



 1 procedure StrToUniCon(AStr: string; UniCon: TUniConnection);
 2   function GetDBType(i: Integer): string;
 3   begin
 4     case i of
 5       0:
 6         begin
 7           Result := 'SQL Server';
 8         end;
 9       1:
10         begin
11           Result := 'Oracle';
12         end else
13       begin
14         Result := '';
15       end;
16     end;
17   end;
18 var
19   L: TStrings;
20 begin
21   if Trim(AStr) = '' then Exit;
22   if (AStr <> '') and (AStr[Length(AStr)] = '|') then system.Delete(AStr, Length(AStr), 1);
23   L := TStringList.Create;
24   try
25     L.Delimiter := '|';
26     L.DelimitedText := AStr;
27     if L.Count = 6 then
28     begin
29       UniCon.LoginPrompt := False;
30       UniCon.ProviderName := GetDBType(StrToInt(L.Values['DBTYPE']));
31       if SameText(UniCon.ProviderName, 'Oracle') then
32       begin
33         UniCon.SpecificOptions.Clear;
34         UniCon.SpecificOptions.Add('Oracle.Direct=True');
35         UniCon.SpecificOptions.Add('Oracle.PrecisionInteger=11');
36         UniCon.server := L.Values['SERVER'] + ':' + L.Values['PORT'] + ':' + L.Values['DBNAME'];
37       end else
38       begin
39         UniCon.server := L.Values['SERVER'] + ',' + L.Values['PORT'];
40         UniCon.Database := L.Values['DBNAME'];
41       end;
42       UniCon.Username := L.Values['USERNAME'];
43       UniCon.Password := L.Values['PASSWORD'];
44     end;
45   finally
46     L.Free;
47   end;
48 end;
procedure TfmDBConectString.bt_testconnClick(Sender: TObject); 2 var 3 Con: TUniConnection; 4 begin 5 if rgDbType.ItemIndex = -1 then 6 begin 7 Application.MessageBox('请选择数据库类型!', '警告', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_APPLMODAL); 8 Exit; 9 end; 10 Con := TUniConnection.Create(nil); 11 try 12 try 13 StrToUniCon(Self.GetConnectXML, Con); 14 Con.Connect; 15 ShowMessage('连接成功!'); 16 Con.Disconnect; 17 except 18 on E: Exception do 19 begin 20 ShowMessage(E.Message); 21 end; 22 end; 23 finally 24 Con.Free; 25 end; 26 end;


 1 procedure TSyncThread.LoadFromCon(Uni: TUniConnection);
 2 var
 3   S:String;
 4 begin
 5   with TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(GetModuleName(0),'.ini')) do
 6   begin
 7     S:=ReadString('Config','FromConStr','');
 8     if S<>'' then
 9     begin
10       StrToUniCon(S,Uni);
11     end;
12     Free;
13   end;
14 end;


 1  1 function TfmMain.GetToConStr: string;
 2  2 begin
 3  3   with TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(GetModuleName(0), '.ini')) do
 4  4   begin
 5  5     Result := ReadString('Config', 'ToConStr', '');
 6  6     Free;
 7  7   end;
 8  8 end;
 9  9 
10 10 procedure TfmMain.SetToConStr(const Value: string);
11 11 begin
12 12   with TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(GetModuleName(0), '.ini')) do
13 13   begin
14 14     WriteString('Config', 'ToConStr', Value);
15 15     Free;
16 16   end;
17 17 end;

