This lecture is going to introduce various aspects and concepts regarding the construction and implementation of microkernel-based operating system. In the first part, we introduce fundamental mechanisms that are required for efficient construction of an operating system on top of a microkernel. In the second part of the lecture, we show you real systems that have been built using these concepts. While strongly focussing on the microkernel work done at TU Dresden, we also take a look at alternatives.

Having attended the lecture on microkernel construction might help you to understand some concepts easier, but it is not necessary. In fact, we recommend to attend this lecture here first.

In addition to the lecture, we also have a practical course in which you will built parts of an operating system on top of a L4 microkernel in a group of 2-4 students. You are encouraged to take this practical course, too.

The lecture will cover the following aspects:
  • The TU Dresden Operating System (TUD:OS)
  • Basic services provided by the L4 Runtime Environment (L4Re)
  • Resource Management and Real-Time
  • The Genode Operating System Framework
  • Virtualization concepts, especially para-virtualizing Linux (L4Linux)
  • Building secure systems
  • Reusing commodity software in a microkernel environment


  1. Introduction
  2. Inter-Process Communication
  3. Threads
  4. Memory
  5. Real-Time
  6. Device Drivers
  7. Resource Management
  8. Virtualization
  9. Legacy Reuse
  10. Security
  11. Security Architectures
  12. Trusted Computing
  13. Debugging
  14. Operating Systems vs. Fault Tolerance


We will have two types of exercises. Practical exercises give you the opportunity to get hands-on experience using the software presented during the lecture. Paper Reading exercises let you practice reading scientific papers and shall inspire discussion on research ideas. All topics covered during the exercises may be content of your exam.

Practical Exercises

30th October, room INF E040
Getting Started
27th November, room INF E069
Inter-process Communication  (source code>
08th January
Virtualization (L4Linux)

Paper Reading

In preparation for these exercises you are required to read the paper to be presented in the exercise. Prepare at least three questions regarding topics of the paper. These may cover things you don't understand as well as arguments you do not believe in or ideas that arose from your reading. You will be expected to sum up the paper during the exercise as well as discuss your questions.

16th October
Per Brinch Hansen: "The Nucleus of a Multiprogramming System"
4th December
Galen Hunt: Singularity: Rethinking the Software Stack
11th December
Gerald Popek, Robert Goldberg: Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third-Generation Architectures
Robert Goldberg: Survey of Virtual Machine Research(additional literature for better understanding)
15th January
Bryan Ford, Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau, Patrick Tullmann, Godmar Back, Stephen Clawson: Microkernels meet Recursive Virtual Machines
