Am I lost?

A: Am I lost, Denny?
D: Depends what you're looking for.
A: Lori Colson thinks I'm lost.
D: Screw her.
D: Have you?
A: That's impolite talk, Denny.
A: Everything okay?
D: I'm the one that's lost, Alan.
A: How so?
D: Empty, I should say.
All my life, I wanted the Red sox to win the world series.
It was like a quest, you know?
Something burning inside.
And now the bastards have done it,
and I feel like...
I don't know, like my pilot light went out.
A: I know what you mean.

A: We've been comfortable aspiring to championship.
I don't know how comfortable we are as champions.

A: What do we do now?
D: I don't know.Must be awful rooting for the Yankees.

