Ural 1021 Sacrament of the sum

Ural 1021 Sacrament of the sum
Use a hash table to reflect two lists of numbers.
It seems that each number cannot be less that -32768 and cannot be more that 32767.But I heard that it was not true."maxn" should be 100000,I suggest.Or you can try to find it...
Here is my code:
#include < iostream >
< string .h >
#define  maxn 100000
using   namespace  std;
long  n,m;
bool  a[ 2 * maxn + 7 ],b[ 2 * maxn + 7 ];
long  f( long  x)
return  x + maxn + 1 ;
int  main()
false , sizeof (a));
false , sizeof (b));
>> n;
for ( long  i = 1 ;i <= n;i ++ )
long  t;
>> t;
= true ;
>> m;
for ( long  i = 1 ;i <= n;i ++ )
long  t;
>> t;
= true ;
for ( long  i =- maxn;i <= maxn;i ++ )
if (a[f(i)] && b[f( 10000 - i)])
<< " YES " << endl;
return   0 ;
<< " NO " << endl;
return   0 ;

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