Windows 平台10.2.0.1 升级到10.2.0.4 报msvcr71.dll错误解决

Windows 平台10.2.0.1 升级到10.2.0.4 报msvcr71.dll错误解决


  • 肯定是因为MSVCR71.dll文件占用所致。
  • 故需要检查服务和进程是否完全正常关闭。

  • 通过检查所有的Oracle服务是否关闭。
  • 找到MSVCR71.dll被哪个进程所占用,将其停止。

MSVCR71.DLL 更新时在使用 找到用该DLL的进程,具体方法如下:

MSVCR71.DLL is in use during Oracle patch installationIf you are trying to upgrade the Oracle Client and an error message is displayed telling you that msvcr71.dll is in use, try the following:
1) Verify that all Oracle services are stopped.
2) Stop the Distributed Transaction Coordinator – In most cases this will solve the issue.
3) Run Process Explorer
a) In the Find menu, click on “Find Handle or DLL” (CTRL F)
b) Type msvcr71.dll and click on Search
c) Go through the list and close the listed applications

第二篇Metalink "Msvcr71.Dll In Use" Error During Upgrade of OWB [ID 602568.1]
In this Document


Applies to: 
Oracle Warehouse Builder - Version to [Release 10.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

While applying an OWB 10.2.0.x patch for Oracle Warehouse Builder, the following error occurs:
msvcr71.dll is in use.

msvcr71.dll is a module containing standard C library functions such as printf, memcpy etc.
It is a part of the Microsoft C Runtime Library.

It might be possible that there are some other process(related to Oracle or not) that are using this file when this file is needed by the OWB Patch for installation.

To identify which process is actually using the file, please do the following

1. Open the following link in your Internet browser:

2. Download and install the FileMon for Windows tool.

3. Run the Filemon.exe program.

4. In the Filemon pop-up window, "Filemon Filter", in the "Include" Section, add the value "msvcr71.dll"

Click Apply and click Ok .

5. Monitor the Filemon window for the msvcr71.dll process.

6. Search for the msvcr71.dll file under the column "Path".

7. Verify all the processes that are actually using this file and terminate those processes (stop Oracle and Non-Oracle Processes also that are using this file).

8. Try applying the 10.2.0.X patch again to see if the install goes well.
       这样找到使用的进程(msdtc.exe )。 对于msdtc.exe 就是Distributed Transaction Coordinator的进程,在service中把该进程关闭。 安装正常进行。

