lisp loop,dotimes,dolist,do

lisp loop,dotimes,dolist,do

Simple LOOP loops forever...

? (loop
    (print "Look, I'm looping!"))
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
"Look, I'm looping!" 
... and so on, until you interrupt execution... 

? (let ((n 0))
      (when (> n 10) (return))
      (print n) (prin1 (* n n))
      (incf n)))
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81
10 100

Use DOTIMES for a counted loop

? (dotimes (n 11)
    (print n) (prin1 (* n n)))
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81
10 100

Use DOLIST to process elements of a list

? (dolist (item '(1 2 4 5 9 17 25))
    (format t "~&~D is~:[n't~;~] a perfect square.~%" item (integerp (sqrt item))))
1 is a perfect square.
2 isn't a perfect square.
4 is a perfect square.
5 isn't a perfect square.
9 is a perfect square.
17 isn't a perfect square.
25 is a perfect square.

? (dolist (item `(1 foo "Hello" 79.3 2/3 ,#'abs))
    (format t "~&~S is a ~A~%" item (type-of item)))
1 is a FIXNUM
"Hello" is a (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 5)
79.3 is a DOUBLE-FLOAT
2/3 is a RATIO
#<Compiled-function ABS #x1E9CC3E> is a FUNCTION

DO is tricky, but powerful

? (do ((which 1 (1+ which))
       (list '(foo bar baz qux) (rest list)))
      ((null list) 'done)
    (format t "~&Item ~D is ~S.~%" which (first list)))
Item 1 is FOO.
Item 2 is BAR.
Item 3 is BAZ.
Item 4 is QUX.
(do ((var1 init1 step1)
     (var2 init2 step2)
    (end-test result)

var1       = which
init1      = 1
step1      = (1+ which)
var2       = list
init2      = '(foo bar baz qux)
step2      = (rest list)
end-test   = (null list)
result     = 'done
statement1 = (format t "~&Item ~D is ~S.~%" which (first list))

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