Unity3D图像后处理特效——Color Correction image effect

Color Correction allows you apply arbitrary color correction to your scene as a postprocessing effect (just like the Curves tool in Photoshop or Gimp). This page explains how to setup color correction in Photoshop and then apply exactly the same color correction at runtime in Unity.

颜色校正作为一种后处理特效允许您将任意的校正颜色应用于你的场景(就像 Photoshop Gimp 中的曲线工具)。本页说明如何在 Photoshop 中设置颜色校正,然后在Unity中如何在程序运行时应用完全相同颜色校正。


Like all image effects, Color Correction is only available in Pro version of Unity. Make sure to have the Pro Standard Assets installed.

和其他图像特效一样,该特效只能在Unity Pro上进行使用,并且在使用之前必须安装Pro Standard Assets

Unity3D图像后处理特效——Color Correction image effect_第1张图片

Color correction applied to the scene. Color ramp used (magnified) is shown at the right.


Color ramp used for the image above.



Getting color correction from Photoshop into Unity                PhotoShop中得到颜色渐变图并应用于Unity


1.      Take a screenshot of a typical scene in your game


2.      Open it in Photoshop and color correct using the Image->Adjustments->Curves


3.      Save the .acv file file from the dialog using Save...


4.      Open Pro Standard Assets->Image Based->color correction ramp.png in Photoshop

         在Photoshop中打开Pro Standard Assets->Image Based->color correction ramp.png

5.      Now apply color correction to the ramp image: open Image->Adjustments->Curves again and load your saved .acv file


6.      Select your camera in Unity and select Component->Image Effects->Color Correction to add color correction effect. Select your modified color ramp.

         在Unity中选择你的照相机,选择选项Component->Image Effects->Color Correction来加入颜色校正特效。选择你修改过的渐变颜色。

7.      Hit Play to see the effect in action!



Details                细节

Color correction works by remapping the original image colors through the color ramp image (sized 256x1):


1.      result.red = pixel's red value in ramp image at (original.red + RampOffsetR) index

result.red =渐变图像上索引为(original.red + RampOffsetR)的像素红色通道值

2.      result.green = pixel's green value in ramp image at (original.green + RampOffsetG) index

result.green =渐变图像上索引为(original. green + RampOffsetG)的像素绿色通道值

3.      result.blue = pixel's blue value in ramp image at (original.blue + RampOffsetB) index

result.blue =渐变图像上索引为(original. blue + RampOffsetB)的像素蓝色通道值

So for example, to invert the colors in the image you only need to flip the original color ramp horizontally (so that it goes from white to black instead of from black to white).


A simpler version of color remapping that only remaps based on luminance can be achieved with Grayscale image effect.





        The color correction ramp image should not have mip-maps. Turn them off in Import Settings. It should also be set to Clamp mode.

      颜色校正渐变图像不应该拥有mip-map。在Import Settings中将其关闭,同时它应该是Clamp模式。


Hardware support        硬件支持

This effect requires a graphics card with pixel shaders (2.0) or OpenGL ES 2.0. PC: NVIDIA cards since 2003 (GeForce FX), AMD cards since 2004 (Radeon 9500), Intel cards since 2005 (GMA 900); Mobile: OpenGL ES 2.0; Consoles: Xbox 360, PS3.

这个特效需要显卡拥有像素着色器(3.0)或者OpenGL ES 2.0。台式机:2003年以后的NVIDIA显卡(GeForce FX),2004年以后的AMD显卡(Radeon 9500),2005年以后的Intel卡(GMA 900);移动设备:OpenGL ES 2.0;控制台: Xbox 360 PS3


All image effects automatically disable themselves when they can not run on end-users graphics card.  

