insert overwrite table t_calc_sms_ex_base partition(stat_time='20120807')
select /*+mapjoin(b)*/a.user_name,b.camp_id,b.project_id,b.camp_type,
a.send_time,a.mobile,a.sms_bill_count,a.uid from s_sms a join con_task_info b on(a.user_name=b.user_name and a.task_id=b.task_id and b.stat_time='{CURRENT_DATE}') where a.stat_time='{CURRENT_DATE}';
insert overwrite table t_calc_edm_ex_base partition(stat_time='{CURRENT_DATE}')
a b必须指定马sgfs
explain create table gv_test_tmp
hive> desc s_sms;
hive> insert overwrite table js_sms_uid partition(stat_time='20120807')
> select DISTINCT user_name,task_id,send_time,uidFAILED: Error in semantic analysis: 5:9 SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY can not be in the same query. Error encountered near token 'send_time'
用group by 就可以去重。
hive> select user_name,task_id,send_time,count(1),sum(sms_bill_count),uid
> from s_sms
> where stat_time='20120807'
> group by send_time,task_id;
FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: Line 1:7 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'user_name'
hive 中不要出想tab
select aa.*,bb.uid
from (select a.user_name,a.send_time,sum(a.send_sum),sum(a.bill_sum)
from js_sms_byTaskid_exUid a
where stat_time='20120807'
group by user_name,send_time)aa
join (select b.user_name,b.send_time,count(distinct b.uid) as uid
from js_sms_uid
where stat_time='20120807'
group by user_name,send_time)bb
on (aa.user_name=bb.user_name and aa.send_time=bb.send_time);