
出现`staticMetaObject' is not a member of `QThread'的错误
在没有使用信号与槽的情况下,尽量不要使用Q_OBJECT宏,否则,很容易出现`staticMetaObject' is not a member of `QThread'的错误;

QThread doesn't inherit QObject, so you can't use signals and slot with it.
Remember that in Qt3 you can't send signals across different threads --- you must use custom events for this.
Why is it not possible to use slots and signals over distinct threads as you told me ?

From Qt docs (http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/threads.html#8):
The Signals and Slots mechanism can be used in separate threads, as long as the rules for QObject based classes are followed. The Signals and Slots mechanism is synchronous: when a signal is emitted, all slots are called immediately. The slots are executed in the thread context that emitted the signal.
Warning: Slots that generate window system events or use window system functions must not be connected to a signal that is emitted from a thread that is not the GUI thread. See the Qt Library Mutex section above for more details.
This says you can use them under certain conditions, but this:
None of the QObject based classes included in the Qt library are reentrant. [...] QObject and all of its subclasses are not thread-safe.
says that you probably won't be able to meet those conditions.

If you want to use signals & slots across threads, switch to Qt4 and use queued connections.


About writing Makefile

g++ -o tv q_main.o gui/gui.a interface/interface.a hdware/hdware.a -L/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib -lqt-mt -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil
g++ -o tv gui/gui.a interface/interface.a hdware/hdware.a -L/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib q_main.o -lqt-mt -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil
例如这个错误出的问题就是:undefined reference to `CMainWindow::CMainWindow(QWidget*, char const*)'
