

2009-02-25 20:41:28|  分类: 嵌入式|字号 订阅


1. 使用printf调试

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf(“valriable x has value = %d\n”, x)




#define BASIC_DEBUG 1

#define EXTRA_DEBUG 2

#define SUPER_DEBUG 4


       printf …


在这种情况下如果设置编译器标志为-DDEBUG=5,将启用BASIC_DEBUG 和SUPER_DEBUG。 标志-DDEBUG=0将禁用所有的调试信息,也可以在程序中添加如下语句:

#ifndef DEBUG

#define DEBUG 0






3. 程序静态分析工具splint



4. 程序执行性能分析工具prof/gprof


5. 内存调试






1.         mtrace






       #include <mcheck.h>

       void mtrace(void);

void muntrace(void);







2.         strace





3.         binutil


  • ld - the GNU linker.
  • as - the GNU assembler.
  • addr2line - Converts addresses into filenames and line numbers.
  • ar - A utility for creating, modifying and extracting from archives.
  • c++filt - Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols.
  • gprof - Displays profiling information.
  • nlmconv - Converts object code into an NLM.
  • nm - Lists symbols from object files.
  • objcopy - Copys and translates object files.
  • objdump - Displays information from object files.
  • ranlib - Generates an index to the contents of an archive.
  • readelf - Displays information from any ELF format object file.
  • size - Lists the section sizes of an object or archive file.
  • strings - Lists printable strings from files.
  • strip - Discards symbols.
  • windres - A compiler for Windows resource files.







4.         ld-linux

现在加载ELF可执行文件的工作,已经落到头上了。你可能会问,这与有调试程序有关系吗?有的。比如,在linux中,共享库里所有非static的函数/全局变量都是export的,更糟的是C语言中没有名字空间这个概念,导致函数名极易冲突。在多个共享库中,名字冲突引起的BUG是比较难查的。这时,你可以通过设置LD_ DEBUG环境变量,来观察ld-linux.so加载可执行文件的过程,从中可以得到不少帮助信息。LD_ DEBUG的取值如下:

  • libs        display library search paths
  • reloc       display relocation processing
  • files       display progress for input file
  • symbols     display symbol table processing
  • bindings    display information about symbol binding
  • versions    display version dependencies
  • all         all previous options combined
  • statistics  display relocation statistics
  • unused      determined unused DSOs
  • help        display this help message and exit

5.         gdb



6.         gcc/boundschecker



gcc也有个扩展,通过在编译时插入调试代码,来实现更强大的检查功能。当然这要求重新编译gcc,你可以到 下载gcc的补丁。它的可移植性非常好,笔者曾一个ARM 平台项目里使用过,效果不错。


7.         valgrind





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Linux 平台上的C语言调试工具!

Debugging Tools for C on  Linux Platform

Submitted by Nikhil Bhargava on Tue, 02/17/2004 - 14:37. Articles | General Interest
This article talks about debugging tools for applications in C on Linux platforms. Most of the tools are freely available on all major platforms with very wide user support. The tools help in static analysis of code as well as assist in dynamic evaluation of code.

Please note that tools listed here are suggestions of the author. This list is not a standard one. Changes have to be done in it depending upon the nature, scope and details of the application to be developed.
Debugging Tools

1. Dmalloc

The debug memory allocation or Dmalloc library is a freeware debugging tool which has been specially designed as a drop in replacement for the system's malloc, realloc, calloc, free and other memory management routines while providing powerful debugging facilities configurable at runtime. It makes changes during compile time and donot add runtime changes in binary. These facilities include such things as memory-leak tracking, fence-post write detection, file/line number reporting, and general logging of statistics. The library is reasonably portable having been run successfully on at least the following operating systems: AIX, BSD/OS, DG/UX, Free/Net/OpenBSD, GNU/Hurd, HPUX, Irix, Linux, MS-DOG, NeXT, OSF, SCO, Solaris, SunOS, Ultrix, Unixware, Windoze, and even Unicos on a Cray T3E. It has full support for programs the debugging of POSIX threads.

The package includes the library, configuration scripts, debug utility application, test program, and documentation.

2. Valgrind

Valgrind is a GPL distributed system for debugging and profiling x86-Linux programs. I can also be helpful for programs for platforms other than x86 since behavior of x86 binary is similar to other binaries. The accompanying tools with Valgrind automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, avoiding hours of frustrating bug-hunting, making programs more stable. It supports a through detailed profiling to help speed up the programs.

The Valgrind distribution includes four tools: two memory error detectors, a thread  error detector, and a cache profiler.

3. Electricfence

Electric Fence is a freeware library that can be used for C programming and debugging. It can be linked at compile time and it will warn about possible problems such as freeing memory that doesn't exist, etc. It is basically a memory profiling tool. However currently it is available only on HP-Unix platform (I am not very sure though).

4. GDB

This is the Gnome Debugger which comes as a freeware support package with freeware Linux distribution like Red Hat, Slacware, and Debian etc. It has full support of many languages like C, C++, and Perl etc. It helps to debug the binaries of these languages in modes like single step, multiple step or complete run. It also has provisions of setting break points and trace value.

It is helpful for stub testing, functional flow checking and bound checking.  Further this is readily available with all flavours of Linux andUnix platforms and is amply supported in user community.

5. Insight

Insight is a graphical user interface to GDB, the GNU Debugger written in Tcl/Tk by at Red Hat, Inc. and Cygnus Solutions Insight provides all features provided by GDB along with Graphical debugging interface replacing traditional command based interface.

6. Memprof

MemProf is a free ware memory Profiling and memory leak detection tool which comes as an addendum to common Linux distributions. It can generate a profile how much memory was allocated by each function in the program. It can scan memory and find blocks that have been allocated but are no longer referenced anywhere (dead code).

MemProf works by pre-loading a library to override the C library's memory allocation functions and does not require recompiling the program. One advantage MemProf has over some other similar tools that are available is that it has a nice GUI front-end and is relatively easy to use.

I am Nikhil Bhargava from Delhi, India. I am a Computer Engineer currently working in C-DOT, India for past one year. Comments and Suggestions are always welcome.

10.3  图形化调试工具

尽管你可以在大多数(即便不是全部)Linux调试 任务中使用GDB,但与长时间坐在GDB命令行前面相比,许多人还是更愿意使用诸如DDD或Eclipse这样的图形化工具。从各方面来看,大多数非常花 哨的图形化调试工具不过是建立在GDB基础上的一个抽象,所以选择哪一种图形化工具完全属于个人爱好。

本节将介绍两个这样的工具,当然还存在其他许多这样的工具(包括GDB的前端GNU insight),它们也被各种开发团队所使用。
