require "luasql.odbc" require "luasql.sqlite3" odbc_env = luasql.odbc() -- 将Access文件在控制面板->管理工具->数据源 中增加到用户DSN,名称是hzbs odbc_conn = odbc_env:connect("hzbs") odbc_cur = odbc_conn:execute("SELECT * FROM hzbs;") sqlite_env = luasql.sqlite3() sqlite_conn = sqlite_env:connect("hzbs.sqlite3.db") sqlite_conn:execute("CREATE TABLE hzbs (id INTEGER primary key, hanzi TEXT, stroke_number INTEGER, stroke_order TEXT, unicode TEXT, gbk TEXT);") sqlite_conn:setautocommit(false) -- start transaction record = {} while odbc_cur:fetch(record, "n") do local id = record[1] local hanzi = record[2] local stroke_number = record[3] local stroke_order = record[4] local unicode = record[5] local gbk = record[6] sqlite_conn:execute("INSERT INTO hzbs(id, hanzi, stroke_number, stroke_order, unicode, gbk) VALUES(" .. id .. ",\'" .. hanzi .. "\'," .. stroke_number .. ",\'" .. stroke_order .. "\',\'" .. unicode .. "\',\'" .. gbk .. "\');") end sqlite_conn:commit() -- commit the transaction sqlite_conn:close() odbc_cur:close() odbc_conn:close() odbc_env:close()
多的不说,直接看代码吧。代码写得有点乱,不过凑合看是没什么问题的。要运行代码必须要先安装 LuaForWindows
require "luasql.sqlite3" require "wx" function _T(s) return s end -- enum stroke_t { local stroke_root = 0 -- for trie root, not a valid stroke local stroke_heng = 1 local stroke_shu = 2 local stroke_pie = 3 local stroke_na = 4 local stroke_zhe = 5 local stroke_max = 5 local stroke_text = {_T"一", _T"丨", _T"丿", _T"丶", _T"乛"} -- } function new_node(stroke) return {stroke=stroke, -- see stroke definition subnodes = {}, -- next strokes hanzis={} -- two or more hanzi could have the same stroke order } end function new_trie() return new_node(stroke_root) end -- insert hanzi and create the trie function insert_hanzi(node, stroke_order, hanzi) local stroke, not_found_index for i = 1, #stroke_order do stroke = tonumber(stroke_order:sub(i,i)) if node.subnodes[stroke] then node = node.subnodes[stroke] else not_found_index = i break end end if not_found_index then for i = not_found_index, #stroke_order do stroke = tonumber(stroke_order:sub(i,i)) node.subnodes[stroke] = new_node(stroke) node = node.subnodes[stroke] end end table.insert(node.hanzis, hanzi) end -- 看看strokes数组组成的笔划顺序的节点是否存在,如果存在则返回节点 function find_node(root, strokes) local node = root if #strokes < 1 then return nil end for i, stroke in ipairs(strokes) do if node.subnodes[stroke] then node = node.subnodes[stroke] else return nil end end return node end function db_to_trie(db_name) local env = luasql.sqlite3() local conn = env:connect(db_name) local cur = conn:execute("SELECT hanzi,stroke_order FROM hzbs;") local trie = new_trie() record = {} while cur:fetch(record, "a") do insert_hanzi(trie, record.stroke_order, record.hanzi) end cur:close() conn:close() env:close() return trie end function get_hanzi_enumerator(root) local traverse traverse = function(node) for i = 1, #node.hanzis do coroutine.yield(node.hanzis[i]) end for stroke = 1, stroke_max do if node.subnodes[stroke] then traverse(node.subnodes[stroke]) end end end local co = coroutine.create(function () traverse(root) end) return (function () local ret, hanzi = coroutine.resume(co) if not ret then -- already stopped return nil elseif hanzi == nil then -- the last call, no yield and no return value return nil else return hanzi end end) end --------------------------------------------------------------- -- GUI local new_id = (function () local id = wx.wxID_HIGHEST return (function () id = id + 1 return id end) end)() dialog = wx.wxDialog(wx.NULL, wx.wxID_ANY, _T"Lua笔划输入法演示", wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize) panel = wx.wxPanel(dialog, wx.wxID_ANY) local main_sizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxVERTICAL) -- 横竖撇捺折 按钮 local stroke_label = wx.wxStaticText(panel, new_id(), _T"可选笔划") local heng_button = wx.wxButton(panel, stroke_heng, stroke_text[stroke_heng]) local shu_button = wx.wxButton(panel, stroke_shu, stroke_text[stroke_shu]) local pie_button = wx.wxButton(panel, stroke_pie, stroke_text[stroke_pie]) local na_button = wx.wxButton(panel, stroke_na, stroke_text[stroke_na]) local zhe_button = wx.wxButton(panel, stroke_zhe, stroke_text[stroke_zhe]) local button_sizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxHORIZONTAL) button_sizer:Add(stroke_label, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxALL, 5) button_sizer:Add(heng_button, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) button_sizer:Add(shu_button, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) button_sizer:Add(pie_button, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) button_sizer:Add(na_button, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) button_sizer:Add(zhe_button, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) main_sizer:Add(button_sizer, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) -- 输入笔划列表 local input_label = wx.wxStaticText(panel, new_id(), _T"输入笔划") local input_textctrl = wx.wxTextCtrl(panel, new_id(), "", wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxTE_READONLY) local input_backspace_button = wx.wxButton(panel, new_id(), _T"退格") local input_clear_button = wx.wxButton(panel, new_id(), _T"清除") local input_sizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxHORIZONTAL) input_sizer:Add(input_label, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxALL, 5) input_sizer:Add(input_textctrl, 1, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) input_sizer:Add(input_backspace_button, 0, wx.wxALL, 5) input_sizer:Add(input_clear_button, 0, wx.wxALL, 5) main_sizer:Add(input_sizer, 1, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) -- 备选汉字 local candidate_label = wx.wxStaticText(panel, new_id(), _T"备选汉字") local candidate_sizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxHORIZONTAL) candidate_sizer:Add(candidate_label, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxALL, 5) local candidate_number = 5 function create_candidate_btn(num) local textctrls = {} for i= 1, num do textctrls[i] = wx.wxButton(panel, new_id(), "") candidate_sizer:Add(textctrls[i], 1, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxALL+wx.wxEXPAND, 5) end textctrls.start_id = textctrls[1]:GetId() textctrls.end_id = textctrls.start_id + candidate_number - 1 return textctrls end local candidate_textctrls = create_candidate_btn(candidate_number) main_sizer:Add(candidate_sizer, 1, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxALL+wx.wxEXPAND, 5) -- 选择输出的汉字 local output_textctrl = wx.wxTextCtrl(panel, new_id(), "", wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxSize(0, 100), wx.wxTE_MULTILINE) local output_sizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxHORIZONTAL) output_sizer:Add(output_textctrl, 1, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 5) main_sizer:Add(output_sizer, 0, wx.wxALIGN_LEFT+wx.wxEXPAND+wx.wxALL, 0) main_sizer:SetSizeHints(dialog) dialog:SetSizer(main_sizer) -- 必须加,否则不能正确退出程序 dialog:Connect(wx.wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, function (event) dialog:Destroy() event:Skip() end) -- 读入笔划数据库 local trie = db_to_trie("hzbs.sqlite3.db") -- 输入的stroke数组 input_strokes = {} get_next_candidate = nil function update_candidate() if get_next_candidate == nil then for _,textctrl in ipairs(candidate_textctrls) do textctrl:SetLabel("") end else for _,textctrl in ipairs(candidate_textctrls) do local hanzi = get_next_candidate() if hanzi then textctrl:SetLabel(hanzi) else textctrl:SetLabel("") end end end end function update_input() local text = {} for _,stroke in ipairs(input_strokes) do table.insert(text, stroke_text[stroke]) end input_textctrl:SetValue(table.concat(text, " ")) end function insert_stroke(stroke) table.insert(input_strokes, stroke); local node = find_node(trie, input_strokes) if node == nil then table.remove(input_strokes) -- 删除不合法的输入 -- BEEP else get_next_candidate = get_hanzi_enumerator(node) update_input() update_candidate() end end function remove_stroke() table.remove(input_strokes) local node = find_node(trie, input_strokes) if node == nil then get_next_candidate = nil else get_next_candidate = get_hanzi_enumerator(node) end update_input() update_candidate() end function clear_stroke() input_strokes = {} get_next_candidate = nil update_input() update_candidate() end dialog:Connect(wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, function(event) local id = event:GetId() if id <= stroke_max then insert_stroke(id) elseif id >= candidate_textctrls.start_id and id <= candidate_textctrls.end_id then output_textctrl:AppendText(candidate_textctrls[id-candidate_textctrls.start_id+1]:GetLabel()) clear_stroke() elseif id == input_backspace_button:GetId() then remove_stroke() elseif id == input_clear_button:GetId() then clear_stroke() end end) dialog:Centre() dialog:Show(true) wx.wxGetApp():MainLoop()