Blending Skeletal Animations(1)

Blending Skeletal Animations(1)

Blending Skeletal Animations

You would normally use a series of pre−calculated key−framed animations in your game projects. You create these animations using 3D modeling programs such as discreet's 3DStudio Max or Caligari's trueSpace. Although they served their purpose quite nicely, those pre−created animation sequences did lack one major aspect uniqueness. Once an animation, always an animation meaning that the animations are the same, regardless of how many times you play them.

Moving into a more dynamic world of animation, the technique of animation blending has become more than a buzz word. What's that you don't know what animation blending is? Animation blending is the ability to take separate animations and blend, or rather combine, them to create a new animation.

For instance, as Figure 6.1 shows, you can blend an animation of your character walking and another animation of him waving his arm to create an animation of him walking and waving his arm at the same time!

Blending Skeletal Animations(1)_第1张图片

You don't have to stop with only blending two animations, you could go on to combine three, four, or even ten different animations into one unique animation! With each new animation you add, the possibilities of blending increase exponentially. With only a small set of animations at your disposal, you could literally create hundreds of new animations using animation blending.

Now, I won't lie to youthe theory and implementation of animation blending is extremely, excruciatingly simple. That's right; animation blending is one of those things that makes you wonder why the heck you weren't doing it earlier. It's that easy! It all has to do with the way you combine the various transformations of the skeletal structure's bones.


Combining Transformations

Your skeletal animations are merely series of transformation matrices applied to the bones of your mesh's skeletal structure. These transformations include translations, scaling, and rotations. For the most part, the transformations are rotations. The bones rotate at the joint; only the root bone is typically allowed to translate around the world, and even then that's best left up to the world transformation (rather than directly translating the bones themselves). Those points aside, the transformations create the animation.

As you can see in Figure 6.2, you can create new poses by adding various transformations to the existing transformations of the skeletal structure. For example, to make the skeleton's arm move, add a rotational transformation matrix to the arm bone transformation. Slowly increasing the rotational value added to the bone transformation creates smooth animation.

Blending Skeletal Animations(1)_第2张图片

Figure 6.2: The skeleton's default pose (on the left) has an associated set of transformation matrices; when combined with animation set transformation matrices, these will create new poses.

You can see that you achieve animation by combining (through matrix concoction) or directly storing a set of animation transformations with your skeleton's transformation matrices. To smoothly animate a mesh, you can use linear interpolation to scale the animation set's transformation matrices over time.

So at the most basic level, you are dealing with transformation matrices to create animation; there's one transformation matrix to apply for each bone in the mesh. The pre−calculated key−frame animation set is the source of the transformation matrices that are applied to the bone's transformation.

Think about thisinstead of taking that single transformation matrix from your animation set (from a matrix key frame or combined from a series of position, translation, and rotation key frames), why couldn't you just take a series of transformations that affect the same bone from multiple animation sets and combine them? After all, you're using matrix concoction to combine multiple transformations, so why not just throw in a few more transformations from multiple animations while you're at it?

Whoa! You caught me thereyou can't just concoct the matrices and expect the transformations to come out correctly. Think of it: Matrix concoction is non−commutative, meaning that the order in which you multiply the various transformations is crucial. If you were to multiply two transformations that both were rotated and then translated, you would end up with a final transformation that rotates, translates, rotates, and finally translates. That's obviously too much transformation data for a single bone that typically rotates and then

To correct this problem, you need to add the transformations instead of multiplying them. So, for instance, the previous two transformations that rotate and then translate would combine into a transformation that only rotates and then translates (as opposed to rotating, translating, rotating, and finally translating). Adding transformations is perfectly acceptable!

Adding two matrices (represented by D3DXMATRIX objects) is as simple as the following line of code:

D3DXMATRIX matResult = Matrix1 + Matrix2;

From there on, you can use the matResult matrix for your transformations; rest assured, it represents the combined transformations of Matrix1 and Matrix2. To combine more animation transformations, just add another matrix to matResult and continue until you have combined all the transformations you want to use.

Now that you know this information, you can begin combining the various transformations of separate animation sets.

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