c 连接 mysql

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include "mysql.h" 
* mysql_sample.c 
* MySQL client program sample code 
* by Robert on 2006.02.09 
* Anta Systems, Inc. 
* Compile options: 
*   gcc -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql -o mysql_sample mysql_sample.c -lmysqlclient -lz 

/* global definition */ 
#define CONN_HOST "" 
#define CONN_USER "test" 
#define CONN_PASS "" 
#define CONN_DB   "test" 

/* global MySQL handler */
MYSQL mysql; 
void exiterr(int exitcode) 
    fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(&mysql) ); 

int mysql_test()
    MYSQL_RES *res; 
    MYSQL_ROW row; 
    uint i = 0; 
      /* 1. init MySQL handler */ 
   if (!mysql_init(&mysql)) 

      /* 2. connect to MySQL */ 
   if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql, CONN_HOST , CONN_USER , CONN_PASS, NULL , MYSQL_PORT, NULL, 0)) 

/* 3. select Database */
    if (mysql_select_db(&mysql, CONN_DB)) 

      /* 4. excute a query */ 
   char *sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM test_table"; 
    if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlstr)) 

      /* 5. store result */ 
   if (!(res = mysql_store_result(&mysql))) 

    /* 6. fetch row and get the result */ 
    while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) 
        for (i=0 ; i < mysql_num_fields(res); i++) 
            printf("%s, ",row[i]); 

      /* 7. free result */ 

      /* 8. close MySQL Connection */ 

int main() 
    return 0; 


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