plot and splot are the primary commands in Gnuplot. They plot functions and data in many many ways. plot is used to plot 2-d functions and data, while splot plots 3-d surfaces and data.
plot {[ranges]}
{[function] | {"[datafile]" {datafile-modifiers}}}
{axes [axes] } { [title-spec] } {with [style] }
{, {definitions,} [function] ...}
For example, try:
gnuplot> plot sin(x)/x
gnuplot> splot sin(x*y/20)
gnuplot> plot sin(x) title 'Sine Function', tan(x) title 'Tangent'
Discrete data contained in a file can be displayed by specifying the name of the data file (enclosed in quotes) on the plot or splot command line. Data files should have the data arranged in columns of numbers. Columns should be separated by white space (tabs or spaces) only, (no commas). Lines beginning with a # character are treated as comments and are ignored by Gnuplot. A blank line in the data file results in a break in the line connecting data points.
For example your data file, force.dat , might look like:
以空白字符作为行列分割, 空行表示数据分段
# This file is called force.dat
# Force-Deflection data for a beam and a bar
# Deflection Col-Force Beam-Force
0.000 0 0
0.001 104 51
0.002 202 101
0.003 298 148
0.0031 290 149
0.004 289 201
0.0041 291 209
0.005 310 250
0.010 311 260
0.020 280 240
You can display your data by typing:
gnuplot> plot "force.dat" using 1:2 title 'Column', /
"force.dat" using 1:3 title 'Beam'
Do not type blank space after the line continuation character, "/" .
Your data may be in multiple data files. In this case you may make your plot by using a command like:
gnuplot> plot "fileA.dat" using 1:2 title 'data A', /
"fileB.dat" using 1:3 title 'data B'
For information on plotting 3-D data, type: 关于3d请看帮助
gnuplot> help splot datafile
gnuplot> plot "force.dat" using 1:2 title 'Column' with lines
, /
"force.dat" u 1:3 t 'Beam' w linespoints
Plots may be displayed in one of eight styles:
lines, points, linespoints, impulses, dots, steps, fsteps, histeps,
errorbars, xerrorbars, yerrorbars, xyerrorbars, boxes, boxerrorbars,
boxxyerrorbars, financebars, candlesticks or vector
Create a title: > set title "Force-Deflection Data"
Put a label on the x-axis: > set xlabel "Deflection (meters)"
Put a label on the y-axis: > set ylabel "Force (kN)"
Change the x-axis range: > set xrange [0.001:0.005]
Change the y-axis range: > set yrange [20:500]
Have Gnuplot determine ranges: > set autoscale
Move the key: > set key 0.01,100
Delete the key: > unset key
Put a label on the plot: > set label "yield point" at 0.003, 260
Remove all labels: > unset label
Plot using log-axes: > set logscale
Plot using log-axes on y-axis: > unset logscale; set logscale y
Change the tic-marks: > set xtics (0.002,0.004,0.006,0.008)
Return to the default tics: > unset xtics; set xtics auto
set multiplot; # get into multiplot mode
set size 1,0.5;
set origin 0.0,0.5; plot sin(x);
set origin 0.0,0.0; plot cos(x)
unset multiplot # exit multiplot mode
set terminal jpeg
set output "your_output_file"
plot sin(x)/x