转:Servlets vs CGI

Advantages of servlets over CGI processes


  • have significantly less overhead
  • can inherit processing state between invocations
  • can use concurrency control in Java to share state at server

Servlets compared to CGI programs


  • are slower only when being initially loaded
  • are rather faster to run when loaded

Servlets can


  • open a database connection when initially loaded


  • share open DB connection with successive invocations

CGI programs have to renew DB connection each time they're run.

Servlets can


  • store state information in static variables in servlet


  • share access to state data each time servlet is run


  • control concurrent access to shared state easily

CGI programs lack common address space to share state easily.

Disadvantages of servlets over CGI processes


  • cruder model of concurrency (thread vs process scheduling)


  • less robust - share common address space in JVM process


  • more complex to write, handle and configure
