手机软件设计中的wipe policy

今天看老大设计的关于手机与PC同步的设计图时,遇到一个名词叫作wipe policy,百思不得其解,在baidu和google上查也不能查到很准确的答案,最后在国外的某论坛上看到一篇相关的文章,才让我稍有了解,先做篇文章写下来与大家分享,由于没有较为官方的资料,其中不对的地方还请见谅。

wipe policy,直译过来就叫擦除政策,顾名思义,据我的理解就是对手机系统进行擦除还原,说简单了也就是重置出场设置,好像出现在BlackBerry device的设计中,下面是国外一哥们的关于使用这种政策的BlackBerry device在论坛上的讨论:

Handy find - Remote Wipe policy!
Hi guys!

I have been working with bes for some time, 3.6 to be exact, and though I have combed through the policy editor many a times, this morning I found a setting, that simply dont recall seeing before! 

If any of you have ever come across a used BB, this will make sence... quite often a used BB will STILL have the old IT policy, though its removable, its one extra step in place.... now I am sure SOME people will say no WAY this is like giving the keys away... but to me, it means less information is kept on the lost bb or stolen bb... 

The setting is at the bottom of the Security Policy group, written as the "Remote Wipre Reset to factory Defaults" and reads as,

"Specify whether the BlackBerry device resets itself to factory default settings when it receives the Erase Data and Disable Handheld IT Admin command over the wireless network. Set this IT policy rule to True to require the BlackBerry device to permanently delete its stored IT policy and delete all third party applications, in addition to performing the BlackBerry device wipe process.

If you do not set this rule, a default value of False will be used.

This rule applies only to Java-based BlackBerry devices version 4.2.2 and higher."

Thought I would pass it along, handy if your worried about your information left on the device. Please correct me if I am wrong here in the meaning of this policy.

这篇文章的大意就是BlackBerry上使用的wipe policy是可以remote的,大部分情况是使用这种方法擦除自己设备上的信息以防止信息随着设备的失窃而落入他人手中,当受到错误的信息和不能处理的命令时,也会进行 resets itself to factory default settings,我想这里指的应该是设备的相关部分进行reset,如果进行全局的reset,那么局面将会非常混乱。
在手机软件设计开发中,会遇到非常多的情况,比如测试部门就曾经向我们提出过超过100位的电话号码,一次性群发800条短信,只有号码没有姓名的联系人等等这种看似荒谬又不无道理的case。因为手机毕竟是小型设备,软件设计开发时,一个软件不能够像os那样面面俱到,所以出现错误不可避免,更不用说手机容易失窃这种极端情况,所以设计合理的还原功能是必须的,这时候应该就是wipe policy发挥作用的时候,至少,小弟我是这么理解的.......^_^

你可能感兴趣的:(手机软件设计中的wipe policy)