(作者:LL 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/tcpipstack , 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明。谢谢!)
在上一篇 [Linux内核小白]深入剖析printf函数(上):如何不借助第三方库在屏幕上输出"Hello World"? 里,我们已经实现了用汇编语言在屏幕上输出了“Hello World”, 迈出了万里长征的第一步,但是我们知道实际的printf的功能是十分强大的,它和scanf一样属于标准输入输出的一种格式化函数,我们一般是这样使用它的:
例如,在打印整数是使用%d符号,在打印字符是用%c 符号.这些符号被称为转换说明.因为它们指定了如何不数据转换成可显示的形式.
下列列出的是ANSI C标准printf()提供的各种转换说明.
int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
/************************************************************************************ ** File: - Z:\code\c\LLprintf\print2.1\LLprintf.c ** ** Copyright (C), Long.Luo, All Rights Reserved! ** ** Description: ** LLprintf.c ** ** Version: 2.0 ** Date created: 23:56:33,24/01/2013 ** Author: Long.Luo ** ** --------------------------- Revision History: -------------------------------- ** <author> <data> <desc> ** ************************************************************************************/ #include "LLprintf.h" // Lprintf int Lprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { int i; char buf[256]; va_list arg = (va_list)((char*)(&fmt) + 4); /*4是参数fmt所占堆栈中的大小*/ i = vsLprintf(buf, fmt, arg); buf[i] = 0; LLprint(buf, i); return i; }
va_list arg = (va_list)((char*)(&fmt) + 4);
typedef char *va_list
其中的: (char*)(&fmt) + 4) 表示的是...中的第一个参数。
fmt是一个指针,这个指针指向第一个const参数(const char *fmt)中的第一个元素。
对于一个char *类型的变量,它入栈的是指针,而不是这个char *型变量。
你sizeof(p) (p是一个指针,假设p=&i,i为任何类型的变量都可以)
现在我想你该明白了:为什么说(char*)(&fmt) + 4) 表示的是...中的第一个参数的地址。
/****************************************************************************************** 可变参数函数调用原理(其中涉及的数字皆为举例) =========================================================================================== i = 0x23; j = 0x78; char fmt[] = "%x%d"; printf(fmt, i, j); push j push i push fmt call printf add esp, 3 * 4 ┃ HIGH ┃ ┃ HIGH ┃ ┃ ... ┃ ┃ ... ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┃ ┃ 0x32010┃ '\0' ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ 0x3046C┃ 0x78 ┃ 0x3200c┃ d ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ arg = 0x30468┃ 0x23 ┃ 0x32008┃ % ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ 0x30464┃ 0x32000 ───╂────┐ 0x32004┃ x ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ │ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┃ ┃ └──→ 0x32000┃ % ┃ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┃ ... ┃ ┃ ... ┃ ┃ LOW ┃ ┃ LOW ┃ 实际上,调用 vsprintf 的情形是这样的: vsLprintf(buf, 0x32000, 0x30468); ******************************************************************************************/
i = vsLprintf(buf, fmt, arg);
int vsLprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char *p; int m; char inner_buf[STR_DEFAULT_LEN]; char cs; int align_nr; va_list p_next_arg = args; for (p=buf; *fmt; fmt++) { if (*fmt != '%') { *p++ = *fmt; continue; } else { /* a format string begins */ align_nr = 0; } fmt++; if (*fmt == '%') { *p++ = *fmt; continue; } else if (*fmt == '0') { cs = '0'; fmt++; } else { cs = ' '; } while (((unsigned char)(*fmt) >= '0') && ((unsigned char)(*fmt) <= '9')) { align_nr *= 10; align_nr += *fmt - '0'; fmt++; } char * q = inner_buf; memset(q, 0, sizeof(inner_buf)); switch (*fmt) { case 'c': *q++ = *((char*)p_next_arg); p_next_arg += 4; break; case 'x': m = *((int*)p_next_arg); i2a(m, 16, &q); p_next_arg += 4; break; case 'd': m = *((int*)p_next_arg); if (m < 0) { m = m * (-1); *q++ = '-'; } i2a(m, 10, &q); p_next_arg += 4; break; case 's': strcpy(q, (*((char**)p_next_arg))); q += strlen(*((char**)p_next_arg)); p_next_arg += 4; break; default: break; } int k; for (k = 0; k < ((align_nr > strlen(inner_buf)) ? (align_nr - strlen(inner_buf)) : 0); k++) { *p++ = cs; } q = inner_buf; while (*q) { *p++ = *q++; } } *p = 0; return (p - buf); }
好的,我们再看看i = vsLprintf(buf, fmt, arg);
其实看看printf中后面的一句:LLprint(buf, i);
总结: vsLprintf的作用就是格式化。
//***************************************************************************** // //! A simple UART based printf function supporting \%c, \%d, \%p, \%s, \%u, //! \%x, and \%X. //! //! \param pcString is the format string. //! \param ... are the optional arguments, which depend on the contents of the //! format string. //! //! This function is very similar to the C library <tt>fprintf()</tt> function. //! All of its output will be sent to the UART. Only the following formatting //! characters are supported: //! //! - \%c to print a character //! - \%d to print a decimal value //! - \%s to print a string //! - \%u to print an unsigned decimal value //! - \%x to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters //! - \%X to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters (not upper case //! letters as would typically be used) //! - \%p to print a pointer as a hexadecimal value //! - \%\% to print out a \% character //! //! For \%s, \%d, \%u, \%p, \%x, and \%X, an optional number may reside //! between the \% and the format character, which specifies the minimum number //! of characters to use for that value; if preceded by a 0 then the extra //! characters will be filled with zeros instead of spaces. For example, //! ``\%8d'' will use eight characters to print the decimal value with spaces //! added to reach eight; ``\%08d'' will use eight characters as well but will //! add zeroes instead of spaces. //! //! The type of the arguments after \e pcString must match the requirements of //! the format string. For example, if an integer was passed where a string //! was expected, an error of some kind will most likely occur. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void UARTprintf(const char *pcString, ...) { unsigned long ulIdx, ulValue, ulPos, ulCount, ulBase, ulNeg; char *pcStr, pcBuf[16], cFill; va_list vaArgP; // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(pcString != 0); // // Start the varargs processing. // va_start(vaArgP, pcString); // // Loop while there are more characters in the string. // while(*pcString) { // // Find the first non-% character, or the end of the string. // for(ulIdx = 0; (pcString[ulIdx] != '%') && (pcString[ulIdx] != '\0'); ulIdx++) { } // // Write this portion of the string. // UARTwrite(pcString, ulIdx); // // Skip the portion of the string that was written. // pcString += ulIdx; // // See if the next character is a %. // if(*pcString == '%') { // // Skip the %. // pcString++; // // Set the digit count to zero, and the fill character to space // (i.e. to the defaults). // ulCount = 0; cFill = ' '; // // It may be necessary to get back here to process more characters. // Goto's aren't pretty, but effective. I feel extremely dirty for // using not one but two of the beasts. // again: // // Determine how to handle the next character. // switch(*pcString++) { // // Handle the digit characters. // case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { // // If this is a zero, and it is the first digit, then the // fill character is a zero instead of a space. // if((pcString[-1] == '0') && (ulCount == 0)) { cFill = '0'; } // // Update the digit count. // ulCount *= 10; ulCount += pcString[-1] - '0'; // // Get the next character. // goto again; } // // Handle the %c command. // case 'c': { // // Get the value from the varargs. // ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long); // // Print out the character. // UARTwrite((char *)&ulValue, 1); // // This command has been handled. // break; } // // Handle the %d command. // case 'd': { // // Get the value from the varargs. // ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long); // // Reset the buffer position. // ulPos = 0; // // If the value is negative, make it positive and indicate // that a minus sign is needed. // if((long)ulValue < 0) { // // Make the value positive. // ulValue = -(long)ulValue; // // Indicate that the value is negative. // ulNeg = 1; } else { // // Indicate that the value is positive so that a minus // sign isn't inserted. // ulNeg = 0; } // // Set the base to 10. // ulBase = 10; // // Convert the value to ASCII. // goto convert; } // // Handle the %s command. // case 's': { // // Get the string pointer from the varargs. // pcStr = va_arg(vaArgP, char *); // // Determine the length of the string. // for(ulIdx = 0; pcStr[ulIdx] != '\0'; ulIdx++) { } // // Write the string. // UARTwrite(pcStr, ulIdx); // // Write any required padding spaces // if(ulCount > ulIdx) { ulCount -= ulIdx; while(ulCount--) { UARTwrite(" ", 1); } } // // This command has been handled. // break; } // // Handle the %u command. // case 'u': { // // Get the value from the varargs. // ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long); // // Reset the buffer position. // ulPos = 0; // // Set the base to 10. // ulBase = 10; // // Indicate that the value is positive so that a minus sign // isn't inserted. // ulNeg = 0; // // Convert the value to ASCII. // goto convert; } // // Handle the %x and %X commands. Note that they are treated // identically; i.e. %X will use lower case letters for a-f // instead of the upper case letters is should use. We also // alias %p to %x. // case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': { // // Get the value from the varargs. // ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long); // // Reset the buffer position. // ulPos = 0; // // Set the base to 16. // ulBase = 16; // // Indicate that the value is positive so that a minus sign // isn't inserted. // ulNeg = 0; // // Determine the number of digits in the string version of // the value. // convert: for(ulIdx = 1; (((ulIdx * ulBase) <= ulValue) && (((ulIdx * ulBase) / ulBase) == ulIdx)); ulIdx *= ulBase, ulCount--) { } // // If the value is negative, reduce the count of padding // characters needed. // if(ulNeg) { ulCount--; } // // If the value is negative and the value is padded with // zeros, then place the minus sign before the padding. // if(ulNeg && (cFill == '0')) { // // Place the minus sign in the output buffer. // pcBuf[ulPos++] = '-'; // // The minus sign has been placed, so turn off the // negative flag. // ulNeg = 0; } // // Provide additional padding at the beginning of the // string conversion if needed. // if((ulCount > 1) && (ulCount < 16)) { for(ulCount--; ulCount; ulCount--) { pcBuf[ulPos++] = cFill; } } // // If the value is negative, then place the minus sign // before the number. // if(ulNeg) { // // Place the minus sign in the output buffer. // pcBuf[ulPos++] = '-'; } // // Convert the value into a string. // for(; ulIdx; ulIdx /= ulBase) { pcBuf[ulPos++] = g_pcHex[(ulValue / ulIdx) % ulBase]; } // // Write the string. // UARTwrite(pcBuf, ulPos); // // This command has been handled. // break; } // // Handle the %% command. // case '%': { // // Simply write a single %. // UARTwrite(pcString - 1, 1); // // This command has been handled. // break; } // // Handle all other commands. // default: { // // Indicate an error. // UARTwrite("ERROR", 5); // // This command has been handled. // break; } } } } // // End the varargs processing. // va_end(vaArgP); }
通过上面的工作,我们已经实现了一个自己的printf函数: LLprintf
/************************************************************************************ ** File: - Z:\code\c\LLprintf\print2.1\app.c ** ** Copyright (C), Long.Luo, All Rights Reserved! ** ** Description: ** app.c --- The Application Level. ** ** Version: 2.1 ** Date created: 23:53:41,24/01/2013 ** Author: Long.Luo ** ** --------------------------- Revision History: -------------------------------- ** <author> <data> <desc> ** ************************************************************************************/ #include "LLprintf.h" int main(void) { char *welcome = " A Tiny Demo show the LLprintf "; char *program_name = "LLprintf"; char *program_author = "Long.Luo"; char *date = "Jan. 24th, 2013"; float program_version = 2.1; Lprintf("%s\n\n", welcome); Lprintf("\t\t%s, version %f \n\n", program_name, program_version); Lprintf("\tCreated by %s, %s.\n\n", program_author, date); return 0; }
作者:LL 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/tcpipstack , 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明。谢谢!)