#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "malloc.h" #define N 20 #define M 256 typedef struct node { char name[N]; char value[N]; struct node *next; }node; void print(node *head) { node *p; p=head; if(p==NULL) { printf("Don't find the file !/n"); } while(p) { printf("%s %s/n",p->name,p->value); p=p->next; } } void read_ip(node *head,char *ip0,char *ip1,char *ip2,char *ip3) { node *p; int i = 0; char *j[4];//指针数组 p = head; while(p != NULL) { if((!strcmp(p->name,"IP")) || (!strcmp(p->name,"ip"))) { //ip //1第一段 for(j[0] = p->value;*j[0] != '.';j[0]++) { ip0[i++] = *j[0]; } ip0[i] = '/0'; printf("%s/n",ip0); //2第二段 i = 0; for(j[1] = j[0]+1;*j[1] != '.';j[1]++) { ip1[i++] = *j[1]; } ip1[i] = '/0'; printf("%s/n",ip1); //3第三段 i = 0; for(j[2] = j[1]+1;*j[2] != '.';j[2]++) { ip2[i++] = *j[2]; } ip2[i] = '/0'; printf("%s/n",ip2); //4第四段 i = 0; for(j[3] = j[2]+1;*j[3] != '/0';j[3]++) { ip3[i++] = *j[3]; } ip3[i-1] = '/0'; printf("%s/n",ip3); break; } else { p = p->next; } } } node *read(char *filename) { node *head,*p1,*p2; FILE *fp; char aa[M],*j,*k; int i, n = 0; if((fp=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) { printf("===>Sorry,cannot open the file !/n"); exit(1); } while(fgets( aa, M, fp ) != NULL ) { p1 =(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); for(i = 0;aa[i] != '/0';i++) { if(aa[i] == ';') { break; } else { if(aa[i] == '=') { i=0; break; } } } if(i==0) { for(k = aa; *k != '='; k++) { if(*k==' '||*k=='/t') { continue; } p1->name[i++]=*k; } p1->name[ i ] = '/0'; i=0; for( j = k+1; *j != '/0'; j++ ) { if( *j == ' ' || *j == '/t' ) { continue; } p1->value[ i++] = *j; } p1->value[ i ] = '/0'; if(n==0 ) { head = p2 = p1; n++; } p2->next = p1; p2 = p1; } } p2->next=NULL; fclose( fp ); return head; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { node *head; char *filename = "d://tianmo.txt";//配置文件存放目录 head = read(filename); print(head); char ip0[4],ip1[4],ip2[4],ip3[4]; read_ip(head,ip0,ip1,ip2,ip3); printf("ip0 = %s/nip1 = %s/nip2 = %s/nip3 = %s/n/n",ip0,ip1,ip2,ip3); return 0; }
#define MAXLINE 1024 #define MAXHOST 32 #define MAXLEN 128 typedef strcut fData{ char host[MAXHOST]; char dir[MAXLEN]; struct fData * next; }FNode; FNode *readcfg(char *filename) { FILE *fp; FNode *head,*p1,*p2; char buf[MAXLINE],*s,*t,*k; int i; if((fp=fopen(filename,"rt"))==NULL) { printf("cannot open the file !\n"); exit(1); } while( !feof( fp ) ) { p1 = (FNode *)malloc(sizeof(FNode)); fgets( buf, MAXLINE, fp ); s = strchr( buf, '/' ); if( s ) { t = s + 1; *s = '\0'; i = 0; for( k = buf; *k != '\0'; k++) { if( *k == ' ' || *k == '\t' ) { continue; } p1->host[ i++ ] = *k; } p1->host[ i ] = '\0'; i = 0; for( k = t; *k != '\0'; k++ ) { if( *k == ' ' || *k == '\t' ) { continue; } p1->dir[ i++ ] = *k; } p1->dir[ i ] = '\0'; if( NULL == head ) { head = p1; } else { p2->next = p1; } p2 = p1; } p1->next=NULL; } fclose( fp ); return head; }