How to Get Over a Girl

How to Get Over a Girl

It feels bad at first, but we all have to move on. Don’t delay and risk getting mired in self pity. Find out what’s great about you without her.


You Will Need

*Physical activities
*Impulse control
*Life-affirming books
*New girl


Step 1: Start immediately 分手后,立即开始新生活,不要让感情纠葛阻碍你的生活步伐。
Start your life anew immediately after a breakup with a girlfriend, whether the reason for the breakup was that you were being cheated on, growing apart, or she moved out of the country. The reason doesn’t matter and begging to save the relationship won’t work.

Step 2: Seek friends 避免自己独处,多跟朋友或家人接触,转移你的注意力。
Seek the company of family and friends, if only to avoid being alone. Distract yourself from the pain by doing guy things with your buddies — anything that doesn’t involve women.

Step 3: Find physical activities 多参加体育锻炼,待在屋里会使你更加颓废。
Find activities — the more physical the better. Go to the gym, play a sport. Breathe, feel good, and live again. Dwelling on the past can paralyze your spirit and foster depression.

Step 4: Resist impulsive behavior 但是不要冲动做傻事。
Resist the impulse to meet women on the internet or visit psychics in the hope they can predict a different outcome.

Try to avoid music right now — especially sappy songs with sentimental lyrics. Sentimentality is the last thing you need right now.

Step 5: Dump her stuff 把与她有关的东西统统扔掉,眼不见,心不想。
Rid your house of all of her things, cleansing the environment of all reminders to start the healing process. Don’t return her stuff or attempt to get your stuff back. Make a clean break of it.

Step 6: Meditate or read 转移注意力,读读书,想想未来的生活。明天的太阳照常升起。
Meditate or read positive, life-affirming books on accepting one’s conditions. Tomorrow is another day.

Step 7: Identify the opportunity “天涯何处无芳草”,给自己机会去寻找一段真感情。
Make this an opportunity to meet new people and do different things. Something must have been wrong or the relationship would have lasted. Get out of the rut. Remember the cliche, “nothing gets you over the last one like the next one.”


用新情人来忘记旧情人是最好的方法。nothing gets you over the last one like the next one。


In a 2010 survey of nearly 2,000 people, almost 2/3 of respondents declared they would dump a partner by text message.



impulsive adj. 冲动的;受感情驱使的;任性的

           His impulsive decision to buy the house proved to be mistake.


dump vt. 倾倒;倾卸

           I will dump it in the sea.



