1 Python里面还有一种好的数据类型是String
2 一个String是通过'' 或者 ""包成的串
3 设置变量brian值为"Always look on the bright side of life!"
#Set the variable brian on line 3! brian = "Always look on the bright side of life!"
1 练习
1 把变量caesar变量设置为Graham
2 把变量praline变量设置为john
3 把变量viking变量设置为Teresa
#Assign your variables below, each on its own line! caesar = "Graham" praline = "John" viking = "Teresa" #Put your variables above this line print caesar print praline print viking
1 Python是通过\来实现转义字符的
2 练习把'Help! Help! I'm being repressed!' 中的I'm中的'进行转义
#The string below is broken. Fix it using the escape backslash! 'Help! Help! \'\m being repressed!'
1 我们可以使用""来避免转义字符的出现
2 练习: 把变量fifth_letter设置为MONTY的第五个字符
""" The string "PYTHON" has six characters, numbered 0 to 5, as shown below: +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | P | Y | T | H | O | N | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 So if you wanted "Y", you could just type "PYTHON"[1] (always start counting from 0!) """ fifth_letter = "MONTY"[4] print fifth_letter
1 介绍String的第一种方法,len()求字符串的长度
2 练习: 把变量parrot的值设置为"Norweigian Blue",然后打印parrot的长度
parrot = "Norwegian Blue" print len(parrot)
1 介绍String的第二种方法,lower()把所有的大写字母转化为小写字母
2 练习: 把parrot中的大写字母转换为小写字母并打印
parrot = "Norwegian Blue" print parrot.lower()
1 介绍String的第三种方法,upper()把所有的大写字母转化为小写字母
2 练习: 把parrot中的小写字母转换为大写字母并打印
parrot = "norwegian blue" print parrot.upper()
1 介绍String的第四种方法,str()把非字符串转化为字符串,比如str(2)是把2转化为字符串"2"
2 练习: 设置一个变量pi值为3.14 , 把pi转化为字符串
"""Declare and assign your variable on line 4, then call your method on line 5!""" pi = 3.14 print str(pi)
1 主要介绍“.” 的用处,比如上面的四个String的四个方法都是用到了点
2 练习: 利用“.”来使用String的变量ministry的函数len()和upper(),并打印出
ministry = "The Ministry of Silly Walks" print len(ministry) print ministry.upper()
1 介绍print的作用
2 练习:利用print输出字符串"Monty Python"
"""Tell Python to print "Monty Python" to the console on line 4!""" print "Monty Python"
1 介绍print来打印出一个变量
2 练习:把变量the_machine_goes值赋值"Ping!",然后打印出
"""Assign the string "Ping!" to the variable the_machine_goes on line 5, then print it out on line 6!""" the_machine_goes = "Ping!" print the_machine_goes
1 介绍我们可以使用+来连接两个String
2 练习:利用+把三个字符串"Spam "和"and "和"eggs"连接起来输出
# Print the concatenation of "Spam and eggs" on line 3! print "Spam " + "and " + "eggs"
1 介绍了str()的作用是把一个数字转化为字符串
2 练习:利用str()函数把3.14转化为字符串并输出
# Turn 3.14 into a string on line 3! print "The value of pi is around " + str(3.14)
1 介绍了字符串的格式化,使用%来格式化,字符串是%s
2 举例:有两个字符串,利用格式化%s来输出
string_1 = "Camelot" string_2 = "place" print "Let's not go to %s. 'Tis a silly %s." % (string_1, string_2)
1 回顾之前的内容
2 练习
1 设置变量my_string的值
2 打印出变量的长度
3 利用upper()函数并且打印变量值
# Write your code below, starting on line 3! my_string = "chenguolin" print len(my_string) print my_string.upper()