2010-12-11 组长工作日志概要设计的开发学习


5.javascipt DocumentsDocument Object:Anchor--文档中超级链接的目的地,称为锚.
  applet:Include a Java applet in a web page.
  Area :将一幅图像的一部分定义为一个图像地图。当用户单击该区域时,将在区域的目的窗口中装载其超链接指向的引用
    document: contains information about the current document,and provides methods for displaying HTMLoutput to user.
  properties:image  lastmodified  layers referrer and so on.
  Method : close  open releaseEvents  write and so on.
  image : an image on an HTML Form.
  parameter:width heightEvent handler:onError  onKeyUp onLoad onKeyPress onKeyAbort
    properties: border complete  height hspace lowsrc  name widthlayer :Corresponds to a layer in an HTML page and provides    a means for manipulating that layer.
  Link :A piece of text, an image, or an area of an image identified as a hypertext link. When the userclicks the link  text,image, or area, the link hypertext  reference is loaded into its target window. Area objects are a type of Link object.
  6.javascipt Frame .
  Frame : 一个窗口可以在一个屏幕上显示多个互不相干的可滚动的框架,每个框架都有其对应的URL 。
  History : contains an array of information on the URLs that the Client has visited within a window . This informationis stored in a history list and is accessible thought the browser's Go menu.
  properties : current  length  next previousMethod : back forward goLocation :contains information about the current URL.
  Screen  :contains properties of the monitor and color.
  Window : Represents  a browser window or frame .This is  a top-level object for each Document location and history object group.
  Event handler : onBlur  onDragDrop onError onFocus onLoad onMove onResize onUnload
