"
#include <vector>

class Sprite;
class PhysicsWorld;
class PhysicsJoint;
class PhysicsShape;
class PhysicsShapeCircle;
class PhysicsShapeBox;
class PhysicsShapePolygon;
class PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment;
class PhysicsShapeEdgeBox;
class PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon;
class PhysicsShapeEdgeChain;

class PhysicsBodyInfo;
 *  physics 影响 body.
 * 它可以和一个或多个形状产生联系.
class PhysicsBody : public Object//, public Clonable(可克隆的)
     * @brief 创建一个包含 圆形的 body
    static PhysicsBody* createCircle(float radius);
     * @brief 创建一个包含 box形状的 body
    static PhysicsBody* createBox(Size size);
     * @brief  创建一个包含 polygon(多变形)的 body
     * points 是定义的点结构数组,沿顺时针缠绕的凸球面
    static PhysicsBody* createPolygon(Point* points, int count);
     * @brief  创建一个包含 EdgeSegment(边缘片段)形状的 body
    static PhysicsBody* createEdgeSegment(Point a, Point b, float border = 1);
     * @brief 创建一个包含 EdgeBox(边缘方块)形状的 body
    static PhysicsBody* createEdgeBox(Size size, float border = 1);
     * @brief 创建一个包含 EdgePolygon(边缘多边形)形状的 body .
    static PhysicsBody* createEdgePolygon(Point* points, int count, float border = 1);
     * @brief 创建一个包含 EdgeChain(边链)形状的 body.
    static PhysicsBody* createEdgeChain(Point* points, int count, float border = 1);
     * @brief 把一个圆的形状连接到 body
    virtual PhysicsShapeCircle* addCircle(float radius, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
     * @brief 把一个box的形状连接到 body
    virtual PhysicsShapeBox* addBox(Size size, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
     * @brief 把一个多边形的形状连接到 body 
    virtual PhysicsShapePolygon* addPolygon(Point* points, int count, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
     * @brief 把一个边缘部分的形状连接到 body
    virtual PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment* addEdgeSegment(Point a, Point b, float border = 1);
     * @brief 把一个边缘框形状连接到 body 
    virtual PhysicsShapeEdgeBox* addEdgeBox(Size size, float border = 1, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
     * @brief 把一个边缘多边形的形状连接到 body 
     * points 是定义的点结构数组,沿顺时针缠绕的凸球面.
    virtual PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon* addEdgePolygon(Point* points, int count, float border = 1);
     * @brief 附加一个边缘链形状到 body
     * points 是定义的点结构数组,沿顺时针缠绕的凸球面.
    virtual PhysicsShapeEdgeChain* addEdgeChain(Point* points, int count, float border = 1);
     * @brief 应用一个直接的力到 body.
    virtual void applyForce(Point force);
     * @brief 应用一个直接的力到 body.
    virtual void applyForce(Point force, Point offset);
     * @brief 应用一个连续的力到 body.
    virtual void applyImpulse(Point impulse);
     * @brief 应用一个连续的力到 body.
    virtual void applyImpulse(Point impulse, Point offset);
     * @brief 把一个力矩应用到 body.
    virtual void applyTorque(float torque);
     * @brief get the body shapes.
    inline std::vector<PhysicsShape*>& getShapes() { return _shapes; }
     * @brief get the first body shapes.
    inline PhysicsShape* getShape() { return _shapes.size() >= 1 ? _shapes.front() : nullptr; }
     * @brief remove a shape from body
    void removeShape(PhysicsShape* shape);
     * @brief remove all shapes
    void removeAllShapes();
     * @brief get 添加 body 的 world.
    inline PhysicsWorld* getWorld() const { return _world; }
     * @brief 获取 body 的所有joints(接触点)
    inline const std::vector<PhysicsJoint*>* getJoints() const { return &_joints; }
     * @brief get  sprite 为 aprite 设置的 body.
    inline Sprite* getOwner() const { return _owner; }
    void setCategoryBitmask(int bitmask);
    inline int getCategoryBitmask() const { return _categoryBitmask; }
    void setContactTestBitmask(int bitmask);
    inline int getContactTestBitmask() const { return _contactTestBitmask; }
    void setCollisionBitmask(int bitmask);
    inline int getCollisionBitmask() const { return _collisionBitmask; }
     * @brief get the body position.        //位置
    Point getPosition() const;
     * @brief get the body rotation.        //旋转
    float getRotation() const;
     * @brief 测试 body 是不是动态的    //body 是不是正在运动
     *  动态会影响 body 重力.
    inline bool isDynamic() { return _dynamic; }
     * @brief set body 的动态.
     * 动态会影响 body 重力.
    void setDynamic(bool dynamic);
     * @brief set the body mass(质量).
    void setMass(float mass);
     * @brief get the body mass(质量).
    inline float getMass() { return _mass; }
     * @brief 角速度 damping(阻尼系数)
    void setAngularDamping(float angularDamping);
     * @brief get 角速度 damping(阻尼系数).
    inline float getAngularDamping() { return _angularDamping; }
    //virtual Clonable* clone() const override;
    bool init();
    bool initStatic();
    virtual void setPosition(Point position);
    virtual void setRotation(float rotation);
    virtual void addShape(PhysicsShape* shape);
    virtual ~PhysicsBody();
    Sprite*  _owner;
    std::vector<PhysicsJoint*>  _joints;
    std::vector<PhysicsShape*>  _shapes;
    PhysicsWorld*               _world;
    PhysicsBodyInfo*            _info;
    bool                        _dynamic;
    bool                        _massDefault;
    bool                        _angularDampingDefault;
    float                       _mass;
    float                       _area;
    float                       _density;
    float                       _angularDamping;
    int    _categoryBitmask;
    int    _contactTestBitmask;
    int    _collisionBitmask;
    friend class PhysicsWorld;
    friend class PhysicsShape;
    friend class PhysicsJoint;
    friend class Sprite;


#endif // __CCPHYSICS_BODY_H__

#endif // CC_USE_PHYSICS
