SHGetSpecialFolderPath 一个很有用的API

SHGetSpecialFolderPath 一个很有用的API

PB取系统文件夹,有很多API,如GetSystemDirectoryA可以得到SYSTEM32系统文件夹,GetTempPathA得到临 时文件夹,GetWindowsDirectoryA得到windows文件夹。这里再介绍一个有用的API - SHGetSpecialFolderPath ,这个api除了能得到以上列举的文件夹,还能得到更多的系统文件夹。


声明API: function ulong SHGetSpecialFolderPath(long hwndOwner,ref string lpszPath,int nFolder,boolean fCreate ) LIBRARY "shell32.dll" ALIAS FOR "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"
Function Long GetDesktopWindow() Library 'user32.dll'

hwndOwner :用GetDesktopWindow API取一个窗口句柄。



fCreate:true :如果文件夹不存在则创建,false:不创建



nFolder lpszPath
0 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/桌面
2 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序
5 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents
6 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Favorites
7 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序/启动
8 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Recent
9 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/SendTo
11 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单
13 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Music
14 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Videos
16 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/桌面
19 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/NetHood
20 C:/WINDOWS/Fonts
21 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Templates
22 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单
23 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序
24 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/启动
25 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/桌面
26 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Application Data
27 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/PrintHood
28 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Application Data
31 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Favorites
32 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files
33 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Cookies
34 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/History
35 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data
37 C:/WINDOWS/system32
38 C:/Program Files
39 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Pictures
40 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户
43 C:/Program Files/Common Files
45 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Templates
46 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents
47 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/管理工具
48 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序/管理工具
53 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Music
54 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures
55 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Videos
56 C:/WINDOWS/resources
59 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/CD Burning


// 函数: u_fun::uf_directory_get()
// 描述: 取系统文件夹
// 参数:
//   value integer ai_folder  
// 返回:   string
// 修改历史:
string ret
long ll_null
SHGetSpecialFolderPath(GetDesktopWindow(), ret ,ai_folder,false)
return ret
